Delayed Injuries after a New York Car Accident

Delayed-Injuries-after-a-Car-AccidentWhen you’re involved in a New York car accident, you may feel completely fine right after the accident. You may accept that as a simple good luck and move on. However, you may later begin feeling ill, pained, and otherwise unlike you did before. 

You may have suffered a delayed injury, and if you don’t consider that before you head to court, it could affect your claim. If you’re concerned about getting compensated completely for your losses, understanding your delayed injury and acting now may be key to your financial recovery. Reach out for guidance or check out the following tips below to act on your claim. 

What Is a Delayed Injury? 

First, knowing what’s so important about a delayed injury is key. Delayed injuries can do some damage to your claim because you may not even realize you have one at the time you file. For example, you may have felt fine after your accident, but now, you can barely turn your head without neck pain. Injuries like whiplash may be unnoticeable for weeks before you feel them. 

This delayed response can sometimes be deadly. For example, some injuries may be internal, and you may not feel them until it’s too late to prevent severe damage. If you were in a serious crash, you may need to head to the hospital before you talk to a car accident lawyer in New York City or decide that you’re fine. 

Proving Your Injuries Are Accident-Related

If you wait to go to the hospital, the liable party may use that against you. They may claim you weren’t injured that badly, since you waited to act, or they may claim you couldn’t have been injured in the car crash. 

In these cases, you’ll need to gather evidence not just that you were injured but that you were hurt in a car accident. Often, that means getting an expert witness, like a doctor, to show the court that you were injured in the crash and how your injuries are connected to that crash. 

Compensation for a Delayed Injury

Once you have the evidence you need for your claim, you’ll also need an idea of the amount of compensation you’re seeking for your claim. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you’ll need to seek both financial and nonfinancial losses following your accident, also called damages. 

After a car accident, you may be due compensation for the following losses and others because of your delayed injury:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Household accommodations, like wheelchair ramps
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma

Connect with a New York Car Crash Lawyer after Your Injuries

When you’re overwhelmed by a delayed injury, you may need help dealing with your losses and seeking compensation for your injuries. Unfortunately, delayed injuries may complicated things—you may not realize just how badly you’re hurt until some time has passed. 

That’s why getting help now, not later, is key. Even if you feel fine, seek out a lawyer as soon as possible when you’re involved in a car accident. 
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Miraculous True Car Accident Survival Stories

Car accidents began to happen as soon as the first horseless carriage hit the road. Those early years, when Model Ts first became available to everyday American, seem now like the Wild West of driving. No laws or driving restrictions made for thrilling automotive adventures and chaos as well.

Modern cars and roads equipped with safety features only dreamed about in the 1900s haven’t eliminated accidents. Faster speeds and more cars on the road take a toll. Human behavior hasn’t changed much since those early days, either.

Yes, accidents still happen even with safer cars and traffic laws. But amazingly, some people walk away from horrific crashes with no or only minor injuries. Here are some of their true stories. Miraculous True Car Accident Survival Stories

It Was Just Another Day Until …

Karen Brown was doing what she did nearly every day when she made a left turn at an intersection in her Ford Fiesta. She certainly didn’t expect the driver of the large truck to run the red light and plow into her small car.

The truck rolled over Karen’s Fiesta crushing the top. Bystanders believed no one could possibly have survived the impact. But, fate had other ideas.

It turns out that the impact pushed Karen’s body into the only open space left inside the Fiesta. It took first responders two hours to free her from the wreckage, but when Karen emerged and was checked by paramedics, her only injury was a cut on the finger. She didn’t even require a hospital stay.

Grandma and Grandson – Survivors

Henry Bliss was the first pedestrian fatality in America in 1899. Pedestrian death numbers grew as more cars hit the road. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 270,000 pedestrians die worldwide from being hit by cars.

That’s what makes this story of Vilma Teodoro do Nascimento and her grandson Joao Pedro so amazing. The grandmother and her 5-year-old grandson attempted to walk across a street in their Brazilian hometown when two cars on the road collided.

One of the cars, a white Volkswagen, headed straight for the walking pair. Ms. Nascimento tried to pull her grandson away, but the car ran over both of them. Although they spent the night in the hospital, both Grandma and her grandson were released the next day with only minor injuries.

How to Become a Tractor Trailer Sandwich

No one wants to become part of a tractor-trailer sandwich, but that’s what happened to Oregon’s Kaleb Whitby. It was early January, and the dense fog he encountered on the highway was common that time of year.

Another common feature of many roads that time of year is black ice. Unfortunately, as Kaleb swerved to avoid hitting a swaying semi in front of him, his truck hit black ice, he lost control and slammed into the back of the semi.

Kaleb wasn’t injured, but seconds later another semi behind him lost control on the black ice and slammed into Kaleb sandwiching him between the two giant trucks.

Unbelievably, although he was trapped in his crushed vehicle, he still wasn’t hurt. After he was extricated from the wreckage and had a quick trip to the hospital, Kaleb walked away with only minor injuries.

In a case like this if any of these vehicles had a dash cam they would have been able to record the entire incident. Find the best dash cams

What to Do If You Have Been Injured in A Car Accident
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