The Environmental Benefits of Growing and Using Hemp

When most people think of hemp, the first thing that comes to mind isn’t a practical, easy-to-grow, affordable industrial fiber. The Cannabis sativa plant remains closely tied in the public imagination to hippies and patchouli, drug-fueled festivals, and, more recently, a widespread battle for legalized medicinal and recreational ingestion. However, the history of the plant is far greater than that of marijuana.

Hemp, like marijuana, is a species of Cannabis sativa. Unlike marijuana, however, it contains very low concentrations of the chemical THC – tetrahydrocannabinol – which is responsible for the “high” users experience when smoked or ingested. Hemp is also a thicker and more deeply-rooted plant that, as you can see here, offers an incredible variety of industrial uses.

The benefits to growing and using industrial hemp are vast, but, until recently, its cultivation has remained illegal in the United States. In this article, we’ll explore some of the history of hemp cultivation, as well as its environmental benefits. The Environmental Benefits of Growing & Using Hemp

Hemp Cultivation: A Brief History

Hemp has a global cultivation history that dates back thousands of years. The strong, durable fibers were used for rope, paper, and fabrics throughout history and landed in the United States in the early days of the colonies. In Jamestown, Virginia, farmers were actually required to grow the crop, which was used to make sails, clothing, and, later, even the plastics in cars.

However, as recreational use of its cousin, marijuana, rose, so did the fear. Although hemp is not psychoactive, its close association with marijuana was enough for lawmakers to ban its cultivation in the United States in the 1970’s under the Controlled Substances Act. Since then, farmers, ecologists, and legislators have pushed to decriminalize its production once again.

Currently, several states in the U.S. and many other countries allow production of industrial hemp. These products are used for everything from food to fuel and from clothing to construction materials. Although it remains illegal to grow in many places, its use as a raw material is gaining increasing momentum.

The Environmental Benefits of Industrial Hemp

Hemp is a practical crop that grows quickly, withstands tough environmental conditions, and has many uses. Its chemical isolates, like CBD, are also gaining public attention and popularity and even major companies like Coca Cola are considering its benefits as an ingredient. In addition to its usefulness as a resource, the cultivation of hemp offers many benefits to the environment as well.


One of the oldest applications of hemp is papers. The pulp offers an excellent alternative to wood-pulp paper that can vary just as much in thickness and quality. Hemp-pulp paper can be used for computer and copy paper, finer print papers, and cardboards without the toxic bleaching process. Hemp paper can be recycled over and over again – more than wood-pulp paper.

What’s more, hemp is a fast-growing and renewable resource compared to the evergreen trees usually used in paper making. Using the pulp from hemp for paper making can help significantly reduce deforestation globally.


A more recent application of hemp is in biofuels. The hemp species of Cannabis has shown promising use as an alternative fuel with limited emissions and excellent power for its mass. While the economic and criminal concerns surrounding hemp make it an unrealistic large-scale option for fuel now, hemp is an even better biodiesel than canola or soy oil – two of the most popular biofuels in use today.

Fabrics and Textiles

Like paper, fabrics are one of the oldest known uses of the hemp plant. The fibers, isolated from the tall, woody stalk, can be sewn into thin, breathable fabrics or tough, hearty canvases. These textiles have a range of purposes – sails and industrial canvas as well as clothing. Hemp-made fabrics are one of the most durable varieties in existence and they’ve been used by humankind for thousands of years.

The soft-fiber fabric produced by hemp is likewise environmentally friendly. Hemp takes up less space to grow than cotton and requires almost no pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides. Cotton, on the other hand, requires constant pesticide use. Additionally, synthetic fibers often leave harmful by-products during production and linger in the environment after use – hemp fabrics do not have toxic production by-products.

Building Materials and Plastics

Another of the more recently-developed uses for the hemp plant is in building materials and plastics. Although not as effective in wet conditions as traditional concretes, hemp-based mortars have been found to be sturdy, lightweight, and cost-effective building blocks for many homes. The material leaves a small environmental footprint.

Similarly, hemp-based plastics offer an alternative to synthetic plastics that can have a much more disastrous environmental impact. Hemp cellulose can be used to create a biodegradable material that retains the sturdiness of traditional plastics – without the level of pollution.

Building Materials and Plastics


Finally, industrial cultivation hemp offers an excellent source of food for both people and animals. Like soy, hemp seed contains a complete protein that makes it an ideal ingredient in animal feed. The lack of pesticides required to grow it on a large scale help keep the environmental cost low – and keep harmful chemicals out of the larger agricultural food chain.

As a source of human sustenance, hemp seed and oil also offer a relatively cheap-to-produce food with a high level of nutrition per weight. Unlike corn and wheat, which have incredibly versatile uses but relatively low nutritional value, hemp is packed with vitamins, essential omega fatty acids, and protein. Widespread cultivation of this crop can help impact the nutritional needs of the larger population while taking up relatively little space.

The Potential of Industrial Hemp

The industrial cultivation of hemp certainly has the potential to change the environment. By limiting the use of pesticides, offering affordable, durable materials, and encouraging alternatives to environmentally damaging products, the use of hemp may very well hold part of the key to changing the global condition. As the global agricultural community continues to push for its use and dispel the negative myths that surround it, we can expect to see the Cannabis plant make its way into more and more products – each with a little less environmental impact.
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6 Essential Benefits Of Using CBD Cream For Skin Care

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Scientific research has proven that Cannabidiol (CBD) has immense health benefits to the human body. CBD is one of the key ingredients of marijuana, but it does not have the psychoactive effects like THC that make Indian Hemp a popular recreational product. The cannabidiol effects are great because it produces strong medicinal and therapeutic effects for the most commonly experienced conditions. Here are the health benefits of CBD on your skin. 6-Essential-Benefits-Of-Using-CBD-Cream-For-Skin-Care

Enhances protective shield

The cannabinoids in Indian hemp oil boost the natural barrier properties of the human skin when it is combined with hydrating oils. CBD works to enhance cell generation, which results in a healthier and glowing skin. Skin care products also contain THC that boosts anti-aging properties of the skin, and inhibits harmful oxygen properties resulting in a healthier skin.

Excellent supplement

The skin requires constant nourishment for it to perform its protective functions. CBD skin care creams are rich in vitamins such as A and E. In addition, CBD contains small concentrations of minerals such as magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. It also has many antioxidants that prevent or slow down cell damage. Ingesting CBD will also improve your cardiovascular health, and this will increase blood flow to the skin.

ABC News reported: The U.S. Government owns a CBD patent for a reason. The science is there. This isn’t anecdotal.”

The U.S. patent recognizes CBD as a potent antioxidant, anti-anxiety, anti-seizure and anti-inflammatory, that protects your body from free radical damage, from head to toe.

Treats skin rashes and acne

Marijuana cream is an excellent treatment remedy for psoriasis that is caused by a deficiency in omega-6 fatty acids. It also supplies more oxygen and hydrates the human skin, and this makes it a perfect treatment for itchy, dry skin, and eczema. CBD-based creams can also reduce redness and irritation that is caused by acne outbreaks. The best CBD cream can also treat skin irritations because it is a natural product that has no side effects.


The fats and lipids that are found in CBD creams are akin to those found in your skin. As a result, cannabidiol creams can be an effective moisturizer and protectant for the human skin. Canabidiol will enhance the elasticity of the skin, and reduce instances of having a dry and dehydrated skin. You can also apply it every day without worrying about any side effects. Easy-Herb-Anti-Aging-Cream

Rich in antioxidants

CBD is incredibly rich in antioxidants. Research has proven that antioxidants are effective in eliminating free radicals. This means that the use of CBD provides a wide range of positive effects on the skin, for example, enhancing the skin tone, texture, and reducing any visible signs of aging. Adding cannabidiol creams to your every day skin care regimen will help you get a smooth and young-looking skin.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Cannabidiol creams are known to exhibit extremely high anti-inflammatory effects that are beneficial to the skin. This cream can help the skin cells to regenerate, and can dramatically heal a variety of common skin problems. There are people who swear by CBD as an important addition to their skin care routine, while others use this cream to treat specific conditions. Easy-Herb-500-MG-Pain-Relief-Cream

Even though Indian Hemp has had a controversial history in most parts of the globe, people are now embracing this product because of its immense medicinal value. Some states in the United States are now legalizing this product for use by patients. Because of its immense popularity, CBD extract is now being used in the skin care industry. Try out cannabis oil products to enjoy the benefits of this product.  
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Lower Back Pain And How To Treat It With Anti Inflammatory Patches

Just about everyone has grappled with lower back pain at some point and it can be very painful when you are dealing with it. It is difficult to carry on with your daily activities when your back hurts and you might have to miss work or other things you need to do because of the pain. Most cases of low back pain will naturally heal in a few weeks, but sometimes the back pain turns chronic and you will need to treat it.

What Are The Symptoms Of Lower Back Pain?

Pain is the main symptom of low back pain. Your muscles might feel like they are aching, and you feel the pain deep in your back. You might have trouble bending or sitting and your range of motion is often going to be restricted when you have back pain.

Sometimes you feel a stabbing pain when you have lower back pain and some people get muscle spasms that can be very painful. You might even feel the pain in your thighs or down your legs. If you have lower back pain and the pain affects your bladder or bowels, you should see a doctor right away. You should also call a doctor if your back pain is accompanied by a fever or you can’t walk at all. Staminapro-Lower-Back-Patches-inflammation-relief

What Causes Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain can be caused by many different things and your back pain can be chronic or it could be a one-time event. Sometimes there isn’t even any cause for your low back pain. Other times, you lift something that is too heavy or makes an awkward movement that hurts your back muscles.

As you get older, your disks start to get brittle and they become less flexible. Eventually, your disks can bulge, or they can rupture which is going to cause a lot of pain. You can also develop arthritis when you get older and you can get it in your lower back. Your spine can actually become narrow and compress your spinal cord which is very painful.

Back pain tends to happen once you are over 40 and you are more likely to end up with back pain if you are out of shape and don’t exercise. Being overweight will also substantially increase your risk of back pain. The extra weight that you are carrying stresses your back. Lifting heavy items carefully is also very important if you want to avoid back pain.

How Is Lower Back Pain Treated?

Once you are diagnosed with back pain, your doctor will put you on a treatment plan. You can also treat yourself if your back pain is not too serious. Most treatment plans include special exercises and pain medication. If your back pain is mild you can take over the counter pain medication.

If your back pain does not respond to medication, your doctor is likely to prescribe stronger pain medication and you might also need to take muscle relaxants. Muscle relaxants have side effects and they can make you tired and dizzy. Topical pain relievers can also be helpful.

Your doctor might prescribe narcotics if your pain is very bad, but you need to be careful with them because they are addictive and can have serious side effects. Your doctor might resort to injections if you are having pain that radiates into your leg or is affecting your spinal cord. Finally, antidepressants are sometimes used since they can relieve chronic pain. If none of the above are still having no effect then it might be worth considering a Chiropractors advice at chiropractor coventry

How Can You Get Back Pain Relief Naturally?

There are plenty of things you can do to get natural pain relief and that can help prevent back pain from starting to begin with. If you are overweight, one of the first things you will want to do is to start losing weight. As the weight falls off you won’t have as much pressure on your back.

Exercise is something else you are going to want to start doing if you are not already doing it. Focus on low impact exercises and avoid any exercise that strains your back. Swimming is the perfect exercise to treat back pain and so is walking. When your back is stronger, you are a lot less likely to get injured and you will recover faster from any injuries that you end up getting.

Strengthen your core to reduce back pain and focus on making your abs stronger. Strong abs support and cushion your back and make your back stronger. If your core is healthy, your back is going to be much healthier as well. When you are at work, make sure your lower back is going to be supported in your chair and try to get up every 30 minutes for a brief walk.

Do Anti Inflammatory Patches Work?

If you are looking for back pain relief and you don’t want to swallow pain medication because you don’t want it to affect your stomach or liver, you might want to use pain-relieving patches on your lower back. They are very effective, and you place them right at the site of the pain. The medication is absorbed through your skin and it won’t give you the same side effects that you get when you take pain medication.

You can choose from patches that are made with all-natural ingredients or patches that have medication in them. The natural patches are very effective, and they don’t have side effects, so you don’t have to worry about dealing with side effects when you start using them. The patches are very easy to use, and they reduce inflammation and reduce pain, so you can enjoy your life. If you are looking for a safe way to get pain relief, patches are a good way to get the pain relief you are looking for.

Low back pain is uncomfortable, but it doesn’t have to ruin your life. If you exercise and use anti-inflammatory patches or other pain relief options, you will stop the pain quickly. Pain relief patches are safe, and they really work.

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How to Use CBD Oil for Chronic Spinal Stenosis Pain

How to Use CBD Oil for Spinal Stenosis PainCannabidiol (CBD) is rapidly growing in popularity as an excellent therapeutic compound thanks to the numerous positive studies and legislation that approve its use for an increasing number of medical conditions. A lot of people these days are looking towards cannabis wiki stores to buy the product. 

While this herb can help treat minor complaints such as nausea, insomnia, and migraines, more and more people are using CBD oil to relieve aches and pains from long-term spinal diseases such as spinal stenosis. In recent studies, cannabidiol has shown to be safe with very few side effects experienced by patients.

What Exactly is Spinal Stenosis?

Spinal stenosis refers to a condition when the spinal column narrows and begins to compress the spinal cord. If the narrowing is only minimal, there are no symptoms that occur but excessive narrowing can compress the nerves, causing problems.

The spine is made up of a series of bones called vertebrae, which provide support and stability for the upper body. Spinal nerves travel through the openings of the vertebrae and send signals from the brain and to the rest of the body.

The leading cause of spinal stenosis is aging. As we age, the degenerative process happens throughout the body. Spinal tissues may begin to thicken, while the bones may get bigger, causing pressure to the nerves. Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis can be contributing factors to spinal stenosis because the inflammation they cause can place pressure on the spinal cord.

Other possible causes of spinal stenosis include:

  • An accident may injure a part of the spine, leading to inflammation
  • Herniated discs. Material may seep out when cushions are cracked, putting pressure on the spinal nerves.
  • Cancerous growth that touches the spinal cord may compress the nerves
  • Paget’s disease. In this condition, the bones grow unusually large. This narrows the spinal canal, causing nerve problems.

Spinal stenosis often affects the lower back or neck, but not everyone exhibits symptoms. If you do, they tend to be similar – numbness, stiffness and back pain.

CBD Oil for Chronic Spinal Stenosis Pain

Endocannabinoids – cannabinoids produced by the body, work as tiny circuit breakers of the nerve endings. Experts have found that these cannabinoids, whether plant-derived or produced by the body, serve as inhibitors or circuit breakers of pain pathways, and thus, play a major role as an analgesic and even as an anti-inflammatory agent.

CBD oil, which contains a high amount of cannabidiol, a form of cannabinoid, has been used for treating many conditions associated with neuropathic and inflammatory causes. Conditions such as spinal stenosis arise due to a pre-existing inflammatory reaction, which can be alleviated using CBD oil.How to Use CBD Oil for Spinal Stenosis Pain

How to Use CBD Oil for Spinal Stenosis Pain

One of the most common symptoms associated with spinal stenosis is back pain. CBD topicals tend to work well to alleviate and relieve the pain by directly targeting the specific inflamed area.

CBD Oil. Spinal stenosis, which arises due to previous or ongoing inflammatory reaction may be improved using CBD oil. It can help reduce inflammation, provide symptom relief of nerve-related conditions such as neuropathy and help reduce motor and sensory weakness and the tingling sensations of spinal stenosis.

“Besides treating inflammatory conditions, CBD oil can also help manage anxiety and insomnia, which are some of the discomforts associated with spinal stenosis.”, says Pure Path CBD Oil.

CBD Lotion. The application of CBD lotion directly to the area offers topical relief. Lotions and balms containing cannabinoids are quickly absorbed and bind to pain receptors.

Other methods you can use include CBD edibles and ointments.


The current therapeutic management for spinal stenosis includes pain management using pain medications and physical therapy. CBD oil has been proven as a potential treatment for spinal stenosis pain because it can alleviate symptoms and can help reduce inflammation.

“Consult your doctor before using CBD oil for chronic spinal stenosis pain.”, says CBDWorld.
HoneyColony Superior CBD Hemp Oil

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