Face Acne – How to Wash Your Face the Correct Way

Face Acne - How to Wash Your Face the Correct WayWhile it may be considered a relatively simple process, it is essential that you perform this routine twice a day properly if you want to have the best chance of overcoming acne. Following this advice can simplify the process of washing your face and possibly save you some money in the process. It is true regardless of whether you have acne or are trying to keep your face acne free.

The soap is burnt in our minds early on. We are told when we are young by our parents to rub repeatedly to be completely clean. When we reach adolescence, we tend to use even more soap in an attempt to combat acne and oily skin. So finally, when we reach adulthood, we tend to continue the same way, although the makeup of our coat has changed. Our skin and hormones change as we age using anti-acne face wash.

There is a confusing amount of different types of soap out there – each claiming to be the best new product to help you fight acne or oily skin. You can find rejuvenating soap, deodorized soap, super fat soap, sandalwood soap, avocado, wintergreen, mint and vitamin E. The list goes on.

There are several different types of cleaners available today as well. Some cleansers exfoliate your skin while you wash. Some medicinal soaps contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. People may report that their skin looks cleaner, but the truth is that these soaps often remove their skin from essential oils and dry them thoroughly. It is especially true if you are using an anti-acne topical medicine.

It is also not a good idea to wash your face more than once in the morning and before going to bed. Twice a day is enough. Washing more often does not offer additional benefits and also prevents the skin from producing oils. Remember that the oil your skin leaves is also beneficial. If you have inflammation and redness, washing too often will aggravate this condition.

It does not matter if your skin is very oily, or if you have acne or any other type of skin. It is always best to wash your face only twice a day. Do not believe all ads on TV or in magazines promising the best results. These testimonials you see on TV, where the person has perfect skin, is a paid actor. He or she probably always had a healthy appearance or makeup applied before shooting.

While these may not be the most exciting soaps, they work. If you have oily skin use Ivory Soap. If you have dry skin, use Dove Soap. If you have allergic reactions to soap or have sensitive skin, use non-soap cleansers. A couple of examples are Aquanil or Neutrogena Extra Gentle Cleanser.

Although it seems ridiculous to give directions here, they are excellent.

  1. Using warm water, soak the soap.
  2. In a circular motion, rub the soap onto your skin with a cloth or your fingertips. Do this kindly. Do not be tempted to use items like sponges or brushes.
  3. Wash your face with warm water until you have wiped your face with soap.
  4. Use a soft cotton towel to dry the face. Please do not rub your look with the cloth. It’s much better to pat your face.

That’s all you need to know about anti-acne face wash. Keep it simple!

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5 Reasons Why Bees Are Important to Humans

5 Reasons Why Bees Are Important to Humans-pngWhy Bees Are Important to Humans

The bee is a fascinating creation of nature. While many people view bees as scary insects that may sting when disturbed, bees play a critical role in the daily lives of humans. From pollinating up to one-sixth of all flowering plants in the world to increase the yield of food crops, bees are a vital part of the U.S. and global economy.

The sad news is that bee populations across the world are decreasing. The exact reason is not yet known, but climate change and human activity (such as destroying bee habitats and overusing chemical fertilizers) certainly play a factor. Here are the reasons why bees are so important to humans, followed by tips on how you can help support your local bee populations.

  1. Bees are the key to much of our food supply

It’s widely known that bees play an important role in pollination. By sucking on the nectar of flowering plants, bees spread pollen to other plants and help with the fertilization process. They also disperse seeds and encourage the growth of many different plant species.

Pollination is what most farmers rely on to enjoy healthy crop yields during every planting season. Without pollination, yields would be low, and we wouldn’t enjoy enough supply of food crops such as kales, broccoli, avocados, and cucumbers.

In addition to food crops, bees also pollinate commercial crops such as cotton and clovers. Cotton is used in many different manufacturing processes, while clovers provide fodder for cattle.

2. Bees contribute to the overall growth of the economy

It’s fascinating to think about how important a tiny insect such as the bee is to humans. Bees contribute as much as $15 billion to the U.S food crop industry. With about 4000 bee species in the U.S alone, each type of bee plays an important role in promoting the growth of food crops around the country. Bees pollinate flowers, spread seeds, and increase yields from our farms and gardens. As a result, we end up with fruits, nuts, berries, and seeds that grow both in domestic and wild areas.

The hard work of bees has led to growth in the U.S food crop economy. This, in turn, results in more jobs being available during downstream processes. For example, all crops that are harvested have to undergo additional processing before they end up on your table as lunch or dinner. With a healthy population of bees, the country’s economy is more likely to thrive.

3. Bees are an essential part of the ecosystem

Bees also play an important role in the local ecosystem. Though their natural activities, honeybees encourage the healthy growth of flowers, plants, and trees, which in turn serve as habitats for other insects. From birds to butterflies and ants, bees support other species that also play an important role in pollination.

Bees serve as a natural source of prey for many different species further up the food chain. Birds, spiders, and dragonflies rely on bees as their source of food for generating the energy they need to survive.

Some species of bees dig burrows underneath the soil to form their habitats. This digging helps aerate the ground and keep it healthier in the long run.

4. Honey is used in many different ways by humans

Perhaps the best-known benefit of bees is honey. Bees produce honey as a food source for the colony when the weather gets cold. But it’s not just bees that rely on honey. Humans also harvest honey to use in many different ways, from applying it on bread to an ingredient of cosmetic products.

It would be difficult to imagine the human world without honey. We use it to treat wounds, promote the growth of healthy hair and skin, and add taste to many different recipes in the home.

5. Bees make the environment beautiful

Bees also contribute to biodiversity and thus make our environment attractive. These insects promote the growth of many different species of plants, flowers, and trees, thus contributing towards a vibrant ecosystem that sustains other insects, birds, and mammals. Simply put, bees are the unsung heroes that make our environment thrive.

With an understanding of why bees are so important, you can play an active role in supporting local bee populations. In Florida, simple activities such as using organic fertilizers in your garden, planting bee-loving plants, and purchasing honey products from your local beekeepers will help local bees thrive. Remember that bees fuel the economy of Florida. Help support local bee populations by buying your honey products from local bee-keepers.

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7 Tips And Tricks To Keep Your Carpet Clean Like The Professionals

7-Tips-And-Tricks-To-Keep-Your-Carpet-Clean-Like-The-Professionals Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

If you live your life like the average person your carpets probably aren’t the first thing on your mind every day. They also tend to take a lot more abuse than you realize until you’re frantically trying to clean up a spill or someone has tracked in mud all over them.

Carpet cleaning isn’t always a very exciting topic for a lot of homeowners. Still, when you need to get out a stain or you just want to keep your home looking as great as possible it’s a topic you’ll need to know at least a little bit about.

Tips about carpet cleaning are pretty universal especially when they come from the pros. So whether you’re in Littleton Colorado and carpet cleaning or clear across the world in Rome, these tips will still work for you. The good thing here is they’re all tried and true methods that will keep your carpets clean, just like the pros.

1. Blot (Don’t Scrub) From The Outside In

When it comes to cleaning up spills this is something you’ll always want to keep in mind. Pros say never scrub a spill. It pushes the liquid or dirt deeper down and can ruin your carpet’s fibers. Instead, it’s recommended that you blot at the spill with a dry towel. You’ll want to work your way from the outside of the spill towards the middle.

If you work from the middle outwards, you can risk pushing the liquid farther out creating a larger mess than what you’re already dealing with. So remember this simple yet essential tip when it comes time to clean up the next spill. Blot, from the outside in.

2. Grease Stains? Use Dish Soap

Grease stains on your carpet can be quite a beast to deal with unless you know about this tip. Dish soap is made for cutting grease, so thinking outside the box and using it in another greasy area will yield some pretty amazing results. Especially if you’ve all but given up hope of ever getting that grease stain out of your carpet at this point.

Use a spray bottle and a few drops of dish soap per cup of water. Mix the solution in your bottle and spray it directly on the stain. Allow it to sit for a few minutes (the more set in the stain is the more time the solution will need to cut through the grease) and then blot it up in the same manner as you just read about. Work from the outside in. You can repeat this tip as needed.

3. Use Area Rugs To Extend Your Carpet’s Life

Cleaning smaller area rugs is much easier than cleaning a carpet installed in your entire home. Think about area rugs as a way you can both decorate your home, and protect your carpet a little more. If area rugs are taking the brunt of day to day life abuses, your carpets are being protected and lasting a little longer than they otherwise might.

If you don’t like area rugs you can also consider carpet runners. It gives the same benefits as area rugs but might fit your design aesthetic a little more. Either way, the goal is to have something that’s more easily cleaned and offers a barrier to the more expensive carpeting you have in your home.

4. Don’t Skip The Steam Clean

Whether you own your own steam cleaner or rent one from the local grocery store you can’t skip this task. It does take some extra time but you’ll only need to do it every 2-3 months. Deep cleaning your carpets gets a lot of that deep down stuff you can’t see up and out of the carpet before it can cause too much damage.

Skipping steam cleaning can lead to dirt build-up and matted carpeting that needs to be replaced much sooner than you were planning on. Go ahead and make a plan to regularly steam clean your carpet. It’s a task that takes a while but you’ll only have to do it every few months, and it will save you a lot of headaches (and money.)

5. Have Pets? Use A Squeegee

Have-Pets-Use-A-SqueegeePhoto by Gotardo Ronitis on Unsplash

As long as you don’t have a super long shag style carpeting installed in your hope this tip will be a great one for you. Not all vacuums can handle pet hair effectively, which sometimes leaves you with fur or hair coating your carpets. Fortunately, this is more easily solved than you might realize.

Use a squeegee and scrape it across your carpet. As you pull it across the carpeting, the friction created will scrape the pet hair up and you can easily pick it up and toss it away. It’s a very simple tip that will be so helpful you’ll wonder how you ever got by without it. A lot less hair in your carpet with minimal effort? Yes, please!

6. Freeze Gum And It Will Come Out

You can use a chemical spray to freeze the gum but that can be costly. It’s also unlikely that you have gum stuck in your carpet often enough to make that investment worth your money. Instead, freeze the stuck in gum with some ice cubes. After you’ve left the gum to harden into a solid mass as much as it can, use a spoon to lift out the solid lump.

If there are still some sticky fibers left over after you get the main clump out, you can carefully snip those away. If you do it just right, and only clip the very top layer of the carpet where there is residue, no one will be able to notice. This can be a real lifesaver when it comes to wondering how you’re going to get that sticky mess off your floor.

7. Baking Soda Is A Carpet’s Best Friend

You can mix baking soda and a few drops of essential oils in your favorite scent to make a homemade carpet freshener. Just sprinkle it over the carpets in your home and let it sit for about fifteen minutes. Once you vacuum it up your carpets should look a little brighter and the room should smell amazing.

You can also use baking soda and vinegar to get stains out of your carpet if you pair the mixture with some water and your iron. It’s a pretty simple trick but it works oh so well. Mix the baking soda with 1 part vinegar to three parts water. You can do this directly on the stain or in a spray bottle. Allow the mixture to bubble and soak into the stain.

Cover the stain with a towel and use a warm iron on the towel itself to lift the stain out of your carpet and up into the towel. You’ll want to make sure you’re using a towel that you’re okay with getting dirty, and repeat this as needed for darker stains that are very set in. You may have to do several rounds to see the full effect in those cases.


Tips-and-Tricks-To-Keep-Carpets-CleanPhoto by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

Although no one may ever need to know every single carpet cleaning tip or trick out there, these are some key ones to keep in mind. You don’t want to be left wondering what to do when a spill happens or you’re facing getting gum out for the first time. Keep these tips in mind and remember that the best thing you can do is care for your carpets regularly.

The more preventative care you give to your carpets the less you’ll need to know for emergency carpet situations. After you’ve taken care of your deep cleaning or regular care for the week, make sure you take a moment to enjoy how great your home looks with freshly cleaned carpets. You’ll be glad you put in the effort when you can get back to enjoying life a little more quickly.

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