The Importance of Your Home’s Air Quality

Every day, we expose ourselves to several unavoidable risks while carrying out our day-to-day activities. For the most parts, these risks are inevitable, and air pollution is one of them. When most people think of air pollution, what comes to mind is outdoor air quality. However, indoor air pollution can also put you at the risk of developing health issues. Even without opening your windows, pollen and smoke can get into your home through cracks and pollute the air you breathe. On this note, this article will address the importance of air quality and how to improve your home’s air quality.

What is good air quality?


Air is a transparent mixture of gasses, and because it’s constantly moving, its quality can change depending on the location, season, or time of the day. Air quality can be either good or bad, and this is measured using the air quality index. The air quality index ranges from 0-500, and it shows the status of major air pollutants. According to the indoor air quality standard from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), any air quality that rates above 100 is unhealthy, and a rate of 300 indicates hazardous air quality. This standard is set to protect public health and help people understand the importance of fresh air.

Why is air quality important?

There is plenty of information regarding the correlation between smoking habits and respiratory issues. However, many people don’t know that poor air quality puts you at the risk of having severe health issues.

With over 800 toxins polluting the air resulting from human activities, it’s dangerous not to care about your air quality. Bad air quality can lead to respiratory and dermatological health conditions. Symptoms from the effect of air pollution can include headaches, sinus congestion, and coughing.

While these immediate issues are usually short-term and treatable, there are delayed issues that can arise from air pollution. They can be fatal, especially among children and the elderly or those with weak immune systems. Therefore, thoroughly understanding the importance of home ventilation can help you live a longer and healthier life.

Improving your home air quality involves making conscious efforts, and below are a few things you can do to promote quality indoor air around your house.

Carry out regular maintenance on your appliances.


Just as you would want to regularly take the new vehicle you bought from a new car dealership in for maintenance, you should also apply the same level of concern to your home’s appliances. With regular maintenance, you can tell when insulation needs replacement, as this is one of the best ways to improve your home’s air quality. Most times, old or poorly installed insulation could be releasing chemicals that contain high levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), and you wouldn’t know because you don’t conduct regular maintenance.

Use energy recovery ventilators (ERV).

The relationship between insulation and energy efficiency is another factor that can improve your home’s air quality. When a house is well insulated with an energy-efficient air conditioner, it lessens energy usage, subsequently reducing the production and infiltration of air pollutants around the home.

An example of a proper ventilation system is an HVAC system. HVACs provide an excellent solution for homes. This home ventilation system helps regulate humidity levels and eliminates stale air and moisture that promote mold growth, thereby allowing quality airflow around the house—irrespective of the season.

Establish good habits.

While getting an energy-efficient ventilator is excellent for reducing pollutants, your home’s air quality won’t be at its best if you don’t have good cleaning habits. Therefore, ensure that you establish a cleaning routine to get rid of dust, pollen and pet dander around the house. Also, remember to use a certified asthma and allergy-friendly company to replace your carpets and keep windows closed during peak pollen seasons.

Good Reason For Having An Air Purifier In Your Home

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