Herbalife Prolessa Duo Review: Ingredients to Support Weight Loss

Herbalife-Nutrition-offers-a-wide-range-of-products-including-their-signature-Herbalife-shakes.Herbalife Nutrition offers a wide range of products including their signature Herbalife shakes, multivitamins, protein products, weight loss management products, and more.  Each product by Herbalife is engineered to offer optimal delivery of the ingredients to the body. The high-quality products by Herbalife have received outstanding reviews from both professional athletes and everyday fitness enthusiasts. One of the nutritional supplements Herbalife Nutrition offers is Prolessa Duo, which provides a dual-action formula that helps reduce body fat and curb hunger.

Prolessa Duo Product Review

The three main ingredients in Herbalife Prolessa Duo are conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and a blend of oat and palm oil. The combination of these clinically tested ingredients allows for weight loss support for users of all fitness levels. An important feature of this product is that it is stimulant-free, unlike several other fat loss products. The stimulant-free feature makes the product ideal for use at any time of day, as it should not interfere with sleep. It is also perfect for users who are sensitive to stimulants.

The Prolessa Duo works great with the Formula 1 protein shake by Herbalife, a flagship nutritional product of the company. The powdered form of Prolessa Duo makes it easy to mix with other products and shakes. Another advantage of the powder is that it allows for portability, as users can carry the powdered serving with them to the gym or while traveling. To make a serving of Prolessa Duo, users need to add one scoop of product to a protein shake such as Herbalife Formula 1. The Prolessa Duo is not designed to be used with hot or acidic drinks.

How Prolessa Duo Helps Support Weight Loss

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is well known for its ability to support weight loss. Herbalife Prolessa Duo makes sure you get the purest form and right dose of CLA. The effectiveness of CLA allows users of Prolessa Duo to help achieve long-term results for weight loss management.

The blend of oat and palm oils helps control hunger, one of the key factors in being able to manage weight. Oat oil and palm oil are known for their antioxidant properties, and management of several health conditions including diabetes, cholesterol control, weight loss support, and other benefits.

One of the major factors in weight gain is overeating and snacking. A product that can help these hunger cravings can be useful in helping users achieve their overall diet and nutrition goals.  Prolessa Duo helps curb hunger, allowing users to follow their diet plan without cheating. It also helps users develop long-term healthy eating habits. The blend of palm and oat oil provides a feeling of fullness that helps reduce daily calorie intake.

About Herbalife Nutrition

As one of the global leaders in nutritional products, Herbalife Nutrition has a successful track record that goes back to 1980, when the company was founded in Los Angeles, CA. Herbalife products are developed by experts in health, food science, fitness, and other specialties. Ingredients are obtained from reliable, reputed, and pure sources. From sourcing to packaging, the entire supply chain is closely monitored to ensure the highest quality standards are used in every process. Herbalife Nutrition products are certified for use by professional athletes, as the ingredients do not contain any banned or prohibited substances.

Herbalife products are distributed through an extensive network of independent distributors that are provided with full support by Herbalife. One key offering is Herbalife Nutrition Clubs, which are located all over the globe. These clubs allow members to enjoy a community-based fitness environment and get access to a variety of fitness classes and nutritional products.
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How to Avoid Damaging Your Body When Running

We live in an age where exercise is prevalent, and people better understand the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. Running is one of the most easily accessible forms of exercise, where providing you’re physically able you can run anywhere and anytime. How-to-Avoid-Damaging-Your-Body-When-Running-

Whether you enjoy long distance running or a casual jog, running is a fantastic way to maintain good health. Though it’s an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise that improves your life considerably, it can also be hard on the knees. Close to 70% of runners experience knee injuries at some stage in their life, and it makes sense for people to struggle with their feet too since they regularly hit the ground.

Though it’s good to take preventative action to avoid injury, if you are experiencing problems with your feet you might want to visit a podiatrist like this one in Ohio. They can help you get back on track, quite literally. To encourage you, take a look at these top tips to prevent injury:

Wear the Right Shoes
Runners need a shoe that fits their feet correctly and provides ample protection. Cushioning is great to reduce impact, and by working with a professional you can discover the perfect footwear for you. Some people have wide widths, whereas others have narrow feet. Even the most expensive trainers don’t always provide adequate support, so if your trainer doesn’t fit exactly you should insert insoles. This will offer additional support if the insole has some rigidity to it.  If you have pain between your third and fourth toes it could be Morton’s neuroma and there are insoles that can address this pain

Light stretches are a great way to get loose and ready for exercise. This will help you get supple and encourage the blood to get pumping. This is especially important in cold weather, and elite runners will tell you stretching is a great way to prevent injuries.

Cross Train
Runners usually focus on multiple forms of exercise, and variation prevents your body continually facing impact in the same areas. Creating balance is a great way to exercise different muscles, and by adding core strength exercises to your routine you can strengthen your legs and become a better runner. Additionally, you’ll be less susceptible to injury.

Don’t Overdo It
Runners tend to run for long distances when great weather hits and take on too much too soon. This can put too much strain on the body, so it’s important to gradually build up to high intensity. By doing so your body can adjust accordingly, and won’t be shocked into intense exercise. Start slowly and work your way up, and remember not to overtrain without breaks in between efforts.

Eat Properly
Maintaining a nutritional balance is necessary for maintaining healthy joints, and by eating green vegetables and dairy you’ll be well prepared. According to Livestrong, certain cheeses and dairy have greater nutritional value than others, and will better contribute to a healthy and balanced diet. Goat cheese is one of the highest in calcium (while being low in Sodium), but be sure to purchase from farms and distributors that have organic, high-quality Goat cheese for sale. The right balance of nutrients will help your muscles recover, and it’s important to eat carbohydrates to give you the energy you need to run. Running on empty is a surefire way to get injured, so remember not to neglect the importance of good diet.
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5 Surprising Factors That Accelerate Skin Aging

Lifestyle changes and habits can slow down the process.Skin aging is a natural process that happens over the years. You cannot expect to stop the process as it is natural and inevitable. What really matters is how fast your skin ages because there are some lucky ones who seem ageless. On the other hand, there are some who start looking older right in their twenties. People often blame their genes but there may be several things that determine the effect of age on your skin.

So what could be the reasons why people age differently? Are the factors hereditary, environmental or behavioral? Is your skin aging normally or at a faster-than-normal pace? It is important to answer these questions so that you get an idea about what may be responsible in your case. Accordingly, you can avoid the issues and slow down the skin aging process effectively. Let us list some factors that accelerate the aging process.

Poor diet

The diet you eat affects your body in more than one ways. The perils of an unhealthy diet, high in fats and sugar, extend beyond weight gain. It can cause premature aging by triggering inflammation at the cellular level. Glucose from carbs and sugar enter the bloodstream and attaches to collagen and elastin. These are the proteins that keep your skin firm and supple. Once their quality deteriorates, they lose their elasticity which shows as signs of aging on your skin. The best approach would be to eat a skin-friendly diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, and cereals. Limit the intake of sugar and processed foods. Having plenty of water is equally important as it keeps your skin hydrated.

Exposure to sun

Using sunscreen all year round
Using Sunscreen All Year Long

Without any doubt, sunlight is essential for your body because it replenishes the levels of vitamin D. But excessive exposure to the sun can cause your skin to look older before time, with the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots. Spending too much time outdoors also deprives the skin of natural moisture and makes it dry and coarse. You may even suffer from sunburn due to overexposure to the harmful UV rays. Protecting your skin from aging related to sun damage is easy. Avoid staying outdoors during the peak hours and use a high SPF sunscreen every time you step out.

Chronic stress

You may be surprised to hear that you may look older than your years if you stress out too much. Chronic high stress can be a killer, not only for your body but for your skin as well. It causes an elevation in the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone that has an adverse effect on the ability of skin cells to regenerate. Further, stress is the cause of negative expressions which often end up as wrinkles on your skin. If you are looking for a way to reverse aging skin, keeping stress at bay is the best thing to do. Indulge in exercise and stress-relief therapies such as meditation, yoga and breathing exercises.

Smoking and alcohol

Everyone knows the detrimental effects of smoking and alcohol. But you may not be aware of how they can damage your skin and make you look old even at a young age. Smoking deprives your skin of oxygen and affects the hydration levels as well. Prolonged exposure, both as an active and passive smoker, can cause dullness and the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots. Heavy drinkers can suffer from discoloration of the facial skin. These habits increase the levels of toxins in your body, which take a toll on your skin’s health. So it is best to absolutely steer clear of them.

Inadequate sleep

Lack of adequate sleep is another reason why you may experience the signs of premature aging. This is because the skin cells repair and rejuvenate while you sleep. Also, this is the time your body uses to get rid of the toxins that it accumulates throughout the day. While getting a minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep every night is important, you must also maintain a good sleeping posture. People who tend to sleep face down and on one side can get wrinkles on the face. Make it a habit to sleep on your back and alternate the sides to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

These are some common reasons for skin aging that you may not even have considered before. Now that you know them, it becomes easier to avoid them and make some changes in your lifestyle and habits. Even minor modifications can make a big difference in ensuring that your skin looks ageless and radiant over the years.
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3+1 Stress-Relief Tips for Better Productivity at Work

Can you name at least 3 people among your friends and colleagues who do not experience any stress at work? I am sure most of you are already having a hard time trying to recall even 1 person who is stress-free. Well, that is the reality of today’s workplace.3+1 Stress Relief Tips For Better Productivity At Work

65% of adults say that work if the major source of stress in their lives. No surprise why almost half of adults also report that they cannot sleep at night because of the stressful events at work. Stress and anxiety, if abused, negatively influence work productivity and motivation.

Moreover, studies have shown that stress can cause various health consequences ranging from flu and colds to heart attacks and metabolic syndromes. In fact, researchers have found that stressful jobs can actually lower life expectancy. Not funny, huh?!

The bad news is that stress is inevitable because it is a natural reaction of our body to events and things happening around us. But the good news is that there are, at least, a couple of things you can do to manage your stress levels and get rid of bad stress.

Let’s take a look at essential stress-relief tips you can use to achieve better productivity at work.

1. Start your day positively

A lot of people underestimate the power of starting their day off right. When people kick off their working day with stress, they become more vulnerable and handle challenges with more difficulties than if they start their day positively.

Instead of beating yourself up from early morning on, here is what you can do:

  • Kick off your working day with a thank-you note to a colleague with whom you worked yesterday, a partner who helped resolve an issue, or even to a customer who stayed loyal despite ups and downs of the company.
  • Get into a positive mindset by using positive affirmations and positive visualization. Instead of using negative phrases, put a positive spin on them. You will see how easy problems start to seem.
  • Surround yourself with positive colleagues. Have a quick chat in the morning with somebody you get along with pretty well. It will give you a good start for your day.

2. Forget perfectionism and learn to prioritize

We all like a little bit of perfectionism in our lives. But by growing up and having a lot to deal with at work and in our personal life, it is important to be able to give up perfectionism and learn to prioritize, i.e. do first things first.

To do so, it is essential to realize that we are not invincible and we cannot do everything perfectly. Even if we try to do it, sooner or later our health will be affected and not in a good way.

So what to do?

  • Clarify your goals and set clear objectives for your work.
  • Prioritize your duties based on goals. Ask yourself, ‘How close does this task get me to my goals?”
  • Learn to reduce your to-do list from 10-15 things a day to 3-5 most important ones.
  • Set realistic deadlines and use your calendar to remind yourself of upcoming milestones.

Learning to prioritize also means knowing when to say NO. When your colleagues bombard you with extra tasks and requests, take a couple of minutes to see if you have time for more work. If your agenda is full and the extra task gets you nowhere close to your goals, say that you cannot take on more work.

It does not mean you neglect others. It simply means you have enough self-respect to prioritize what matters most at that moment.

3. Concentrate on your strengths and do what you are good at

Another big reason for being stressful is the simple fact that we beat ourselves up for our weaknesses. In stressful situations, people become more vulnerable even in the case of tiniest problems.

But a simple mindset shift can resolve all the stress related to work.

  • Instead of weaknesses, set yourself in a ‘strengths mode’.
  • Identify your top strengths and character traits by asking your friends and colleagues or by taking a strengths finder
  • Once you identify your strengths, try to incorporate those into your daily activities both at work and at home.

When we do what we are good at, our levels of motivation and happiness increase dramatically. People who happen to use their strengths at work are on average 74% more engaged and 31% more productive.

Concentrating on one’s strengths does not mean overlooking one’s weaknesses. It means using one’s strengths to minimize the negative effects of our weaknesses. If we can use our strengths and be more productive at work, then why not?

All these tips will bring no result to your productivity if you do not take care of your body and mind first. Stress-eating, gaining weight and constantly being depressed and tired all indicate that you do not take enough care of your body. So if you want to handle stress and be able to manage its influence in the long term, you should make your physical and mental health a priority.

And here is how:

  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep every day and do not sleep in on weekends.
  • Turn off all screens 1 hour before going to sleep and do not get to your phone the first thing in the morning. Try to balance how much you use technology.
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes every day. If you cannot go to the gym, then do small exercises at home or even at work. Stand up and move a bit in between stressful tasks. It will help your body release stress.
  • Meditate and free your mind from all the unnecessary thoughts.
  • Eat healthy and nutritious food. Remember that coffee is not your only savior.
  • Spend quality time with family and friends.

Stress is a real problem nowadays but fortunately, it is manageable. Follow the simple tips outlined in the article to reduce stress levels and improve productivity at work. Remember that everything is in your hands.

And don’t forget to share your own tips on how you manage stress.

Looking forward to hearing from you in the comments section.

If you want to know more about improving your confidence, take a look at this article about strength-based confidence building.

About the author: Anatoli Chernyaev is a content marketing manager born in Armenia and currently living in France. A strong believer in the power of strength-awareness and strengths use, he writes about various topics such as self-awareness, positive thinking, personal development, and career advice. In his free time, he travels around the world in search of inspiration and positivity.

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