Never Ignore a Leaky Roof 

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A leaky roof may seem a miniscule problem, especially when the leak is small. It is not. It is inevitable that if left unattended, the leak will either grow or pose a health risk as mildew and mold make an appearance. 

Bad for Your Health and Your Pocket

Not only are roof leaks expensive when ignored, they also can be dangerous to your health.. 

  • Mildew and Mold

Mildew-or-MoldPhoto by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Mildew and molds are part of the fungus family. These tiny microscopic organisms flourish in any moist environment. So no matter how small the leak, mildew and mold will inevitably follow. Mold can grow and spread on a damp surface within a day or two.

Further to the growths or colonies that grow on surfaces, the mold produces spores, which are like “seeds”, and these seeds are airborne. 

The spores can get stuck in other materials in your home, such as carpets, clothing, and furniture. 

Mildew isn’t only difficult to eradicate but also costly. In addition to this, it can be dangerous, particularly to someone who has pre-existing lung ailments. 

  • Cost Implications


With the potential spread of the mold colonies to different materials and areas in your home, it does turn out to be more costly in the long run if you don’t immediately repair roof leak. In addition to fixing the actual leak, you may require damage restoration services as well.

Prevention is better than cure

Maintenance is key. 

  • Have your roof inspected by a professional.
  • If your roof is old, schedule regular maintenance and update it as required. 

Ignoring the problem may result in having to replace the entire roof. Regular maintenance by a professional will identify issues that can potentially be catastrophic.

In conclusion, the minute you notice a leak, get hold of a roofing specialist and have it fixed. By taking care of your roof troubles immediately, you can prevent damage to other parts of your home and safeguard your health.

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