3+1 Stress-Relief Tips for Better Productivity at Work

Can you name at least 3 people among your friends and colleagues who do not experience any stress at work? I am sure most of you are already having a hard time trying to recall even 1 person who is stress-free. Well, that is the reality of today’s workplace.3+1 Stress Relief Tips For Better Productivity At Work

65% of adults say that work if the major source of stress in their lives. No surprise why almost half of adults also report that they cannot sleep at night because of the stressful events at work. Stress and anxiety, if abused, negatively influence work productivity and motivation.

Moreover, studies have shown that stress can cause various health consequences ranging from flu and colds to heart attacks and metabolic syndromes. In fact, researchers have found that stressful jobs can actually lower life expectancy. Not funny, huh?!

The bad news is that stress is inevitable because it is a natural reaction of our body to events and things happening around us. But the good news is that there are, at least, a couple of things you can do to manage your stress levels and get rid of bad stress.

Let’s take a look at essential stress-relief tips you can use to achieve better productivity at work.

1. Start your day positively

A lot of people underestimate the power of starting their day off right. When people kick off their working day with stress, they become more vulnerable and handle challenges with more difficulties than if they start their day positively.

Instead of beating yourself up from early morning on, here is what you can do:

  • Kick off your working day with a thank-you note to a colleague with whom you worked yesterday, a partner who helped resolve an issue, or even to a customer who stayed loyal despite ups and downs of the company.
  • Get into a positive mindset by using positive affirmations and positive visualization. Instead of using negative phrases, put a positive spin on them. You will see how easy problems start to seem.
  • Surround yourself with positive colleagues. Have a quick chat in the morning with somebody you get along with pretty well. It will give you a good start for your day.

2. Forget perfectionism and learn to prioritize

We all like a little bit of perfectionism in our lives. But by growing up and having a lot to deal with at work and in our personal life, it is important to be able to give up perfectionism and learn to prioritize, i.e. do first things first.

To do so, it is essential to realize that we are not invincible and we cannot do everything perfectly. Even if we try to do it, sooner or later our health will be affected and not in a good way.

So what to do?

  • Clarify your goals and set clear objectives for your work.
  • Prioritize your duties based on goals. Ask yourself, ‘How close does this task get me to my goals?”
  • Learn to reduce your to-do list from 10-15 things a day to 3-5 most important ones.
  • Set realistic deadlines and use your calendar to remind yourself of upcoming milestones.

Learning to prioritize also means knowing when to say NO. When your colleagues bombard you with extra tasks and requests, take a couple of minutes to see if you have time for more work. If your agenda is full and the extra task gets you nowhere close to your goals, say that you cannot take on more work.

It does not mean you neglect others. It simply means you have enough self-respect to prioritize what matters most at that moment.

3. Concentrate on your strengths and do what you are good at

Another big reason for being stressful is the simple fact that we beat ourselves up for our weaknesses. In stressful situations, people become more vulnerable even in the case of tiniest problems.

But a simple mindset shift can resolve all the stress related to work.

  • Instead of weaknesses, set yourself in a ‘strengths mode’.
  • Identify your top strengths and character traits by asking your friends and colleagues or by taking a strengths finder
  • Once you identify your strengths, try to incorporate those into your daily activities both at work and at home.

When we do what we are good at, our levels of motivation and happiness increase dramatically. People who happen to use their strengths at work are on average 74% more engaged and 31% more productive.

Concentrating on one’s strengths does not mean overlooking one’s weaknesses. It means using one’s strengths to minimize the negative effects of our weaknesses. If we can use our strengths and be more productive at work, then why not?

All these tips will bring no result to your productivity if you do not take care of your body and mind first. Stress-eating, gaining weight and constantly being depressed and tired all indicate that you do not take enough care of your body. So if you want to handle stress and be able to manage its influence in the long term, you should make your physical and mental health a priority.

And here is how:

  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep every day and do not sleep in on weekends.
  • Turn off all screens 1 hour before going to sleep and do not get to your phone the first thing in the morning. Try to balance how much you use technology.
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes every day. If you cannot go to the gym, then do small exercises at home or even at work. Stand up and move a bit in between stressful tasks. It will help your body release stress.
  • Meditate and free your mind from all the unnecessary thoughts.
  • Eat healthy and nutritious food. Remember that coffee is not your only savior.
  • Spend quality time with family and friends.

Stress is a real problem nowadays but fortunately, it is manageable. Follow the simple tips outlined in the article to reduce stress levels and improve productivity at work. Remember that everything is in your hands.

And don’t forget to share your own tips on how you manage stress.

Looking forward to hearing from you in the comments section.

If you want to know more about improving your confidence, take a look at this article about strength-based confidence building.

About the author: Anatoli Chernyaev is a content marketing manager born in Armenia and currently living in France. A strong believer in the power of strength-awareness and strengths use, he writes about various topics such as self-awareness, positive thinking, personal development, and career advice. In his free time, he travels around the world in search of inspiration and positivity.

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Learn How to Practice Meditation in 4 Steps

Meditation is a powerful tool that anyone can practice. Whether you’re working to prioritize self-care or you’re recovering from an illness, injury or drug and alcohol addiction, practicing meditation daily is a great way to maintain a sense of balance in life. Understanding its history, purpose, and benefits can help you learn to appreciate the practice as art and effectively integrate it into your everyday life. How to Practice Meditation: 4 Simple Steps

Meditation Defined

Meditation is a practice adopted by many cultures across the globe. Evidence of the first meditation practices was found in the Indus Valley dating all the way back to 5,000 to 3,500 BCE.

Meditation is an art that encourages the development of concentration, self-awareness, and clarity. It is defined by achieving a state of inner stillness while remaining awake. When practiced regularly, meditation promotes a deeper sense of peace and understanding of yourself and the world around you. These experiences transform your state of being with powerful insight and a renewed understanding of life.

Most of the world’s religions have adopted the basic concepts of meditation in one way or another, although you don’t have to associate with any sort of religion to practice meditation or enjoy its benefits. Many therapists within medical care centers or alcohol and drug rehab centers use meditation as a therapeutic tool to help their clients recover from traumatic experiences and addictive behaviors as they begin to reorient their thoughts and experience life in a different way. 

• Benefits and Purpose of Meditation

The main purpose of meditation is to look inward and achieve a sense of self-understanding and calm. Naturally, it comes with many other benefits that will ultimately transform your life in a simple yet powerful way.

• Manage the stresses of everyday life – Scientific studies have shown that meditation changes the brain. Some of these changes take place in the amygdala (the part of the brain associated with anxiety, fear, and stress) are correlated to a reduction in stress levels.

• Gain clarity – Taking the time to meditate each day allows you to examine what is inside of you instead of focusing the things going on around you. As a result, you’ll discover things you may not have known about yourself and can use this knowledge to modify negative thoughts and behaviors to improve your life. This is especially helpful for individuals in recovery at drug and alcohol rehab centers because they must learn how to modify their behaviors while learning how to live life in a healthier way.

• Improve mood – Meditation not only helps clear the clutter from your mind, but it can also improve negative emotions associated with mood disorders like depression. In fact, a study from Johns Hopkins University found that the effects of meditation rivaled antidepressants when treating depression and anxiety. Meditation may be a healthier alternative to dealing with depression, anxiety, and similar mood disorders.

• Practice discipline – The practice of meditation is frequently used within a rehab center setting because it serves as an opportunity to practice self-discipline. Even those who are not in rehab or another type of clinical setting can benefit from developing a healthy daily routine based on discipline.

• Improve concentration – Maintaining concentration is very difficult, especially in a day and age when constant cell phone alerts and emails are continual sources of harassment. Practicing meditation can help you learn how to block out constant interruptions and focus on the task at hand.

• Practice a healthier lifestyle – Meditation helps you relax, which in turn, opens your blood vessels and drops your blood pressure. Not only does it encourage cardiovascular health, but it also promotes an all-around healthy lifestyle as you prioritize the health of your mind, body, and soul and treat yourself with kindness.

• How to Practice Meditation: 4 Simple Steps

If you would like to learn how to meditate at home or while living in an inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center, here’s a quick step-by-step guide to help get you started. Your counselor, yoga instructor, or doctor may have additional tips to help you improve your practice.

1-Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed and assume a posture of meditation. This posture should be whatever is most comfortable for you. Keep your back, neck, and behind aligned as you sit in a chair or on the floor with a cushion beneath your behind.

2-Close your eyes, relax your muscles, and let go of all the tension you’re holding in your body. Visualize the tension leaving your body and slowly let it progress up your body, from your toes, legs, stomach, upper body, and finally to your head. Let go of any worries, concerns, or painful thoughts.

3-Focus on your breath. Breathe deeply from your diaphragm (not your chest) and listen to the breath coming into your body and slowly leaving it. Try to keep your mind clear of any thoughts and just focus on breathing.

4-Free yourself from your mind and simply be. Be present and engaged. Try to avoid following the meandering thoughts of your mind, clear your head, and simply enjoy the moment.

The practice of meditation takes time and it will not come naturally. You’ll probably find yourself battling thoughts about things you need to do and judgments on whether you’re doing this whole meditation thing right or not, but that’s no reason to quit. Keep at it and you may soon find yourself looking forward to your daily meditation routine and experiencing life in a much more fulfilling way.

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6 Ways to DistressThrough Meditation and Exercise
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Beginners Guide To Meditation At Home
8 Ways to Improve Your Spirituality
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8 Ways to Improve Your Spirituality

We could all benefit from improved spirituality. While many associates the word “spirituality” with a religion, it’s often defined simply as “becoming a better you.” Spirituality is about getting in touch with yourself, realizing your inner energy, and becoming more aware of your interconnectedness. An enhanced spirituality will improve your self-love and your love for the world around you. 8 Ways to Improve Your Spirituality

Spirituality can be improved in a number of ways, most of them simple. Each one can be practiced in everyday life, so without further ado, here’s a list of 8 ways to improve your spirituality.


One of the biggest aspects of spiritual life is taking time for meditation. Whether it’s prayer, yoga, meditating, or just sitting and savoring a good meal, we should all take time out every day to be alone with our thoughts. Rather than running from grief or frustration, we should accept our feelings as they are, and take time to experience them every day. Many people like to meditate first thing in the morning, sometimes focusing on a candle or a totem-like a Buddha statue. Others like to pray right before they go to bed. And others end the day with a reflection journal.


Just as it’s important to take time to know yourself, it’s also important to know others. Having a community has been shown to greatly improve people’s overall well-being, so when it comes to spirituality, a community can improve your energy and your sense of interconnectedness.


We seldom extend forgiveness to ourselves. We may or may not be good at exercising compassion, but we’re almost certainly bad at extending compassion to ourselves. Rather than obsessing over failures and mistakes, we should give grace to ourselves and celebrate the wisdom that comes through failure.


Regular thankfulness helps improve a positive mindset. In order to go through life focusing less on the negative, try instead to express gratitude daily for things you’re authentically thankful for. That regular boost of positive thinking will grow and grow, until your cup of happiness is full.


Nature has a calming effect on all of us, and it can help remind us of our interconnectedness. Spend time regularly outdoors. Even just a few hours a week spent in nature can help improve your spirituality, so whether it’s watching the waves, sitting under a tree, or gardening, find a way to regularly interact with nature.


One of the best ways to improve your spirituality is through giving to others. Regularly serve those around you, taking unselfish actions. You can give materially, of course. The next time you need a gift for a friend, look for quality items that are produced ethically with a focus on social change and are handmade. Give artisan-made bohemian jewelry to your friend–now your friend has a unique piece of art with a story to tell. There are non-material ways to give, as well. You can give service by volunteering with a local group or cleaning a sick friend’s house. You can give compassion by lending a sympathetic ear to someone in need and letting others know you are thinking about them.


Besides practicing simple techniques for improved spirituality, you should enlarge your knowledge of spiritual practices. Try reading books on spirituality, or grow in the knowledge of your own religion. That enhanced knowledge will help grow you, even further, into the individual you want to be.


Spirituality is deeply linked to love, so there’s no better place to start than with yourself. If you take time to properly groom yourself, exercise, rest and think positive thoughts about your appearance, you’ll see your spirituality blossom.

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