5 Top Benefits Of A Nanny For Stay-at-Home Moms

5-Top-Benefits-Of-A-Nanny-For-Stay-at-Home-Moms.Most people assume that a nanny is only an option if both parents are working and no other childcare options are available. The simple fact is that anyone can employ a nanny and stay-at-home moms should give it serious considerations. Providing you use a reputable supplier, such as this provider of nanny services Sydney, you’ll find there are 5 worthwhile benefits in having a nanny.

The benefits more than outweigh the cost of having a nanny:

  1. Quality Time

There are plenty of moms that insist they do everything for their child. It’s simply part of being a mom. But, the truth is that most children won’t remember all the details you’ve done for them.

When a nanny handles all the more mundane issues, you can focus on spending quality time with your child. That creates a bond that they will remember, and will last forever.

  1. Own Time

Just as you can spend the time you have focusing on your children, you can also dedicate some tie to yourself. A nanny can handle the children, allowing you time to yourself, even if it’s just a small amount of time every day.

This can help to prevent mom burnout. It can also help you to focus on your own goals and remember that you are still a person in your own right.

Having a little time to yourself every day can help you to be the patient and caring mom you want to be.

  1. Emergencies

Emergencies sound grand but most moms find times when they need extra cover or an extra pair of hands. It could be to work late, deal with something for your own parents, or any number of other issues.

Having a nanny means the cover is already in place. There is no risk of your child being in unsafe hands or them being unsettled by strangers. You can trust your nanny to look after your child, allowing you to deal with the emergency as quickly and effectively as possible.

  1. Partner Bonding

Relationships come under immense strain when children enter the equation. The dynamic changes and both partners can question their role. The strain can cause issues in a partnership. If left, these can fester and cause serious issues, even when the basic reason was simply to resolve.

To help prevent this a nanny will ensure you and your partner can spend quality time together regularly. It’s surprising how much difference this can make.

  1. Education

Children learn very quickly, generally by absorbing what is going on around them. Having a nanny will help to ensure they learn everything they need to. Because the workload is split between you and the nanny, the time spent with your child can be used to full effect.

This can create bonding opportunities as previously mentioned. It can also ensure that your child starts learning early. Research shows this will help them to succeed in later life.

In short, having a nanny as a stay-at-home mom will help your child to achieve their goals in life. That’s an impressive achievement for any parent.

Baby Gates: An In-Depth Buyer’s Guide

Baby Gates: An In-Depth Buyer’s GuideImage Source: Unsplash.com

Once your baby starts crawling, there is no stopping them from exploring now. During this time, it is very much advisable to strategically place baby gates along the house to make the adventures of your baby safer. Though it may not seem like it, there are plenty of potential dangers for your little one, like stairs or fireplaces. Many parents with pets also prefer getting baby gates to be on the safer side.

Baby safety gates are usually meant for children between 6 months and two years. Eventually, your child will learn how to open the gate or even climb over it. At this point, the need for a baby safety gate becomes obsolete. Thus, invest in a baby gate that is economical, safe, and durable.

It gets a little confusing when it comes to choosing the correct baby gate for your toddler’s safety. Since there are so many types of gates for different settings, knowing which one suits your home setting well is very important. In this article, we will have a look at the specifics of buying a baby safety gate, and we will list the best freestanding baby gate selection by Modernbabyadvice.

Types of Baby Gates

There is a large variety of baby gates that are custom designed for many different houses and locations of the house. It can be a nice safety addition to your kids’ room. The three most popular types are:

Hardware-mounted gate

These gates are screwed or bolted to the framing of your house’s door. These are fixed near the stairs either inside or outside, to prevent your baby from falling.

Freestanding gate

These gates are more flexible and are not fixed to anything. They are used in large areas to confine babies in a specific location of the house. Many parents prefer these kinds of gates to prevent the babies from running around the house and hurting themselves, and sometimes to keep pets away from them. These gates are mobile and can be easily moved around the house to any location.

Pressure fitting gate

These gates are very agile and come in handy when you want a tight-fitting door that keeps your toddler safe. These gates are fixed with pressure on walls and other locations of the house and can be easily attached and detached. They are a combination of freestanding gates and hardware-mounted gates, in a way.


Image source: Burst.Shopify.com

Hardware-mounted gates are permanently wall fixed. These types of gates are more secure. They are mostly used on top of stairs or at doorways. However, you would need to drill them into your door frames or walls to fix them, and these will be fixed permanently.

On the other hand, freestanding and pressure-mounted gates are more free and mobile. These kinds of gates expand outwards until they are wedged between two pathways or two firm walls. These types of gates are used in apartments and single-storied homes. These are moveable and can be placed anywhere in the house. Another benefit of these kinds of gates is that they do not cause damage to the walls or door frames.

Opening and Closing Mechanisms

Baby gates come with different opening and closing mechanisms. You would want to choose something that is difficult for your toddler to open, while still being easy for you. This may sound a little weird, but many of the baby gates have frustrating mechanisms that end up complicating their opening and closing.

The three main types of opening and closing mechanisms are:

Lift-off: These are the most secure opening and closing mechanisms for baby gates. They are mainly found in hardware-mounted gates and are extremely safe. Most of the time, adults also have a hard time opening and closing them, so they just resort to climbing over the damn thing.

Roll out: This option is used for freestanding, and pressure mounted gates. They are not as secure as the lift-off gates but are secure enough for your toddler’s safety. These are widely used for fabric gates and can be easily opened and closed with one hand.

Swing open: Safety gates with this mechanism require you to squeeze the clutch on top of the gate together and then lift a safety lever. This might be a little less safe because toddlers are smarter than we think; they usually figure out the squeezing portion after a while.

These might also be a little tricky to open if you try it with one hand, so make sure both of your hands are free while passing through.

Bottom Line

Make-sure-your-house-Image source: Burst.Shopify.com

There are plenty of safety barriers that you would need to keep your baby safe. But in the end, it all comes down to different risk factors that might potentially hurt your baby. On the other hand, you also have to consider how unthinkably enthusiastic your baby is.

Statistics show that for all the falls a toddler endures, 70% of the time, it is at home and from staircases and unattended areas. Make sure your house is baby-proofed properly before investing in a good safety gate. At the end of the day, it is all about the safety of your little one.

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How Does the Judge Resolve Child Custody Disputes?

  Factors-the-Judge-Considers-When-Deciding-a-Child-Custody-CaseChild custody is by far one of the most difficult issues to resolve in a divorce case. Both parents usually want custody of the kids, and it can be a huge battle to see who wins. It’s important to always keep the child’s best interests in mind when trying to resolve child custody disputes. 

What’s best for the child is the main consideration a judge will think of when deciding on child custody matters. That being said, how does a judge decide what the best interests of a child are? 

The judge will consider many different factors. It’s usually a good idea to have a Rancho Cucamonga family law attorney help you if you’re going through a divorce and child custody is one of the issues you’re trying to resolve. Read on to learn more about what the judge will consider when deciding a child custody case.

Factors the Judge Considers When Deciding a Child Custody Case 

The judge will examine all aspects of a child custody case. They want to be fair to everyone involved, and they want to make sure they are doing right by the child. Children usually need both parents to grow up well adjusted, so most judges will try to ensure that a child spends time with both parents. 

A judge will usually only take custody away from a parent if they truly believe that the parent is causing harm to the child or could cause harm to the child.

Below, are some of the main factors a judge will consider when deciding on child custody.

The employment status of both parents will be looked at. The judge wants to see how the child will be taken care of financially. If you’re unemployed, that doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t get custody of your child. For instance, if you were a stay-at-home parent, you could still get custody when other factors are taken into consideration.

The relationship of each parent with the child will be examined. Which parent provided the majority of care, support, and love for the child? Is the child bonded with one parent more than the other? The judge will not want to damage the bond between a child and their primary caregiver.

The judge will look at whether there were any issues of domestic violence or substance abuse. If the child was abused or in danger from a parent, the abuser will likely not receive custody of the child. That does not mean that the parent can never get custody or visitation. Custody and visitation can be fluid, and you can go back to court when you are more stable if you wish to be a part of your child’s life.

Where the parents live always plays a role in custody matters. If one parent lives far away, the custody will have to be split in a way that allows the child a sense of security and stability.

The judge considers many other factors. These are just a few to give you an idea of what factors could play a role in decisions involving child custody.
Tips for Teaching Young Children Street Safety
At What Age Can I Place My Child Into Daycare?

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Tips for Teaching Young Children Street Safety


As a parent, you’ve got a big job keeping your child safe, especially in the 21st century. You want your child to practice independence, but it can be dangerous. Especially when it comes to letting your child out into the world to cross the street. Getting hit by a car is the third leading cause of death for kids between the ages of 5 and 9, with kids up to the age of 15 at a greater risk of getting hit than other age groups.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t let your kid walk to the park or wait for the bus on the corner! It just means you have to teach your child the right way to behave every time they’re near a street.

How to Behave When Waiting for the Bus

The school bus can make life much more convenient for your family, especially if you have children at multiple schools or you have to get to work. You just have to make sure you teach your child the right way to wait for the bus so you don’t have to worry about disaster striking while you’re inside the house.

Educating children on how to behave at a bus stop includes:

  • Telling them to look both ways before crossing the street to get to the bus stop.
  • Showing them where to stand so they stay at a safe distance from the curb.
  • Telling them not to walk towards the bus until it has come to a complete stop.
  • Telling them never to walk behind a bus.
  • Reminding them to stay away from the wheels of any vehicle.

Make Eye Contact With Drivers

Whether waiting for the bus or crossing the street to the park, there are a lot of tricks to teach the little one to stay safe. That includes looking both ways and crossing on corners and designated crosswalks, but one tip you may not have heard is to make eye contact with drivers before crossing.

In a study, drivers stopped 68 percent of the time when walkers make eye contact before crossing the street. Only 55 percent stopped when eye contact wasn’t made by the walker.

Teach your children to stop at the corner, and before proceeding across the street, look into the vehicle and make eye contact to increase their chances of crossing safely.

Practice Routes They Walk

Many of the dangers on the road include other drivers, but it’s not just cars you have to worry about. Children can easily get lost or arrive at their destination late, causing everyone to worry about their arrival while waiting. Not to mention, the possibility of being kidnapped by taking an unknown route.

One way to make sure you know exactly where your child is at all times is to practice the routes they walk. That way, you can choose the safest route to school or another destination, and you know exactly what steps to retrace should something go wrong. It’s also a great way to instill confidence in your child that they can walk alone safely.

Put Devices Down

You’ve probably heard about the dangers of texting and driving, but did you know that distracted walking can cause a lot of damage too?

If your child is distracted by their phone while walking across the street, they can get hit, but they can also walk into stationary objects and even trip and fall if they are distracted.

Communicate the importance of keeping their phone in their pocket or in a backpack. Have them put it on silent before they leave the house, and consider using apps to encourage your child to use their phone only when it’s appropriate.

Set a Good Example

One of the best things we can do for our children is to work on becoming the best role model we can be. When it comes to road safety, that means showing your children the proper way to behave when walking near traffic.

Spend more time walking places with your child so they get to practice walking with you. Walk to the gas station, practicing how to look both ways before crossing the street and make eye contact with drivers. If they practice how to behave with you, they’ll be more likely to behave that way when they’re alone.

You don’t have to be afraid every time you let your child leave the house to go to school. Follow these tips and you can teach your child independence while giving yourself some peace of mind.
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