Double Eyelid Surgery for Better Appearance

 Double-Eyelid-Surgery-for-Better-AppearanceEyes are probably the first thing that we are noticed on another person. It’s known that people are always drawn to beautiful eyes. That’s one of the reasons why their shape and size are so important for everyone. People’s eye shapes can be different and varied. There is of course beauty in diversity.

Many Asians are born with small eyes without crease or with heavy drooping eyelids. As TheLookBook says, this is the reason why a large number of them turn to aesthetic clinics. It’s no surprise, bearing in mind bigger western-looking eyes enhance attractiveness. A lot of Asians have more fat in the upper eyelid area in the middle compartment. The surgery reshapes the skin around the eye with incisions or sutures to create a defined crease on the upper lid.

Why do People Get Double Eyelid Surgery?

According to research, most of the Asian people have gotten eyelid surgery. Some of the reasons are:

  • They want to be pretty and handsome;
  • Asian women focus more on their physical appearances;
  • Good looking people provide a better first impression;
  • Double eyelid surgery helps people to feel more comfortable.

Most of the patients desire that surgery for cosmetic reasons. They just want to accentuate what they already have. Monolid people basically want to make their eyelids more obvious and bigger make them more even and make them less tired looking.

Surgery for Double Eyelids

Double eyelid surgery is also referred to as blepharoplasty. In blepharoplasty, there are several different goals. One of the common goals is to create or accentuate the upper eyelid crease. Sometimes in the Asian upper eyelid, the crease can be low and not distinct due to skin or excess fat. Many times the aim in double eyelid surgery is to create a fine crease.

The goal is to create a different shape and finally to enhance or improve the symmetry between the right and left eyes. The way the blepharoplasty is performed is by making very precise measurements preoperatively of the asymmetry differences and anatomical differences between the right and left eye. Also, the procedure involves discussing with the patient the desired goal aesthetically in terms of the crease height crease depth and the shape of the crease.

The surgery itself often involves making an incision or cut through the skin removing any excess skin that may overhang the future crease. Once the excess skin is removed then the small strip of the orbicularis oculi is a muscle that can also be removed from where the crease will be created to create greater definition to the crease and to reduce bulk in that area.

Any excess fullness can be addressed by either removing the excess orbital fat or contouring it to create a greater shape to that area. The tissue layer carefully dissected away from the levator muscle and the tarsal plait to expose the surface to create an attachment between the skin and the muscle. After that are used stitches to carefully create the desired crease. Once excellent symmetry has been between the creases on both eyes the skin can be reprocessed with a stitch that will stay in place for a week.

Recovery from Double Eyelid Surgery

Patients normally have a quick recovery time. The most important thing about the recovery period is placing a cold compress on the eyes to limit the amount of swelling. Ice shouldn’t be put directly on the skin because this can lead to “ïce burns”. Also, the patient must take care of the incisions by cleaning them gently with distilled water and covering with antibiotic ointment. Makeup can be applied over the decisions in two weeks.

Most patients will take two weeks off of work or school and at that point, it won’t look surgical especially with makeup it will be hard to tell that you have had something done. Swelling does take about three to six months to resolve. During that time the upper eyelid can be a little bit puffier than the final appearance and the crease will be slightly elevated relative to the final height.

Blepharoplasty can be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. It can also be done in combination with other procedures. The great thing about doing it in conjunction with other procedures is that it doesn’t prolong your recovery period and everything heals together simultaneously.

Preparing for Double Eyelid Surgery

Preparing for double eyelid surgery is as important if not more than the aftercare. The patients need to really decide where to get the operation done and what kind of shape they want their crease to be as well as the reasons for getting the surgery.

On the day of the procedure, the person is not allowed to eat or drink anything. Also, he/she should refine from smoking a few weeks before and after the operation. It’s recommended to avoid medications such as Ibuprofen and Aspirin two weeks before the surgery.
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Exercises to Do While Traveling

Exercises to Do While TravelingIt can be quite hard to work out when you are traveling. While traveling, you will encounter several impediments to you working out. Such include not enough time, lack of ample space, or your dress code might not allow you to exercise. Visit Algarve Golf Blog to get wonderful golfing tips. We are going to provide you with advice that will ensure that you keep fit while on the road.

Thinking and preparing is the perfect method that will ensure your exercise routine will happen despite being out and about. It doesn’t matter where, or how you travel, you can still keep fit.

Exercises can do while traveling

Take a walk instead of boarding a taxi. While at your foreign destination, forego the taxi on short distance visits. Take a wake to the nearest shopping malls, restaurants, or events. If you are having a conference or attending an event, book a room close to the location. By doing so, it allows you to walk to and from your meetings which is good exercise.

Perform yoga exercises in your room. Yoga is probably the least demanding activity you can do while on the road since you do not have to carry any hardware or find a specific location to do it. Yoga postures and stretches in your room are simple and help to keep you fit. Yoga is much more than stretches. A large number of stances are essential for the strengthening of the core and back. Yoga stretches help in the burning of calories.

Go for swimming. Swim with the children in the sea or pool. Get-away is incredible when there is a good time for the water and sun. Don’t just sit by the poolside while reading a book, go out with your children and swim, play, run, and have some good times. Pools offer an excellent form of exercise, especially the water aerobics. The sea provides the possibility of lots of fun when you need to battle waves to remain to hold up. Both are great types of activity while on vacation.

Check into the top floor and use the stairwell. Regardless of the kind of hotel, you will be staying in a room on the second floor or higher. It offers you an incredible opportunity to stroll up and down steps during your stay. Extraordinary exercise and simple to remember for your itinerary items.

Use fitness facilities provided by the hotel. It is possibly the most effortless approach to work out while on the road. The hotel gym will have in any event 1 or 2 things that will get you sweating like an elliptical or a treadmill. Different machines and free weights will additionally help you to exercise effectively. Hotel gyms also have an instructor that will assist you in making the best out of your exercise.

Babywear. In case you will be traveling with an infant, child wear is the one thing that will serve a dual purpose. Additionally, it is more helpful than strollers if you are exercising as you carry the child. Building solid muscles is also part of fitness and exercise. Transporting your child in a pouch is essential for reinforcing your back.

Go for a stroll with your family. Whenever you travel with your family, be sure to slot in time for a walk in the park with them. You can enjoy the view with your family, and do some extra exercise together.


Exercising can be pretty simple while traveling. Be sure to include these activities on your next travel. In case you are traveling with your friends, family, or alone, the above example will be incredible exercises to do.
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What to Consider When Traveling from Vienna to Salzburg

What-to-consider-when-traveling-from-Vienna-to-Salzburg.Salzburg is a beautiful city and if you are looking for a nice getaway from Vienna, this is a nice choice destination. It is just over 200km away and there are many ways to get there. You can drive, take a train, or even fly there. Each of these depends on your reason for traveling to Salzburg. To make your travel smooth and fun, here is what to consider when traveling from Vienna to Salzburg. 

  • The nature of travel

One of the main consideration factors should be your reason for travel. If you are traveling for fun, then you should probably consider driving. There are lots of fun activities you can engage in and maximize the utility of your journey. You may also consider taking a train and enjoy the scenery as it zooms past the windows. On the other hand, if you are traveling from Vienna to Salzburg for a business meeting, then you should possibly consider flying there. The air transport infrastructure is nice, and you will save on time. It is also the nature of travel that will determine what you will pack for the journey. If you want to go on an adventure, you may decide to carry a backpack with a sleeping bag, and other outdoor gear. Salzburg is at the edge of the Alps and you can enjoy an amazing stay at a mountain site. On the other hand, if you are going there for business, then all you need is to pack your essentials and book a nice hotel. 

  • Your budget

 Salzburg is a top tourist destination in Europe, which means it is not a cheap city to travel to. As such, you need to come up with a good budget beforehand. When planning your budget, there are several factors you need to consider. One of them is the duration of stay. If you plan to spend some time in Salzburg, then you need to have a budget for hotels and meals. There are hotels for every budget in the city, and what you go for is fully dependent on your needs. If you are a foreign tourist looking to travel to Salzburg, it would be wise to have some extra money in the budget, over and above the amount you estimate that you will spend. The last thing you want to do is to run out of money while in a foreign city.

  • The local culture

Before you travel to Salzburg, try and understand a few things about the place such as language, and mannerism. For a foreigner, consider learning a few German words, as German is the official language in Salzburg. While most people in the city understand English, it is polite to understand a few German words and use them to address the locals. You also need to know the local culture when tipping waiters in hotels. Just like in Vienna, and other European cities, it is polite to tip about 5% of the total bill if you loved the service. Such small gestures can help make your stay in Salzburg much more fun. 
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What to Eat During Pregnancy for a Healthy Mother and Baby

What-to-Eat-During-Pregnancy-for-a-Healthy-Mother-and-BabyIt is always important to eat good food, but particularly more so when you’re pregnant. What you eat and drink during pregnancy is the principal source of nutrients for your baby. During pregnancy, the goal is to consume as many healthy foods as possible.

The mother’s diet has to be safe and nutritious for a healthy pregnancy – which requires the correct combination of proteins, carbs, and fats and includes a wide range of plants such as vegetables and fruits.

If you already have good eating habits, minor changes are easy to make to ensure a successful pregnancy. Your diet must include the following foods:

1. Dairy Products

Dairy products are a great choice for pregnant women, particularly yogurt products. Dairy foods such as milk, butter, and cheese are healthy sources of calcium, protein, and vitamin D in the diet.

These ensure that you fulfill the increased demands of protein and calcium. Often, probiotics can help to reduce the risk of complications. Try to eat 3 to 4 dairy-food portions a day.

2. Whole Eggs

Whole eggs are extremely nutritious and an ideal way to increase the daily consumption of nutrients. They include choline, a nutrient vital to brain health and development.

Eggs are a very good food source and are inexpensive and easy to cook. Although pregnant women have been urged to stop consuming raw or undercooked eggs until now, recent research shows that lightly cooked eggs are healthy to consume during pregnancy.

3. Grains and Legumes

Legumes are foods that contain a lot of nutrients. Legumes include rice, peas, almonds, soybeans, and lentils. They provide vitamins B and trace minerals such as zinc selenium and magnesium.

Grains and legumes are high in nutrients, including the B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folate.

Most legumes are a healthy source of protein and when it comes to meal preparation they fall under the same group as beef.

Breads and cereals filled with whole-grain are fortified with folic acid and iron and contain more calcium than white bread and rice. Consider working whole grains into your meal.

4. Fruits and Vegetables

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables as they contain vitamins and minerals as well as fiber to help absorb water and avoid constipation. Fruits are highly recommended especially when you are close to your due date. Fruit such as watermelons, for example, helps your sleep and regulates muscle activity as well – important when you are preparing for labour.

Eat a number of fruits and vegetables a day – fresh, frozen, canned, dry or juiced. Ensure you wash them well. To benefit from the nutrients vegetables provide, wash them well and eat them raw or have them half-cooked with little water or steam.

5. Starchy Foods

Starchy foods are an essential source of nutrients, some vitamins and fibers, which make you stay full without too many calories. These include corn, wheat, beans, pasta, rice, cereals for breakfasts, noodles, peas, yams, millet, and oats.

6. Salmon

Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy for the brain and eyes of your baby and salmon is a perfect choice for that. Plus, it contains vitamins such as calcium and B vitamins.

Compared with other fish, salmon is fairly small in mercury too. Put it in a salad, or eat it grilled, broiled, fried or steamed. If you like sushi, eat it raw as sushimi! You can easily consume up to 12 ounces of low-mercury fish a week, such as salmon.

7. Dried Beans and Lentils

During pregnancy, all women require 10 extra grams of protein a day (or a minimum of at least 60 grams); beans and lentils are an excellent choice, at about 15 grams per cup. They are also high in fibre and help in the battle against constipation. 1 cup of cooked lentils meets half the daily demand for folate.


A healthy pregnancy is about eating a safe, nutritious diet that contains plenty of fresh fruits, fish, dairy products, and vegetables. Make sure your calories come from nutritious foods that contribute to the growth and development of your baby.

Eating a good, nutritious diet would most likely give you the nutrients you need. Remember, the forthcoming process is very critical and allows you to be prepared for delivery and then the joys that come with being a mother.
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