Social Media Posts and Your Workers Comp Benefits

Social-Media-Posts-and-Your-Workers-Comp-BenefitsFor many of us, social media is the best way to stay in touch with our friends and family, especially if we need to let many or all of them know when something serious happens. Many people use this in the wake of natural disasters, for example, so they can keep in touch with those missing, displaced, or otherwise impacted. 

However, social media can affect personal disasters, too. For example, you may have been injured in a work accident, and you’re due work comp benefits. Unfortunately, the insurance company may try to use your online posts about your injury to hurt your future. 

If you’re concerned about protecting your compensation from being reduced or dismissed, you may need to avoid posting or sharing online after your accident. 

Your Posts Can Be Used against You

Unfortunately, your social media account isn’t always useful for good things. If you’ve posted about your injury, the insurance company may use that against you. If you’ve claimed online your injuries were lighter than what you told your doctor, for example, you could lose part or all your benefits. 

You could lose your benefits even if you don’t mention your worker’s comp agreement. The insurance company may try to claim you were in better health than you claimed to be. 

For example, you may have posted pictures of yourself playing football or tending to your garden on a day you were suffering less pain. Your worker’s comp provider may see this as evidence that your injuries aren’t as severe as you originally claimed since you were doing well enough to get back to normal tasks and fun. That could hurt your chances for work comp benefits. 

Addressing Social Media in Your Work Comp Hearing

When you’re accused of lying about your condition, and the other party brings up your social media posts in your hearing, it could hurt your chances of compensation. Without an Iowa workers comp lawyer, it can be tough to prepare for how your words will be used against you. 

Your Iowa workers comp lawyer can help you deal with that. If you’ve been injured in a work accident, your attorney can help you gather evidence that defends your online statements or contradicts it with physical evidence. 

Using Social Media for Your Work Comp Benefits

If you’ve been hurt in a work accident, your social media accounts may not be all bad. While it’s best not to post if you’re concerned about social media hurting your claim, your social media posts could help you prove that you were injured in a serious on-the-job accident. 

For example, you may have let your family know or made a comment about your work injury on the day of the accident. That gives you evidence that you were hurt when you claimed you were. You may also have posted updates about your progress or lack of progress. When keeping an honest track of your injuries, these posts may help jog your memory and show a timeline of your injury progression. 

If you’re concerned about the effect of your social media posts, talk to your lawyer about your options. They may review the content you’ve posted and helped you work with or around your statements.
A Brief Guide to Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance
Ways Social Media Can Ruin Your Personal Injury Case

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Mistakes to Avoid When Filing a Car Accident Claim in Denver


Many people make mistakes when filing car accident claims in Denver because they’ve never taken legal action before and don’t know where to start. You may feel confident about who’s responsible for your car accident, but when trying to recover compensation for your damages, you must prove negligence against the at-fault party using sufficient evidence. 

Making mistakes in your case can cause you to lose out on settlement money you deserve, which is why it can be helpful to speak with a car accident lawyer in Denver about your situation. When you find an experienced attorney who has handled similar cases before, you can feel confident that they’ll handle your case with care. By having legal support, you can avoid mistakes and maximize your claim.

Not Filing a Police Report

As soon as your car accident occurs, it’s important to call the police and file a police report. The police report will give details about who was involved in your accident, where and when the accident occurred, and how the accident occurred. You can use the police report as evidence to support your argument in court.

If you don’t file a police report, you won’t have any official information documented into the legal system from the scene of the accident. The judge and jury will then have to determine what happened in the wreck based on testimonies from you and the defendant.

Posting Revealing Information on Social Media

Many people don’t realize that using social media while filing a lawsuit can be harmful to your case. If you post anything related to your accident, the defendant or the court may use this information against you. 

Even if you don’t admit fault to your accident on social media, you may accidentally give the defendant evidence. It’s best to stay aware of what you post on social media until after your case is closed. 

Throwing Away Important Evidence

When you get into a car accident, you should keep any documents related to the accident until you go to trial. Even if you don’t think you’ll use a document as evidence, it’s better to keep the document than to throw away something that could be useful. Photographs, video footage, receipts, social media posts, and witness statements can all be useful in proving negligence against the defendant in your case.  

Waiting to Hire an Attorney

One of the most common mistakes victims make when filing car accident claims in Denver is waiting to hire an attorney. Many victims believe they can handle their lawsuit on their own until a certain point in their case, but the longer you wait to seek legal representation, the more likely you are to make mistakes in your case that can’t be fixed.
By speaking with an attorney as soon as your accident happens, you can get valuable advice on how to move forward with your case. Many law firms offer free consultations, so you shouldn’t hesitate to seek advice when it could help maximize your settlement.
What to Photograph at the Scene of Your Car Accident
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Delayed Injuries after a New York Car Accident

Delayed-Injuries-after-a-Car-AccidentWhen you’re involved in a New York car accident, you may feel completely fine right after the accident. You may accept that as a simple good luck and move on. However, you may later begin feeling ill, pained, and otherwise unlike you did before. 

You may have suffered a delayed injury, and if you don’t consider that before you head to court, it could affect your claim. If you’re concerned about getting compensated completely for your losses, understanding your delayed injury and acting now may be key to your financial recovery. Reach out for guidance or check out the following tips below to act on your claim. 

What Is a Delayed Injury? 

First, knowing what’s so important about a delayed injury is key. Delayed injuries can do some damage to your claim because you may not even realize you have one at the time you file. For example, you may have felt fine after your accident, but now, you can barely turn your head without neck pain. Injuries like whiplash may be unnoticeable for weeks before you feel them. 

This delayed response can sometimes be deadly. For example, some injuries may be internal, and you may not feel them until it’s too late to prevent severe damage. If you were in a serious crash, you may need to head to the hospital before you talk to a car accident lawyer in New York City or decide that you’re fine. 

Proving Your Injuries Are Accident-Related

If you wait to go to the hospital, the liable party may use that against you. They may claim you weren’t injured that badly, since you waited to act, or they may claim you couldn’t have been injured in the car crash. 

In these cases, you’ll need to gather evidence not just that you were injured but that you were hurt in a car accident. Often, that means getting an expert witness, like a doctor, to show the court that you were injured in the crash and how your injuries are connected to that crash. 

Compensation for a Delayed Injury

Once you have the evidence you need for your claim, you’ll also need an idea of the amount of compensation you’re seeking for your claim. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you’ll need to seek both financial and nonfinancial losses following your accident, also called damages. 

After a car accident, you may be due compensation for the following losses and others because of your delayed injury:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Household accommodations, like wheelchair ramps
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma

Connect with a New York Car Crash Lawyer after Your Injuries

When you’re overwhelmed by a delayed injury, you may need help dealing with your losses and seeking compensation for your injuries. Unfortunately, delayed injuries may complicated things—you may not realize just how badly you’re hurt until some time has passed. 

That’s why getting help now, not later, is key. Even if you feel fine, seek out a lawyer as soon as possible when you’re involved in a car accident. 
8 Car Accident Must-Dos To Protect Yourself Post Accident
What to Do If You Have Been Injured in A Car Accident

8 Car Accident Must-Dos To Protect Yourself Post Accident

8 Car Accident Must-Dos To Protect Yourself Post AccidentNo one wants to be in a car accident, but the reality is that you will probably get into one at some point in your lifetime. This is especially true if you spend a lot of time on the road, whether driving kids to and from school or running daily errands. And car accidents in Virginia are pretty likely as well.

In 2017, the last statistics recorded by the Virginia DMV, there were 127,375 car crashes. The number of personal injury accidents that same year was more than 40,000. That’s around 33 percent of all vehicle accidents in Virginia. Knowing what to do post car accident is important. Even if you are not at fault, you could be at risk for legal action, especially if the injury is a result of the accident.

If you’ve been injured in an accident and not at fault, knowing what to do is far more important, because getting what you deserve to recover is critical. “Car crashes rarely end well, resulting in vehicle damage, injuries, and mounting medical bills,” Virginia car accident law firm ChasenBoscolo explained.

To help you, we compiled a list of car accident must-dos to follow if a car crash happens to you. Let’s dive in!

1. Stay at the scene

Regardless of what type of car accident you’re involved in, be sure you stay on the scene of the accident. The only time to leave the scene of the crash is if your life is in danger.

2. Think about safety

The scene of an auto accident can be pretty chaotic, depending on the severity of the crash. If you are able, try to make the area safe for you and the other party in the accident. This could be tossing out road flares, putting up safety cones, or simply staying in your vehicle and putting your hazard lights on.

3. Always call the police

In any accident, you should call the police to the scene. This even goes for minor accidents when no injuries occur. Having police on the scene gives you proof of the accident since they are required to fill out an official police report. If not dangerous, leave the vehicles in their exact places, allowing the police to get a clearer picture of what happened.

4. Record everything that happened

The police will be asking questions about the car crash, but do your own recording as well. This can help you if things escalate and you find yourself in court. Everyone has a smartphone, so use it! Take pictures of the scene, videos, make a voice recording of what happened, and detail what the other driver says as well. Record what happened, because you can’t count on others to ensure you’re safe from legal action.

5. Get information from the other driver

Sometimes the police are slow to arrive, especially if you live in a busy city with a lot of crashes during the commute hours. In this case, you will need to get information from the other driver, like name, address, phone number, insurance number, make and model of the car, license plate number, and more. You can also take pictures of the other driver’s insurance card and vehicle if you can.

6. Call an attorney

Most people in Virginia think that calling the insurance company is the next step. However, it may be best to call an accident attorney. Calling an attorney to protect you from potentially divulging information to your insurance company that could hurt your accident claim. An experienced car accident attorney can guide you on the next steps and what to say during the course of the investigation.

7. Call your insurance company

Once you have discussed the car accident with your attorney, call your insurance company and let them know the details of the accident. This could increase the speed of getting your claim settled, receiving a rental car, and more.

8. Go to the hospital

Car accident injuries are not always seen. The force at which you are impacted with can be the equivalent of a few US tons. At the scene of the accident, your adrenaline is pumping, and you may feel no pain or discomfort. However, in a few days time, injuries can sneak up on you, causing tremendous pain. Go to the hospital or see your doctor immediately after the crash in order to start medical documentation and to get the treatment you need.

Wrapping up . . .

Car accidents can happen at any moment in Virginia. With over 125,000 happening yearly in the state, you should definitely know what to do post-car crash. The above can serve as your quick guide to getting everything documented and receiving the medical attention you need to make a fast recovery.
A Brief Guide to Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance
What to Do If You Have Been Injured in A Car Accident
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