Discover How Children Learn And Why 0-5 Years Are So Important

Young-children-up-to-the-age-of-five-are-said-to-have-brains-like-spongesChildren that are prepared to study frequently do better in life. This may be because they have a better education or because they like to learn and this knowledge helps them to achieve goals. If you want your child to learn and achieve success later in life then you need to understand how children learn, why the first few years are so important, and how a reputable Croydon early learning center can help you achieve these goals and become a great parent.

The Learning Process

Children learn from the moment they are born. They start learning through touch and feel, that’s why it’s important that they have a stimulating environment and the reason that early childhood learning centers can be a big benefit.

In their first year, babies may not appear to be doing that much but they will be paying attention to and interacting with everything around them. They’ll learn by:

  • Watching everything that goes on around them and copying
  • Listening to all the sounds in their environment creates the rudiments of speech
  • Investigating things, often by putting them in their mouth to discover taste, texture, and shape
  • Handling everything to feel the textures
  • Starting to ask simple questions

The Young Child’s Brain

Young children, up to the age of five, are said to have brains like sponges. They literally absorb everything that is going on around them. The trick is to give them a stimulating environment where things are different every day. This encourages them to learn more.

The things that are absorbed are processed overnight, when your young child sleeps. That’s one of the reasons why it is so important to make sure your young child gets a good ten hours of sleep at night.

Personal Involvement

Children learn through experience better than simply being told. This is actually true for many adults as well. To give them that experience they must be able to interact with all the different elements that surround them.

You can help by providing an array of new objects daily. It can be beneficial to give your child these objects and talk about them. Even if they don’t understand everything you’re saying it will help them to learn more.

Of course, being involved and interacting with them will help you to build the parent/child bond that you probably crave.

What They Learn

Through interaction and a little guidance young children will learn to communicate. This will be via their hands and they will start to formulate words. After they have started talking they will quickly build on their vocabulary by listening to you.

They will also develop an understanding of the space they occupy and how they can influence their immediate environment. This is a great way for children to develop an understanding of their place in the world. You can help them develop this by doing activities with them, such as watering plants to watch a flower grow.

Your child will continue to learn as long as you interact with them. But, when they are very young it’s very easy for them to learn, that’s why it’s important for you to encourage learning as soon as they are born.

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