How to Talk about Money with Your Kids

How to talk about money with your kidsThere’s no doubt talking about money can be challenging to talk about money with your kids. But don’t let that stop you from being honest about your finances with your children. If you aren’t sure how to get started, let this guide help you open up.

  1. Explain why you’re saying no

The hardest part of living on a tight budget is the fact you’ll have to tell your children no. You simply don’t have the money to get everything they want — whether it’s an extra treat at the grocery store or a new video game.

Rather than leaving it at “because I said so”, let them know why they can’t get what they want. You don’t have to pull out your budget and show them your exact finances, but you should be honest.

  1. Make it a dialogue

Depending on how old they are, they may start worrying if you talk about your finances in a negative light.

The purpose of your chats isn’t to place the burden of worry on your children, so be careful about the language you use.

One way to keep their worries at bay is to avoid one-sided conversations. If you steamroll through a talk about the family budget, you won’t give them a chance to ask questions. You may not even realize they’re bothered unless you take a breath.

  1. Don’t overshare

First and foremost, you’re the parent. You need to educate while reassuring they’re safe.

While you’ll want to be honest about your family’s finances, you must remember your kids:

  1. May not have a strong understanding of finances, let alone how money works
  2. Are not your financial advisor or guidance counselor

You’ll need to talk about money in ways they’ll understand. But more importantly, you shouldn’t use these discussions as a chance to unload about your own fears for the future.

  1. Make it age appropriate

How you talk about money depends on their age.

A child who’s just starting school doesn’t need to know about personal loans. A teenager, on the other hand, may appreciate the fact you need to take out an installment loan.

In fact, talking about cash loans may be a great idea if your children are thinking about college. They may already have questions about lines of credit and personal loans, so a discussion about credit options could help them make sound financial decisions.

Use your own finances as an opportunity to talk about when could you use a personal loan to help with an unexpected bill. Walk them through the entire process, so they know what to expect if they ever need to take out one on their own.

  1. Get them involved

Generally, money is a serious topic of conversation. One way to lighten up the subject is by enlisting their help to save more money.

Relieve some of their worries by making saving a game. You can do that by:

  • Playing a twist on scavenger hunts, where the goal is to find the cheapest price for an item
  • Giving them a calculator while you grocery shop to make sure you spend under a limit
  • Rewarding whoever can cut the most coupons or take the shortest shower

Most parents have a lot of hang-ups about money that stops them from talking about it with their kids. Don’t be one of them. Rather than let your anxieties control how you discuss your finances, talk openly about money. It can help your kids become financially literate adults.

How to Teach Your Children the Value of Saving Money
Saving Money When on A Family Budget
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6 Lessons to Teach Your Teenager About Safe Driving

Has your baby reached the age when he or she is ready to start driving?

How did this happen so fast?

Suddenly, here you are, trying to figure out how to teach this no-longer-little person how to command a vehicle. Like, wasn’t it just yesterday he was learning to walk?

But take a deep breath. You’ve got this. 6 Lessons to Teach Your Teenager About Safe Driving

Here are 6 lessons to teach your teenager about safe driving. After all, that’s the most important lesson.

1.      Avoid texting while driving

Distracted driving is a leading cause of traffic accidents worldwide. And if you can instill good driving habits in your teenager before they adopt bad ones, they’re up for a lifetime of good driving habits.

This one involves leading by example. This means that you must avoid answering texts while driving — every time.

It’s easier said than done, for sure. But it’s crucial that you practice what you preach. Even if you think you can handle a little distracted driving, remember that your kids are watching. And they’re inexperienced drivers.

2.      Start slowly

Depending on your teen’s excitement level, she may want to get in the car and start driving right away. But that’s not really how driving instruction works. Your teenager should know that operating a vehicle is a major responsibility that is not to be taken lightly.

3.      Practice defensive driving

With so many distracted drivers on the road, your teen will need to learn to drive defensively. It’s not enough to know that your teen has safe driving habits. You’re going to want your teenager to look out for other drivers. Defensive driving involves paying attention to the drivers around you. Your teen will have to get used to anticipating other driver’s moves. This way, they’ll be ready to react at any moment.

4.      When to ask for help

If you can manage to swing the expense, driving lessons are always worthwhile. Not every parent is going to be a great driving instructor. It’s unrealistic to expect that you’re going to have the patience and calm necessary to teach your child how to drive. If you’re nervous while your child is driving, pay for a lesson or two, so your child can learn from a professional (with a passenger-side brake). It’s not necessary in every case, but it can save quite a bit of tension.

5.      How to drive in poor conditions

Naturally, you’ll start by teaching your child to drive in good condition. But once they have the basics down, it’s time to branch out and drive in less-than-desirable road conditions. Start by practicing in a light drizzle. Then, you can move on to driving in heavier rain, and then snow (if the weather in your area permits). You don’t want your child to face these conditions for the first time alone.

6.      The importance of maintaining your vehicle

Car maintenance is an important part of car safety, so stress the importance of getting the car serviced at appropriate times. If your teen sees you slacking on things like oil changes or tire rotations, they’re likely to do the same. And these things can lead to breakdowns and unsafe driving conditions. So if you want them to be safe, teach them how to maintain a safe vehicle.

If you’re looking to pass down healthy habits, safe driving is a big one. Start with the six tips on this list to ensure your teen starts with a foundation of safe driving habits. And if you would like more information you can read more on driving statistics here
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8 Trends Of a Teen in 2019

All teens have trends that they will go through, some will pass quickly, while others become a part of their lives. I’m sharing a few that seem popular in 2019

We’re in the year 2019, and with every moving year, there is an abundance of new trends that envelop teens and youngsters. The new “chill” thing to act, dress, or possess! Some of these drifts continue, while some just fade away over time. Are there any trends here that you recognize if any that bring back reminiscences to you, or would are teens you know are a pacesetter and have started doing one of these! These are trends that are currently popular with teens as a way to express themselves.


As the party scene is spreading like wildfire, the rise of new styles in the smoking and drinking community is also increasing in numbers. Vaping is just the genuine alternative of smoking, every modern teen out there who has a severe addiction to smoking cigarettes, may have already made the switch which is an alternative to cigarettes. Not that this is a healthy choice either.  Vaping is fundamentally a way where you smoke vaporized liquid. And not necessarily a good alternative to gets you rid of your bad addiction. It is just whats part of teen trends. 

Source: Bing Common

The “Nerd” Look

Previously, if anyone wore heavy, large glasses, they would be smiled at. Today, it’s refreshing to wear those identical glasses and do your hair messily. Pair this with a group of books in one hand, a pen in the other, and you are the “new cool”. The nerdy appearance has taken the globe by a storm and has skyrocketed geeky resembling people to be fashionable with their “authoritative, nerd vibes”.

Other Trends-Feminism

Feminism is a pressing concern with legislative programs all across the globe and today’s youngsters find it great to be recognized as a “feminist”. It is surely beneficial and assertive for females all across those teens are now following the feminist campaign and holding up for similar rights for the feminine gender. There is no other community that can bring about a quicker, more widespread appreciation than the young adolescent culture. Whether a teen or an adult seeking prominence, everyone has the right to stand up for individual freedoms and to be equal to their friends.

Source: Bing Common

Jogging Pants

This unique combination of pants is a modern trend. It can be dressed in various ways and at an unspecified time. Whether it is running to the gym, practicing yoga, or chilling with friends, ‘joggers’ are fresh in fashion to wear. They are ready for both guys and gals, either printed or plain in style. They can even be paired with crop tops when traveling to the mall (for girls) or with muscle tees while hanging with the group (for guys)!

Crop Tops
Source: Bing Common

Tank Tops/ Crop Tops

Every modern teen that who travels to the gym, whether it’s a girl or a guy, owns a lot of tank tops aka “flesh tees”. This is an item of fashion that shows off the body. Whether its triceps, biceps or a strong back, tank tops are an idea to show off the effects of working out. While tanks are frequently worn by guys, adolescent girls have the alternative crop top. The crop top easily shows off toned midriffs and can be dressed in so many ways. It has become a style statement when one wears a crop top to a party. It can be matched with a set of high-waist pants or a dress. It can be perfectly casual and worn with shorts or can be super-athletic and dressed in yoga pants, or even joggers. Seems to be a must-have for every teen right now.

Source: Bing Common


This is unquestionably not a current trend. From the primeval times, it has been acknowledged ‘excellent’ to get a tattoo. We are seeing more and more people indulging in tattoos. The designs have often varied from outstanding quotes to an illustration of something that’s thought of as fashionable, or utterly something that inspires you of one that is chosen. The latest fad in this age-old bias is neat tattoos. Designs are defined by one’s own imagination. It is now recognized cooler to have a tattoo that is an untidy choice rather a more elaborate design.


Whether it’s to be a radical or look aesthetically appealing, piercing is a different trend that is old but gold. Piercings have grown hugely from simply nose and ear piercings to eyebrow piercings, belly switch piercings, piercings, muscle piercings, and even mouth piercing. Popular actors and figures donning a number of these urge teens today to accompany in their tracks and likewise pierce themselves. Not for everyone.

Source: Bing Common


Often studied a form of narcissism and self-obsession, selfies are the entire trend amongst teens today. From practicing bathroom selfies to selfies in marketplaces and crowd selfies, the kind of selfies has grown since its commencement in 2015. This passion of teens has attained a level wherein it’s almost impracticable for a person to go to a place or event, and not get a selfie. Whether it’s a performance or a marriage, this style of picture-taking has now graced the way to document what’s being shared.

Source: Bing Common

Social Networking Apps

Snapchat doesn’t have value if your photo is previously shared, it also has to be shared on Facebook and Instagram. Maybe even Pinterest and Tumblr. Youngsters write more on their social accounts forms than they appear in real life. Only tagging friends in relatable columns or memes are more popular than transferring these texts or deep messages telling them how much they are admired, loved and missed. And whether it’s a bond or attachment, now, every prospect of it is on social media profiles to gain popularity and supporters. The more followers and participant has, the more attractive and cooler a teen is recognized.

With all of the trends today, for parents it can be challenging and difficult to convey your opinion to your teen, sometimes we have to let a trend run its course, but parents have the right to set guidelines. These trends are an eye-opener to me, I bet they are to many of you as well. Im glad my kids are adults now and we dont have to deal with the trends of today.

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Coping With Your Teen Daughter Dating

If you have a daughter there will come a time that you will deal with datingAs a parent coping with teen daughter dating

Like most of the parents, you probably have some fears, now that your daughter has reached the age of dating. However, you have to remember that it is your job to help your daughter make a smart choice when she is choosing the person she will date. Fathers have a tough time understanding that it is something normal for their daughter to start seeing a boy, they have been the prince charming of all their daughter’s dreams for a long period, and now their little princesses have grown up and they are ready to go on a date. The fact that they are ready for dating is the first sign that they are growing up, and soon they will become adults. However, this does not mean that they no longer need you; you still have to protect them. Parents are often caught off guard when their daughter tell them that they have a boyfriend, but you have to make sure that you soon come to terms with your teenager daughter dating someone.

If you want to make sure that she is dating the right person, here are some ideas that will help you get started.

Dating starts earlier these days

When you were a teenager, it was unusual for you to say to your parents that you have a boyfriend/girlfriend. But nowadays teenagers get involved in relationships that often start through texting. Do not worry, the first relationships your daughter will have will not go beyond chatting, attending group outings and posting pictures on social media. Your daughter considers dates the times when they go together to the mall, to a movie, or when they are attending a friend’s birthday.

Coping with your teen daughter dating 2 (1)

You can check whom your daughter is dating by using social media. Also, you should make sure that she is not using her phone to get involved in any form of sexting. Allow your daughter to text boys, but she should understand that if she gets involved in sexting, it would harm her reputation. You can monitor her relationship through social media. Make sure that you do not offer her feedback on social media, because teenagers have fragile egos, and you can hurt them if you make them feel embarrassed in the face of their friends.

Meet the boyfriend and ask him some questions

If your daughter states that the relationship is more serious than a few dates at the mall and cinema, you should meet the boy, and find more about him. Ask him some questions; they will help you make a first impression.

Find out why he wants to date your daughter, he may not know exactly what to say, but you will at least understand how he reacts in a stressful situation. Sometimes teen boys have no idea why they want to date a certain girl, they like her, period. You were their age once, you should remember those times. If he missed the chance to convince with the first answer, you should try to find out more about his hobbies. Ask them to tell you what they like to do for fun, in this way you will learn where your daughter will spend her time when they will go out on a date. Ask him the names of the games he plays, if he has a favorite band and if he practices any sport.

If your daughter insists that their relationship is serious, and they have started to plan their future together is the right moment to see if he has the same thing in mind. Ask him where he sees himself in five years. Sometimes, the boy with a funky haircut has big goals in his life. If he plans to become a doctor or a lawyer, you can overlook the tattoo from his neck.

Encourage your daughter to establish boundariesCoping with your teen daughter dating

Your role as a parent is to establish some rules for your teenager daughter. You should be the first person who checks out the boy she is dating, because her own instincts may not function as good as yours. You should teach her what the healthy and safe limits of a relationship are.

Help her understand that she needs to adopt a one-to-one ratio for her friends and boyfriend. If she spends a night out with her boyfriend, she should spend the next one with her girlfriends. It will help her maintain her circle of friends; she needs this in case the relationship will not have a happy ending.

She should get involved in multiple activities that do not include her boyfriend. Support her if she wants to join a sport, club or activity because it will help her create other relationships and connections.

Help her understand that her boyfriend is not part of the family; he will become a member only when they will get married. He will not join you on your family vacations and he will not come over for holidays.

Find as many details as possible about the boyfriend

You should try to find out information about the boyfriend; you want to know she is safe when she goes out on a date. If you do not have common friends with the family of the boyfriend, you will have to look out for another strategy. You can take advantage of the Internet because it offers you access to platforms that conduct people search. You should pay attention to the records about his behavior, his criminal record, and his activity. If you have the possibility try to find more about his parents, if they seem really nice persons, who are focused on education and work, you have no reason to worry. And do not forget to verify his group of friends, because teenagers are easily influenced by the persons they spend their time with.

Teach your daughter a few things about breakups

You do not want to see your daughter having her heart broke, but there are very few chances her first relationship to have a happy ending. In case she has to break up with her boyfriend, she should know that she has to do it as clean as possible, and in a quick manner. She needs to understand that this relationship is only a facet of her identity, and it does not ruin her life.

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