6 Ways to Beautify Your Bathroom

Your bathroom might be the smallest room in your home, but it’s still important. It’s where you start your day by washing your face or hopping in the shower. It’s where you end your day by flossing and brushing your teeth. A cramped, ugly, or outdated bathroom is no place to start the day on the right foot. Your bathroom should be a place of beauty and relaxation. If it doesn’t invite a bubble bath, then it could use some work.

We’ve put together six of our favorite ways to beautify a bathroom. Without further ado, here are six things you could start to change today.

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If you’ve got ugly bathroom cabinets, they’re probably the first thing you notice when you walk into the room. An outdated color or a cheap design can completely alter the mood of your water closet. If you hate your cabinets, don’t be discouraged. You can try repainting your cabinets, or take advantage of custom kitchen and bathroom designs to get brand new ones.

Empty Wall Space

If you’ve got few windows and a big bathroom, you might hate all that empty wall space. White or cream colored walls can feel like a prison cell in the morning. If you need to break up your wall space with something better, consider hanging shelves or art. Art can serve as faux windows, and shelves can make a space feel cozier, despite its size. 

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Ugly Tiles

If you’re stuck with ugly 70s tiles, then we feel your pain. Plenty of bathrooms suffer from outdated tiles. Whether they’re sunshine yellow, mint green, or Pepto Bismol pink, your outdated tiles need to go. If you can’t afford to replace them, you can try painting over them, or better yet–installing tile decals. If you rent, you can peel them off when you go, and your bathroom will look gorgeous as long as they’re on.

Shower Wall

If your tub or shower is looking old and grungy, it can depress even those morning pick-me-up showers. If you’ve cleaned to no avail, it might be time to transform your shower and bathtub. A Brimfield, MA local granite distributor could help you install gorgeous shower walls of dark granite. That’s a tub you’ll never get tired of.

Too Much Space
If your bathroom is too large, it can feel impossible to fill. You won’t keep anything moisture sensitive in your bathroom, but a large bathroom can feel like a huge waste of space. Instead of leaving your walls and floor bare, put up those shelves we suggested. If you’ve got a window or two, you can actually grow an entire indoor garden in your bathroom. The plants will love the moisture, and you’ll love the green. 

Too Little Space

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You might have the exact opposite problem. Your bathroom might have barely enough space for a shower, toilet, and sink. If you suffer from lack of floor, try to make the most of your walls. You can start storing towels on shelves, or keep a basket of toilet paper rolls under the sink. Keep your bathroom-items at a minimal, but store them up high, since you have more vertical than horizontal space.

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Here’s What You Need to Know about Keratin Treatment

What you need to know before you go for the keratin treatment option is whether you need it. Although stylists swear by keratin with regard to getting rid of frizz and having a head glossy hair it is not for every type of hair.

In order for you to get the right treatment for your hair and for the results you desire, you need to know your hair type. Once you have ascertained that your hair would thank you if you treat it to keratin, get some information. Typing keratin treatment in NYC, for instance, could give you all sorts of important information.

You need to:

  1. Be sure about what you need

There are different names for different treatments:

  • Keratin straightening treatment
  • Smoothing treatment

The first is for straightening your hair while the latter smoothens out frizzy hair. If you confuse the two, then you will not get the results you expect and you may end up blaming the product. It might be a good idea to discuss with a stylist exactly what you want for your hair before you make the purchase.

  1. Find out as much as you can about the product

This is in terms of ingredients and how they work on hair. Inasmuch as the product involves keratin, it is not the only ingredient therein. Learn what other ingredients are used and the application of the treatment. You would also do well to learn how each ingredient helps in treating your hair.

Find out how long the whole process takes and whether there are treatments involved like blowdrying. Also, how long does the effect last before you can have a repeat treatment?

  1. There may be substances that are not organic

Whatever you hear about treatment products, they are not 100% organic. It is not entirely possible to have hair treatments that have no chemicals whatsoever. This is a fact you will have to deal with if you want your locks all glossed up and straightened out.

  1. Make a few sacrifices

Almost anything worth having comes with a few sacrifices. For instance, in order to have companionship, you must give up some of your personal space. In your quest for straight or shiny hair, you will have to live with not touching your hair for at least three days. No ponytails, no washing, no clipping back. You are likely to interfere with the overall effect if you do any of the aforementioned.

  1. Effects are not guaranteed

Pretty much like life, isn’t it? Nothing is ever guaranteed. Whichever kind of keratin treatment you go, you need to have that niggling doubt just on the surface so as not to be too acutely disappointed if the light does not bounce off your mane. If your hair, for instance, does not straighten out as you would wish, you could opt for a flat-iron. You might also be tempted to try out the new wonder straighteners that you use at home.

Your crowning glory is your pride and you must treat it well to main that full and healthy, which is why you cannot go blind when it comes to products. So get informed by typing keratin treatment in NYC or something related for more information.

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