Tips for Starting a Salon Business in a New Area

Salon professionals include barbers, beauticians, cosmetologists, and hairstylists. These professionals offer a variety of services, including haircuts, facials, and makeup assessments.

Starting a new business can be both exciting and challenging. Although there are common steps business owners can take to prepare to launch a new business, there are some extra factors to consider when you’re launching your company in a new area.

Take time to research your industry.


Spend time learning about your industry before you start your business. Understand the standard services provided and identify ways to expand services to attract clientele or alter your service plan to distinguish your business. Identify ways to improve the customer experience you’ll provide. You may opt to expand your business services and hire tattoo artists to run a tattoo parlor out of your salon.

You may also want to launch a unique salon for pet owners and pets, ensuring pet parents can get their hair done while their pets are being groomed. You could also opt to narrow your focus to hair-related services for people.

Once you choose your focus, learn about vendors who provide crucial supplies you’ll need. Google “barber chairs for sale” to discover sales experts who offer Keller barber chairs, shampoo chairs, and salon chairs in a wide range of styles and colors. You can take advantage of discounts by purchasing chairs in bulk and use your chairs to emphasize your salon’s design plan and style. Chairs with footrests and headrests ensure a comfortable client experience for your patrons, which means investing in excellent salon furniture is a great way to impress clientele.

Expand your research to learn about your location.

Whether you’ve already decided to open your new salon in San Antonio, TX, or you’re trying to decide between several other major US cities, you’ll need to learn more about the neighborhoods to determine where to locate your salon. Take time to visit locations when possible, or spend time reading about communities online.

A great place to rent serves the needs of your intended clientele. You must understand which neighborhoods rely on public transit and areas where people prefer to drive so you can make smart decisions about your business location. In the first scenario, you’ll want to ensure you find a space near public transit. In the second scenario, you’ll want to rent a location with plenty of parking.

You could also opt to focus on renting a site near apartment communities and target local foot traffic.

One way to identify great apartment communities is to learn about Venterra Realty. Venterra CEO John Foresi and Chairman Andrew Stewart founded Venterra in 2001. Venterra owns several apartment homes in cities throughout the United States. Their apartment communities house 11,000 pets and more than 30,000 people. Suppose you’re planning to start a salon offering services to pet owners and pets. In that case, you might want to find a location for your business near a Venterra community because they’re pet friendly, and you’ll have an appropriate audience for your services. Once you choose a region, you can find a real estate agent to locate a property.

Gather the remaining information you need and write your business plan.

Prepare an operating budget that outlines your anticipated expenses for your first year of operation. Your initial operating budget will include startup costs as well as typical operating costs. Expenses include supplies, payroll, rent, and insurance.

Outline your marketing strategy. If you’re setting up a shop near a Venterra community, you may prioritize community-based advertising. You could also choose to focus on search engine optimization (SEO) marketing strategies. Your marketing plan should reflect your understanding of your target audience and the optimal way to reach those clients.

You’ll also need to develop revenue projections for your first year. These projections identify your profit from services offered and how many clients you can serve.

You’ll also need to choose your business structure and establish clear goals for your company. Once you have all of this information, you can complete your business plan. Your business plan clarifies your objectives and the strategies you’ll use to achieve your goals. You can also use your business plan to secure financing from lenders.

Get the resources you need to launch your business.


You’ll be ready to open your doors once you secure the funding you need, rent suitable space, secure the resources you need, and promote your grand opening. Give yourself enough time to get everything in order and spread the word to people in your new community so you can attract customers on opening day.

Starting a business involves extensive research and preparation. Taking time to understand your industry will help you make the best decisions possible and ensure your long-term business success.

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