How to Appreciate Red Wine – Practical Tips To Appreciate a Good Wine

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If you can get over your initial hesitation, you will find that drinking wine can be great fun and you really don’t need to be overawed with customs and myths surrounding wine drinking. Considering that red wine is generally preferred by Americans over any other type, it can be useful to know how to properly appreciate it and ultimately discover something that really suits your palate. Sokolin Wines

Read the Label

If you are a beginner to wine drinking, it is possible to learn quite a lot simply by reading the bottle label, which apart from the brand name contains a whole host of information regarding the type of the grape used and the region it comes from. If you are making a selection from a wine list at a restaurant, gleaning information will not be so easy, however, if you are buying it from an online retailer like Sokolin Fine Wines, you can do your research at leisure. Apart from the climate, variation in soil and water also play a pivotal role in how the wines taste.

Get the Right Type of Glass

Because you need to be able to appreciate the complex aromas, red wines are typically drunk from glasses with large rounded bowls though lighter red wines perform their best when sipped from a short glass that enables your nose to get closer to the wine. You can use taller glasses for the bolder varieties.

Pour the Wine, Swirl, and Sniff the Aromas

Pour a small quantity into a glass. Observe if the wine is thick and whether it stains the sides of the glass to get an idea of how strong the taste will be. Swirling the wine in the glass also indicates how sweet it is; sweeter wines leave trails on the sides. If the wine is almost opaque, it means that it is a warm weather wine and aged only for a short time. Now sniff in the aromas of the wine with your nose close to the rim of the glass. While you will definitely be able to smell the main scent, with a little practice, you will be able to discern other scents and hints of the flavors produced during the wine making.

Taste the Wine

Take a small sip of the red wine and roll it on your tongue so that you can assess the sweetness or the bitterness of the tannins. The lingering taste of the wine will help you to appreciate the flavors better. Finally, swallow the wine slowly paying close attention to the aftertaste and its duration on your palate.


Even though it is in the nature of wine connoisseurs to depict wine appreciation as a complex art, you need not be intimidated by the process. As long as you enjoy your drink and are able to make out some of its finer nuances, it will be well worth your time and money. Drinking red wine can also be gratifying because according to, it is high in resveratrol that offers various health benefits including protection from some kinds of cancer and vision loss.
What are the Benefits of Drinking Wine Before Bed?
Can You Remove Red Wine from Your Carpet

How Alcohol Can Effect Your Beauty and Health

Can Quit Drinking Make You More Attractive?

You probably already know that you can improve your health by quitting drinking. Your appearance will also improve after you quit drinking. There are many ways (for example, if you are in Florida, you could find Florida alcohol rehabs for help) that quitting drinking can make you more attractive. How-Alcohol-Can-Effect-Your-Beauty-and-Health

You Can Lose Weight

If you are struggling with your weight, then alcohol may be to blame. One glass of wine has about 200 calories in it. If you consume an entire bottle of wine, then you can easily add 1,000 extra calories to your diet. This is why many alcoholics are overweight.

An alcohol-free lifestyle can help you lose weight. Here is an example of how controlling your drinking or quitting alcohol can help you lose weight. You normally have two glasses of wine and a can of beer every night. This is equivalent to 550 calories. One pound is equivalent to 3,500 calories. If you cut out 550 calories per day, then you can potentially lose over one pound in a week.

Additionally, if you do not go to a happy-hour every day, then you will have more time to go to the gym. This will also help you get in shape.

Your Skin Will Improve

Alcohol can ruin your skin. It can cause your skin to get dehydrated. This can cause your skin to look red, puffy and bloated. Alcohol is also filled with compounds that destroy your skin. Furthermore, if your skin is dehydrated, then you will develop wrinkles earlier. That is why many people who drink alcohol look much older than they really are.

Rosacea is a skin condition that is common in people who drink too much alcohol. Even though this condition affects non-alcoholics, it is more likely to occur in people who drink. Alcohol can cause the blood vessels in your skin to dilate. This increases blood flow, which can cause your skin to develop a reddish color.

If you binge drink, then you are doing even more damage to your skin. According to dermatologists, it takes about one month for the skin to recover from a hangover. You will notice a difference in your skin after you quit drinking. If you have a good skin care regimen, then you will be able to reverse the effects of alcohol.

Your Hair Health Will Improve

Cracked, brittle ends are often the result of too much alcohol. If you drink too much alcohol, then your zinc levels can be depleted. In fact, it is estimated that 30 to 50 percent of alcoholics have low zinc levels. Zinc is needed to keep the hair healthy. If you do not have enough zinc, then you are more likely to suffer hair loss.

Additionally, alcohol lowers vitamin B and vitamin C levels. This can also lead to hair loss. If you eat healthy foods and stop drinking, then you can improve your hair health.

You, Will, be More Likely to Remember Your Beauty Duties

Your priorities may fall to the bottom of the list once you drink alcohol. That is why you may forget to take off your makeup, brush your teeth or wash your face. Neglecting your personal routine care can lead to gum disease, cavities, and acne. If you quit drinking, then you will be less likely to neglect your personal care regimen.

Your Liver Will Thank You

Yellow skin and eyes are not only unsightly, but they can also be a sign of liver damage. Alcohol is processed by the liver. That is why if you drink too much alcohol, then the liver is often the first organ to suffer. You can have clear eyes and skin as well as improve your liver function by quitting drinking alcoholic beverages, opt for non-alcoholic beverages for your health

Related Information and Resources:
The Recover Village
Find Freedom From Alcohol Addiction

How Alcohol Affects the Brain and Behavior
Learn How to Practice Meditation in 4 Steps
Beauty Series: Five Ways To Detox Your Skin
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Learn How to Practice Meditation in 4 Steps

Meditation is a powerful tool that anyone can practice. Whether you’re working to prioritize self-care or you’re recovering from an illness, injury or drug and alcohol addiction, practicing meditation daily is a great way to maintain a sense of balance in life. Understanding its history, purpose, and benefits can help you learn to appreciate the practice as art and effectively integrate it into your everyday life. How to Practice Meditation: 4 Simple Steps

Meditation Defined

Meditation is a practice adopted by many cultures across the globe. Evidence of the first meditation practices was found in the Indus Valley dating all the way back to 5,000 to 3,500 BCE.

Meditation is an art that encourages the development of concentration, self-awareness, and clarity. It is defined by achieving a state of inner stillness while remaining awake. When practiced regularly, meditation promotes a deeper sense of peace and understanding of yourself and the world around you. These experiences transform your state of being with powerful insight and a renewed understanding of life.

Most of the world’s religions have adopted the basic concepts of meditation in one way or another, although you don’t have to associate with any sort of religion to practice meditation or enjoy its benefits. Many therapists within medical care centers or alcohol and drug rehab centers use meditation as a therapeutic tool to help their clients recover from traumatic experiences and addictive behaviors as they begin to reorient their thoughts and experience life in a different way. 

• Benefits and Purpose of Meditation

The main purpose of meditation is to look inward and achieve a sense of self-understanding and calm. Naturally, it comes with many other benefits that will ultimately transform your life in a simple yet powerful way.

• Manage the stresses of everyday life – Scientific studies have shown that meditation changes the brain. Some of these changes take place in the amygdala (the part of the brain associated with anxiety, fear, and stress) are correlated to a reduction in stress levels.

• Gain clarity – Taking the time to meditate each day allows you to examine what is inside of you instead of focusing the things going on around you. As a result, you’ll discover things you may not have known about yourself and can use this knowledge to modify negative thoughts and behaviors to improve your life. This is especially helpful for individuals in recovery at drug and alcohol rehab centers because they must learn how to modify their behaviors while learning how to live life in a healthier way.

• Improve mood – Meditation not only helps clear the clutter from your mind, but it can also improve negative emotions associated with mood disorders like depression. In fact, a study from Johns Hopkins University found that the effects of meditation rivaled antidepressants when treating depression and anxiety. Meditation may be a healthier alternative to dealing with depression, anxiety, and similar mood disorders.

• Practice discipline – The practice of meditation is frequently used within a rehab center setting because it serves as an opportunity to practice self-discipline. Even those who are not in rehab or another type of clinical setting can benefit from developing a healthy daily routine based on discipline.

• Improve concentration – Maintaining concentration is very difficult, especially in a day and age when constant cell phone alerts and emails are continual sources of harassment. Practicing meditation can help you learn how to block out constant interruptions and focus on the task at hand.

• Practice a healthier lifestyle – Meditation helps you relax, which in turn, opens your blood vessels and drops your blood pressure. Not only does it encourage cardiovascular health, but it also promotes an all-around healthy lifestyle as you prioritize the health of your mind, body, and soul and treat yourself with kindness.

• How to Practice Meditation: 4 Simple Steps

If you would like to learn how to meditate at home or while living in an inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center, here’s a quick step-by-step guide to help get you started. Your counselor, yoga instructor, or doctor may have additional tips to help you improve your practice.

1-Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed and assume a posture of meditation. This posture should be whatever is most comfortable for you. Keep your back, neck, and behind aligned as you sit in a chair or on the floor with a cushion beneath your behind.

2-Close your eyes, relax your muscles, and let go of all the tension you’re holding in your body. Visualize the tension leaving your body and slowly let it progress up your body, from your toes, legs, stomach, upper body, and finally to your head. Let go of any worries, concerns, or painful thoughts.

3-Focus on your breath. Breathe deeply from your diaphragm (not your chest) and listen to the breath coming into your body and slowly leaving it. Try to keep your mind clear of any thoughts and just focus on breathing.

4-Free yourself from your mind and simply be. Be present and engaged. Try to avoid following the meandering thoughts of your mind, clear your head, and simply enjoy the moment.

The practice of meditation takes time and it will not come naturally. You’ll probably find yourself battling thoughts about things you need to do and judgments on whether you’re doing this whole meditation thing right or not, but that’s no reason to quit. Keep at it and you may soon find yourself looking forward to your daily meditation routine and experiencing life in a much more fulfilling way.

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Beginners Guide To Meditation At Home
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Ten Things Every a Teen Needs to Know About Life

Adolescence is a bridge between childhood and adulthood. While as a teen you are always in a hurry to grow up and leave your parents’ house, there some life hacks that you need before you can start becoming an adult.

Life is about the choices that we make. The right decisions when formed as a teen can have a long-lasting impact when you become an adult. Navigating through life as a teenager can be challenging and difficult,but with the right tools, you should be able to make the right decisions. Ten Things Every a Teen Needs to Know About Life

  1. It is okay to walk alone

The pressure to fit in is very real during the teen phase of life. To fit in, you will need to do stuff the other kids are doing. These can include drinking, smoking, having sex, violence, or watching porn. It is understandable to want to be loved and fit in but engaging in some of these habits can destroy your future. Engaging in meth abuse, for example, can cause you to have serious psychiatric problems and can lead you to early death. It is better you walk alone than be in the wrong company.

  1. Your parents could be right

Teenagers will at some point clash with their parents. It is like they do not understand what you are going through. But, the truth is that they were in the same place you were in at some point in their lives. During this period they made both good and bad decisions; the reason they give you instructions every day is that they do not want you to make the same mistakes they made. When you are young, there are many things that you cannot see the whole picture. This can include the consequences of teenage pregnancy. Parents love you and want the best for you.

  1. Internship will save you in your future job

Instead of clubbing and binge-watching on Netflix during the summer holidays, you can choose to find some internship in a company of your choice.  The skills that you learn during this period will come in handy when you finish college and start job hunting. It is evident that employers will often select someone with experience and is acquainted with their culture as opposed to someone who is “green.” You also get to earn income, which you can learn how to manage.

  1. Being in a healthy relationship

Toxic relationships cost you a lot. It is critical that you learn how to engage in healthy relationships. If you are in a relationship where your partner is controlling, overly possessive, abusive, hurtful or aggressive to get you to sleep with them, it could be the right time to break up. It is important that you know who you are as a teen and learns how to assert yourself in a relationship. Assertiveness includes the ability to express your opinions without fear of been judged. When you are assertive, you know when to say No to something that will ruin your life.

  1. Not everything revolves around you

As a teen, you may get this idea that you are the center of the universe and everything and everybody should revolve around you. This makes some teens to be attention seekers. As a teen, you need to be mindful of the needs of other people. The teen mindset operates from the point of instant gratification. You want something now,and it cannot wait until another time. Parents are often confounded when they are asked to buy the latest games or phones without any due consideration to other pending bills.

  1. Take care of your body

We live in a world that glorifies sex. We are confounded with sexual images in our living rooms – through the TV – magazines, games among others. The pressure to engage in premarital sex is very real for a teenager. It is equally important for parents to teach their teens about the consequences of risky sexual behavior. If you plan to engage in sex, then protect yourself from STDs, and early childhood pregnancy by using a condom. Abstinence, while not primarily promoted in our cultures, is an excellent way to have values and stick to them. You can also ask your parents to connect you with a doctor who should answer any questions that you have concerning your body.

  1. Learn how to save

It is essential that teens learn how to save from an early age. Saving is one way in which to grow wealthy and stay away from debt. Due to the principle of compounding money increases over time. If you start saving early, you will see your savings grow,and this can save you one day when you are in need. You can ask your parents to give you tasks like washing the car or mowing the lawn in exchange for an income. Get a cookie jar and start saving.

  1. Learn how to cook

You are not going to eat mama’s food forever. It is essential that you learn some form of independence during adolescence and cooking is one useful skill that will come in handy during adulthood. This extends to washing your own clothes.

  1. Body changes are normal

It can be scary when their changes going on in your body. Hair starts appearing in private areas, you suddenly have pimples, and for girls, you start menstruating. Learn that these are vital for the next step of adulthood. You are no longer a child,and your body is responding to the hormonal changes going in your body. Do not be ashamed of this. Talk to an adult you trust for advice.

  1. It Ok to say NO

If you feel pressured to do something that you do not feel comfortable doing, learn that it is perfectly normal to say NO. No is a full sentence. Don’t let anyone pressure you to do something that you will later regret.


While teen years are marked by rebellion, confusion and at times promiscuity, it is a great time to learn more about yourself. You can take responsibility of your life and make the right decisions.

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