6 Benefits of Gardening for Teens

6-Benefits-of-Gardening-for-Teens.Raising teens is challenging. Many teens experience bullying. Some teenagers suffer from depression. Teens are also under pressure from peers to drink, do drugs, and engage in sexual activity. The fourth-highest cause of death for teenagers is suicide.

One way to combat some of the challenges of raising teens is to get them to start gardening. Teens can experience multiple benefits from gardening that can help them navigate the challenging teen years.

1. Year-Round Hobby


Many activities people engage in are seasonal. Sports leagues may last a few months of the year, leaving long gaps before they start up again.

Teens can garden year-round, no matter where they live. Hydroponics lighting that provides UV radiation makes it possible for plants to grow plants. Companies such as www.hydroblossom.co provide the soil and lighting needed to effectively grow plants indoors so your teen can keep gardening even when it’s snowing or raining.

2. Physical Health


Planting seeds involves moving bags of soil, digging, measuring, and inserting seeds. Whether they’re using a hoe to dig a trench, pouring water from a watering can, or using weeder or a claw to remove weeds, gardeners work with their hands. These activities promote good hand strength.

Lifting bags of dirt, digging in the soil, and watering plants also provide teens with regular physical activity. Gardening promotes a healthy exercise routine and can help combat obesity. Teens can strengthen their muscles and improve their cardiovascular health by gardening regularly.

3. Mental Health


Teens enjoy several mental health benefits from gardening. Gardening is a regular activity that reduces their involvement with social media. It prompts them to think about something other than themselves or school drama. As a result, the reduction in time spent on electronic devices and social media can improve their attention span. They may also be less self-absorbed because this activity encourages them to think about their plants and their plants’ needs instead of themselves.

Gardening has a positive impact on a person’s mood and can reduce depression. Therapeutic programs, such as the Polaris Teen Residential Treatment Center programs, use experiential therapies to treat teens for grief, depression, mental health disorders, substance abuse, and eating disorders.

4. Combat Stress and Loneliness


Gardening may seem like a solitary activity, but gardeners can work together. They may even have an easier time meeting new people and interacting because of their common interests. Visiting nurseries and garden centers is a way of meeting other gardening enthusiasts. An increased interest in growing plants may also prompt teens to be interested in visiting other gardens. Teens may also want to take a class to learn more about plant care as their interest in gardening grows.

Teens will also be exposed to the color green while gardening. Exposure to green landscapes or being around the color green can reduce stress and anxiety. Learning to care for plants effectively can also help teens develop coping mechanisms for their problems.

5. Develop Responsibility


Plants need water regularly. Weeds can cause plants to starve or be discolored, so they have to be removed regularly. Gardeners may also need to treat plants affected by blight or infested by bugs. Consequently, gardening teaches teens how to care for other living things and ensure their wellbeing.

Gardeners can feel a sense of pride and responsibility for the outcome of their efforts. They will enjoy their accomplishments when they produce beautiful flowers or tasty fruits. Anticipating the outcome of their gardening efforts encourages teens to take responsibility for their efforts and work hard.

6. Develop Healthy Habits


Gardeners must develop a habit of regularly caring for their plants to ensure their plants grow. Teens who engage in gardening learn to monitor their plants. This activity also promotes good observation skills, because gardeners must watch out for blight and bugs.

Teens are more likely to eat healthy foods when they grow their own herbs, fruits, or vegetables. They are more likely to try foods they have grown themselves, making gardening an effective way of getting teens to try new foods.

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