Tips for Avoiding Infection After Dental Implants

 What-to-know-when-having-dental-implants-and-how-to-avoid-InfectionWhether you already have dental implants or are considering the procedure, good maintenance of the dental implants is the key to continued oral health. For people with one or more missing teeth, dental implants are a way to enjoy the foods they love and feel better about their appearance. The first 48 hours after surgery require special care, to be discussed with you by the periodontist. Implement these guidelines after this time to keep your gums safe and your dental implants in full working order:

Regular Cleaning

Take care of your implants in the same manner as you frequently brush your natural teeth. A dental hygienist can also use the technique of scaling during the cleaning. This process extracts plaque from under the gumline of teeth.


Routine checks are required to track the implants. Implant experts and hygienists examine gums, review x-rays and ensure that everything is functioning correctly. At Osstem, we request that our patients with dental implants come in for a qualified grooming consultation twice a year. We will inspect and disinfect the implant abutments at these appointments and will clean and polish your prosthetic teeth.


Brushing implants is just as necessary as for the natural teeth to avoid infection. Clean with a soft-bristled toothbrush twice a day. A low-abrasive tartar-control toothpaste is also recommended, as is an interdental toothbrush that helps remove plaque between the teeth.


Floss twice a day, to make sure you get between your teeth and along the abutments. Using a tape that is not waxed or floss is for use with dental implants. Often useful in extracting bacteria and tiny pieces of food from between teeth is a water flosser, also called a water jet or oral irrigator. Usually, this is the system we prescribe to our patients with full All-on-4 jaw dental implants.


Spray your teeth with an antimicrobial tooth rinse or rinse that your dentist suggests.


X-rays are part of every routine dental procedure and the dentist will decide whether or not you require x-rays at your check-up. X-rays will help ensure the implants are in order and perform properly.

Be Observant

You are the first line of defense against problems with dental implants. Pay attention to any gum tissue discomfort, or problems when biting and chewing.

Be Careful with Certain Foods and Drinks

One of the great things about dental implants is that they enable you to enjoy your life as usual. That includes eating and drinking foods and drinks that you love. Take care of them, just as the normal teeth should. Below are the foods to avoid:


If you have a big sweet tooth, you need alternatives to sticky sweets like chocolate or taffy. They can cause early wear and tear on the crowns is=f dental implants due to the way they stick to surfaces. Consuming such treats at times is good, but do so with caution to prevent removing an implant earlier than necessary – if at all.


Ice is another food one must avoid chewing and crunching. Ice is very hard, so you risk cracking or fracturing implants when you bite down. Sometimes, however, you can suck on ice and thereby prevent any unnecessary damage that would need a dentist to fix.

Unboiled Vegetables

In spite of the nutritional benefits of consuming raw vegetables, many are too crunchy in their natural state. Broccoli, carrots, celery and broccoli are delicious but may break or crack your dental implants when eaten uncooked. To protect your new smile, rather cook your choice of vegetables first.

Hot Foods and Liquids

Your dental implants have metal posts within your gum tissue. When you drink or eat foods such as hot coffee or soup, they can heat up greatly compared to the usual teeth. When consuming overheated beverages and foods, you can unintentionally damage or burn the tender tissues that surround these implanted supports. As a result, gum tissue fails, and your implanted dental work can fall out or loosen. Always ensure that something you put in your mouth is at a safe temperature because of this risk.


Popcorn is one of today’s most popular snacks. If you have dental implants, popcorn isn’t the best option for a snack. This is because the kernels and shells become stuck between your teeth and in your gums. For many, it’s not a concern but if you have implants, there’s a chance you might get a piece stuck and cause significant discomfort and even, probably, a painful infection.

What Happens if you do not Conduct Proper Care of Dental Implants?

lack of proper oral hygiene and treatment of the dental implant can contribute to periodontitis. This form of gum disease affects the enamel of the dent and the’s the reason why a lot of people require dental implants first. It may also lead to problems with your dental implants.

Poor Gum Condition Signs Include:

Swelling and inflammation

Loose teeth


Sore gums during brushing and flossing

Poor breath odour



Whether you have dental implants or need the treatment, dental implant care is the secret to continued oral health.

Follow the advice above and you can keep smiling both inside and out.
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Double Eyelid Surgery for Better Appearance

 Double-Eyelid-Surgery-for-Better-AppearanceEyes are probably the first thing that we are noticed on another person. It’s known that people are always drawn to beautiful eyes. That’s one of the reasons why their shape and size are so important for everyone. People’s eye shapes can be different and varied. There is of course beauty in diversity.

Many Asians are born with small eyes without crease or with heavy drooping eyelids. As TheLookBook says, this is the reason why a large number of them turn to aesthetic clinics. It’s no surprise, bearing in mind bigger western-looking eyes enhance attractiveness. A lot of Asians have more fat in the upper eyelid area in the middle compartment. The surgery reshapes the skin around the eye with incisions or sutures to create a defined crease on the upper lid.

Why do People Get Double Eyelid Surgery?

According to research, most of the Asian people have gotten eyelid surgery. Some of the reasons are:

  • They want to be pretty and handsome;
  • Asian women focus more on their physical appearances;
  • Good looking people provide a better first impression;
  • Double eyelid surgery helps people to feel more comfortable.

Most of the patients desire that surgery for cosmetic reasons. They just want to accentuate what they already have. Monolid people basically want to make their eyelids more obvious and bigger make them more even and make them less tired looking.

Surgery for Double Eyelids

Double eyelid surgery is also referred to as blepharoplasty. In blepharoplasty, there are several different goals. One of the common goals is to create or accentuate the upper eyelid crease. Sometimes in the Asian upper eyelid, the crease can be low and not distinct due to skin or excess fat. Many times the aim in double eyelid surgery is to create a fine crease.

The goal is to create a different shape and finally to enhance or improve the symmetry between the right and left eyes. The way the blepharoplasty is performed is by making very precise measurements preoperatively of the asymmetry differences and anatomical differences between the right and left eye. Also, the procedure involves discussing with the patient the desired goal aesthetically in terms of the crease height crease depth and the shape of the crease.

The surgery itself often involves making an incision or cut through the skin removing any excess skin that may overhang the future crease. Once the excess skin is removed then the small strip of the orbicularis oculi is a muscle that can also be removed from where the crease will be created to create greater definition to the crease and to reduce bulk in that area.

Any excess fullness can be addressed by either removing the excess orbital fat or contouring it to create a greater shape to that area. The tissue layer carefully dissected away from the levator muscle and the tarsal plait to expose the surface to create an attachment between the skin and the muscle. After that are used stitches to carefully create the desired crease. Once excellent symmetry has been between the creases on both eyes the skin can be reprocessed with a stitch that will stay in place for a week.

Recovery from Double Eyelid Surgery

Patients normally have a quick recovery time. The most important thing about the recovery period is placing a cold compress on the eyes to limit the amount of swelling. Ice shouldn’t be put directly on the skin because this can lead to “ïce burns”. Also, the patient must take care of the incisions by cleaning them gently with distilled water and covering with antibiotic ointment. Makeup can be applied over the decisions in two weeks.

Most patients will take two weeks off of work or school and at that point, it won’t look surgical especially with makeup it will be hard to tell that you have had something done. Swelling does take about three to six months to resolve. During that time the upper eyelid can be a little bit puffier than the final appearance and the crease will be slightly elevated relative to the final height.

Blepharoplasty can be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. It can also be done in combination with other procedures. The great thing about doing it in conjunction with other procedures is that it doesn’t prolong your recovery period and everything heals together simultaneously.

Preparing for Double Eyelid Surgery

Preparing for double eyelid surgery is as important if not more than the aftercare. The patients need to really decide where to get the operation done and what kind of shape they want their crease to be as well as the reasons for getting the surgery.

On the day of the procedure, the person is not allowed to eat or drink anything. Also, he/she should refine from smoking a few weeks before and after the operation. It’s recommended to avoid medications such as Ibuprofen and Aspirin two weeks before the surgery.
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