7 Signs That The Ketogenic Diet is NOT Right For You

7-Signs-That-The-Ketogenic-Diet-is-NOT-Right-For-YouThe keto diet might just be the most popular idea in the unconventional health and fitness world right now. More than ever before, a wider audience is considering low-carb diets, especially the keto diet. Why? Because it has proven to be very effective in losing weight and improving overall health.

The keto diet is a low-carb, moderate protein and high-fat type of eating. Keto works by changing the way your body turns food into energy. The goal of the ketogenic diet is to put your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. This is achieved, when you cut out carbs from your daily menu, forcing to deplete all the glucose sources in your body.

Whenever your body doesn’t have enough glucose, it naturally starts looking for other sources of energy. For that, your body starts producing ketone bodies by breaking down fats. This is how your body adapts to lack of carbs. Going keto basically means, that you switch your body from burning glucose to burning fat.

The keto diet was developed during the 1920s by Dr. Russel Wilder, to be used as a treatment for childhood epilepsy. It was effective and widely used.

Once you are in ketosis, you can enjoy all the benefits keto diet offers: effective weight management, stable energy levels, less cravings, increased mental performance and much more.

The ketogenic diet has been shown to be very effective for weight management and as a natural health booster, but the ketogenic lifestyle is not for everyone. There are some potential health-based drawbacks. This affects especially women because it can disrupt hormonal production and nutritional deficiencies. Before considering the ketogenic lifestyle , verify your health status with your doctor.

If you find yourself in one of the following situations, then the ketogenic lifestyle may not be the right one for you. The-Ketogenic-Diet-is-NOT-Right-For-You

  1. If you have serious blood sugar issues

Many people will experience low blood sugar during the keto diet, at least initially. This can be dangerous if you are on diabetes medication or just struggling with unstable blood sugar. Yes, there are lots of research done on a topic how can be managed through low-carb diets, but to be safe, people with a history of diabetes or hypoglycemia should consider ketogenic diet only when being monitored closely by their doctor . This is especially true because often diabetes medication dosages need to be adjusted as the diet is very restrictive.

  1. If you have a history of an eating disorder

If you have a history of eating disorder, then you might want to pass the ketogenic diet. This is because the ketogenic diet, at its core, is pretty restrictive. Scientific research has shown, that low carb diets seem to be particularly effective up to 6 months, that is because after that people tend to give up and start eating same old things. This is why the keto diet is more as a lifestyle choice, not a crash diet.


  • If you have adrenal fatigue

Adrenal fatigue is often developed thanks to various stress factors. Research also shows that adrenal fatigued combined with the ketogenic diet tends to make the condition worse. Mainly because of the spike in cortisol levels. Some symptoms can be insomnia, muscle soreness, irregular heartbeat, depression and much more. Adrenal fatigue takes place when the body is under chronic stressors and the adrenal glands can no longer keep up with the demands . The ketogenic diet is just additional stressor for your body and mind (in the beginning) that you don’t need.

  1. If you have a hypothyroidism

The thyroid helps to regulate your metabolism and energy levels. Insulin is needed to convert the inactive thyroid hormone into active (T4 to T3). When following the ketogenic diet, you will restrict carbohydrates intake to the point, where there is not enough insulin available. A recent study has shown, that people with hypothyroidism who are on a ketogenic diet, have reported their symptoms to get worse when following the ketogenic type of eating style.

  1. If you have a history of gut dysbiosis

The ketogenic diet can alter gut flora. If you have a history of gut dysbiosis, then you need to be extremely careful when considering the ketogenic diet, because it can reduce the diversity of the gut microbiota. You need prebiotic fiber for a healthy gut and many beneficial prebiotic fibers come from carbohydrate sources. As with the keto diet, you will cut out most carb sources, your microbiota can shift to other direction which can, in turn, contribute to digestive problems, skin issues and more. One way to cope with that is to manage your fiber intake during the diet.

  1. If you are nutrient deficient

Although to diet is high-fat diet, it’s not uncommon, that the weight loss can occur very rapidly, if the diet is followed properly. If you are already underweight or deficient in nutrients, the keto diet is not recommended. If you lose weight easily, a moderate diet that includes complex carbs and healthy fats and proteins may be a better fit. Although the variety of ketogenic foods is pretty big, it lacks many fiber-rich foods, as you need to eliminate all the grains and starchy vegetables from the daily menu.

  1. You have a history of kidney disease

Following the keto diet, increases the risk of kidney stones. This is an unfortunate side-effect. If you are prone to kidney problems, then it might be smart to keep away from keto. Now, we all might have experienced kidney stones in some time during our lives, does this mean I should never do anything anymore? Definitely no. If you are still interested managing weight using keto diet, we suggest to consult with your doctor and let them check your urine calcium-creatinine ratio. In this way, you can be sure you are not putting pressure on your kidneys.

It’s important to understand, that keto diet causes disruption to your everyday life. It requires you to change your behavior, your habits, and foods you eat. Keto is not just any other Western diet, where one day you can do a cheat day and start over whenever if feels like it. Listen to your body and know what you can and cannot handle. Just because everyone else seems to be adapting to the keto diet, does not mean that you have to do it in that way.

If you have any medical conditions, then definitely consult with your doctor, before you will consider starting the ketogenic diet.

Author bio: Alex Reed is a health enthusiast, whose mission is to help to change lives, using the ketogenic lifestyle. So everyone can benefit from ketosis and the magical effects it has on the human body.

Website: Website: Body Ketosis

7 Signs That The Ketogenic Diet is NOT Right For You
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The Worst Habits For Your Health

Health Habits
Source: Twenty20.com

Everyone has some kind of vice; everyone does something that they shouldn’t do, or that they shouldn’t do as much. Yet we keep on, even if we know what we’re doing is bad for our health, because these things quickly and easily become a habit. Here are some of the worst habits we can have when it comes to keeping healthy, and how to stop them if possible.

Watching TV

Watching TV is a great way to unwind at the end of the day, but too much of it can cause problems including strokes and heart attacks; this is true even if you also regularly exercise. The problem is that sitting for a long time without moving affects the levels of blood sugar and fats within your body.

If you do find that you’re sitting still for long periods of time on a regular basis (whether it’s watching TV or sitting at a desk at work, or for any other reason) then the best advice is to get up every now and then (perhaps once an hour for five minutes or so) and move around. This keeps your circulation flowing more readily. It’s even better if you can do something more active during that time, but you may need to build up to that if you have only just begun.

Not Getting Help

If you keep telling yourself and others that you’re fine even when you’re most definitely not, that can easily become a habit. The words will just come from your mouth before you’ve had time to process the question. Yet if you find that you’re feeling angry, depressed, stressed, or anxious, you’re not fine – you’re unwell and you need to get help. For some, it’s difficult to admit that they have a mental health problem, for others it’s hard to understand that these feelings can be fixed. Yet they can, and they should be.

Make an appointment with your doctor in the first instance. They will be able to talk through your symptoms and refer you on to a specialist if need be.


Snoring isn’t a habit as such, but it is something that we do without realizing and it is something that can have an effect on our health (or rather, snoring is sometimes a symptom of a more serious issue). In some cases, snoring can be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea when breathing is interrupted throughout the sleep cycle. Not only will this disrupt your sleeping pattern (leaving you at risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other illnesses), but it can make your blood pressure rise dramatically too.

If you are told that you snore – or if you wake yourself up snoring – then don’t brush it off and be embarrassed because it really could be something serious. It’s far better to speak to a doctor about it than to ignore it.

Not Brushing Your Teeth

If brushing your teeth, as well as flossing, seems like a waste of time and you’ve got into the habit of only doing it on special occasions, you could be putting yourself at risk. There is, studies show, a strong relationship between gum disease and heart disease. Although the exact reasons aren’t yet known (studies are ongoing), it is thought that it could be due to the plaque that builds up over time. This is a sticky substance that is packed full of bacteria and it attaches itself to teeth and gums. Regular brushing and flossing will remove it before it can do much damage, but leaving the plaque where it is can cause these bacteria to inflame the body. This inflammation can damage the heart.

If you don’t currently brush your teeth at least twice a day, then you need to get into the habit of doing so. It is better for your overall health, but it will also prevent bad breath and hefty dental bills.

Hiding From The World

There will be days for everyone when it seems far better to hide away from the world than to try to interact with people. Having one of these days every now and then is normal – staying all by yourself to recover and regroup is actually a good idea, and when you do go back out into society you will be all the better for it.

However, it’s when you fail to go back out, or you find that every interaction is something that causes you anxiety, that this becomes a problem. Being with friends and family, even being with strangers to some extent, is good for our health according to studies, and those with a small circle of friends whom they see regularly tend to live longer than those who are more reclusive. Although it can be hard, it’s important to get back out into the world if you can – you’ll have more fun than you think you will.

Drinking Too Much Alcohol

If studies are to be believed (and the advice does change from time to time so be careful), drinking small amounts of alcohol on a regular basis can actually be good for your heart. However, drinking too much is extremely bad for it. Excess alcohol is linked to heart failure, high blood pressure, and high levels of blood fats. Plus there are many calories in alcohol which can lead to massive weight gain. Not only that, but alcohol inhibits our ability to function properly, and this can be dangerous particularly if you drive or operate heavy machinery.

If you feel that you drink too much and you know that you won’t be able to stop, there is professional help available. Visit an alcohol rehab center to completely rid yourself of the habit, as much as possible. It may always be a temptation, but once you’re clean you will find it easier to resist.


When you don’t have much time during the week and your only real chance to exercise is on the weekend, it is extremely easy to overdo things. You can go from one extreme to the other and make yourself unwell by going over the top and trying to do too much in a short amount of time. This can cause injury and make you feel unwell, and then you simply stop exercising completely in case you hurt yourself again. This happens a lot.

The best way to exercise is slow and steady. Even if you don’t have a lot of time during the week, exercising for a little while more regularly is better than going overboard all at once.

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5 Tips For Getting in Shape For The Summer

With summer approaching in less than a few months, it’s no doubt everybody wants to get in shape as soon as possible. Becoming fit and healthy is always a struggle to some, and we can see why. It takes a lot of patience and determination, and a truckload of discipline in order to see results. But don’t worry, this article will help you. Read on and you’ll find 5 tips to getting in shape for the summer. From fitness tips to health tips, we’ve got you covered. So what are you waiting for? Let’s dive in! 5 Tips For Getting in Shape For The Summer

  1. Set a goal for yourself

Goal setting is important in everything. If you want to get in shape, setting an attainable goal and a workable timeline is key. What is your target weight? Do you want to just lose weight or be fit too? It’s helpful to maintain a fitness journal to keep yourself in track with your goals. Measure your current weight, your waistline, and also include your arms, and thighs. Getting your BMI is also helpful in monitoring your progress.

When you set a goal for yourself, you become motivated to push further until you’ve reached that goal. But don’t be so hard on yourself. The entire weight loss journey, even when done properly, can still bring about frustrations. You may experience plateaus and even weight gain. But don’t worry, these phases will make sense if you’ve got the right stats to compare it with.

  1. Choose the right supplements

You can only do so much with proper diet and exercise. If you want to level up your progress, take time to choose the right supplements. Natural and organic supplements like maxfit garcinia is helpful in maintaining your weight. It also helps you contain your cravings. If you’d like to build more muscles, try taking protein powders to catalyze muscle formation. There are several types of supplements you can use depending on how you want to stretch your fitness journey. The important thing is to look into the labels and make sure they’re safe, FDA approved, and based from natural ingredients.

  1. Drink plenty of water

Water is an important factor in losing weight. Keeping yourself hydrated at all times curbs your appetite. It makes you feel full, which is important if you want to avoid eating more than you’re supposed to. Water also helps fuel your workouts. You’ll become more energized and your performance will improve if you’re well hydrated. Water boosts your metabolism as well, which is essential in breaking down the food we eat. It works in keeping our metabolism active and improves the amount of calories burned. There are tons more benefits to drinking water for weight loss so take note to always have bottle with you everywhere you go!

  1. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise is something you want to get used to if you intend to get in shape and keep it that way. 3 times a week is ideal, even for beginners. You can start with cardio workouts like jogging, aerobics, or Zumba. Anything just to keep your heart rate pumping and your body sweating. Then do a variety and include strength training as well. A balance of cardio and strength training is important in making sure you’re not just thinning out but also becoming leaner.

  1. Eat the right foods

Of course, never forget the importance of a balanced diet. Today, there are so many diets out there that claim to deliver the body we’ve always dreamed of. You can skip them, they’re all fad. Learn to identify which foods are healthy or not, then keep them in moderation. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. If you must eat starchy foods like rice and bread, keep them to at most one third of your daily food intake. It’s also helpful to choose the wholegrain versions of them. When it comes to milk and dairy products, always choose the low fat version. And of course, don’t forget to include protein rich foods in your diet as well. We’re talking about meat, fish, chicken, and eggs. Just because you’re trying to lose weight doesn’t mean you have to eat bland food. Enjoy your meals!

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7 Nutritious Sources of Plant-Based Milk Products

Milk Made With Nuts- Rice Or Soy….what are your thoughts, have you tried any of these for your family? 7 Nutritious Sources of Plant Based Milk Products

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you’re sure to have heard about plant-based milk products as an alternative to traditional dairy milk derived from cows and other mammals. Plant-based milks are becoming popular, especially among lactose-intolerant individuals, who suffer from the unpleasant effects of consuming animal milk. Moreover, they are also gaining favor among the growing population of vegans or people who choose to eat, wear, and use only products that are not derived from animal sources. Vegans love plant-based milk because it conforms to their ethical and lifestyle choices.

Also important is the fact that plant-based milks are naturally nutritious, much like their dairy counterparts. This is a good reason for you to consider going with plant-based milk products in general, apart from them being low in calories and gluten-free. Moreover, there is a variety of plant-based milk options that provide particular health benefits depending on their source plants.

More Than Just Soy

You may be most familiar with soy milk as one of the most common types of plant-based milk products, but these days, among the most popular and preferred plant milks are those derived from nuts and grains. A New York-based company called Elmhurst specializes in producing nutritious milk from plants using a proprietary cold milling process that extracts milk from the source nuts and grains. Because heat is not used in the process, the plant milks come out naturally creamy, allowing the company to avoid using industrial stabilizers and emulsifiers in their products.

High-quality products such as these are revolutionizing the way people enjoy plant-based milk because the customers are able to enjoy the texture of traditional milk in the most natural way possible. Moreover, they enjoy the different flavors and nutritional benefits that are naturally available from the source grains and nuts.

Choosing Your Plant-Based Milk

The variety of plant-based milk available in the market today may surprise you. You may not have given nuts and grains a second thought apart from being a handy snack or a cooking ingredient, but these vegetal sources are also used as a main ingredient in some of the most enjoyable and most nutritious milk products out there. Here are some of them.

Almond Nuts

Almond milk is high in magnesium, iron, calcium, and vitamin E, as well as the mineral potassium, which is good for the brain and muscles. It also has a high fiber content, which is good for preventing constipation and promoting regular bowel movement.


Oat milk is also similarly high in fiber, which helps lower cholesterol. It is also rich in essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid, as well as antioxidants and vitamin E. Oat milk is ideal for those seeking to lose weight and those hoping to improve their digestive health.

Brown Rice

Milk derived from brown rice is typically light and naturally sweet. It is gluten-free, making it ideal for those who are on such a diet. It also has less calories even compared to other plant-based milks. Rice also contains vitamin B, which helps provide energy and contributes to a healthy nervous system.


Walnut milk has been observed in many studies to possess antioxidants comparable or even superior to healthy fruits and vegetables such as spinach, carrots, and tomatoes. Walnuts are also naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, including vitamin E, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, copper, zinc, and magnesium.


Cashew milk is naturally thick and sweet and close in creamy consistency to dairy milk. Thus, it is ideal to use as an ingredient in cooking, in cereals, and in drinks.


Hazelnut milk is more nutty in flavor, quite similar to almond milk. It is particularly rich in folic acid, which is a key substance that promotes human growth. It is also a good source of protein, as well as B-group vitamins needed by the bloodstream and the nervous system.

Peanut Milk

Peanut milk is a great source of vitamin E and is rich in magnesium and vitamin B6 as well. Peanuts likewise contain an abundance of unsaturated fats, which are good for the heart.

Now that you have discovered the wonderful world of plant-based milks, won’t you give one or a couple of them a try? We bet you won’t be disappointed!
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