6 Popular Houseplants to Avoid When You Live With Pets

Plants-that-are-unsafe-for-dogs-and-cats-in-your-homePets are great, whether you’re a dog-lover or prefer the independent nature of a cat, they become part of your family. Most pet owners can’t imagine living without their pets. However, having a pet comes with responsibility. It’s not just walking them and feeding them, you constantly need to be thinking about what’s best for your pet.

You may not have considered it before but this extends to your current houseplants. Dogs and cats find some plants toxic although this isn’t enough to stop the chewing on them. These animals have a love of chewing on grass-like plants regardless of the ill effects they could have.

As they can avoid the plants, it’s up t you to make sure they are not in your home. Here are six popular houseplants you should avoid

Don’t forget you can still have high-quality plants delivered, you just need to avoid the toxic ones.

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a lovely-looking plant that is surprisingly easy to look after. It is known to produce Aloe Vera gel which is good at helping people to heal.

Unfortunately, the gel is also toxic to dogs. They are likely to start vomiting, get diarrhea, tremors, and even feel depressed.

  1. Pothos

This is a very popular household and office plant as it requires minimal care. It can survive even if neglected for weeks at a time. Unfortunately, the plant contains calcium oxalates. These are toxic when ingested and can be a danger to pets and children.

They may look great but it’s one plant you should avoid if you have pets.

  1. Snake Plants

This is another popular choice for many people because they don’t need much light and they only need to be watered a couple of times a week.

However, the snake plant contains saponins. This is a chemical produced by the plant which protects it from insect attack. If your pet licks the saponins it is likely to cause it gastrointestinal upset. This is rarely fatal but it is uncomfortable for your pet.

  1. Dragon Tree

This is officially known as Dracaena and will make your dog or cat vomit. They are also likely to drool and develop a weakness in their body. You’ll want to seek help as quickly as possible.

  1. Devil’s Ivy

This is a very popular trailing plant inside and outside of homes across the country. It’s partly because Devil’s Ivy is surprisingly pretty, and partly because it’s easy to grow. However, if you have pets you’ll want to think twice. This trailing plant can make your pets seriously ill if they ingest it. The signs are noticeable almost immediately. Your animal will paw their face and start vomiting. The mouth and throat can also swell, making it difficult for them to breathe properly.

  1. Tomato Plants

It can be a lot of fun growing fruit and vegetables in your garden. Not to mention, you feel pretty good when you actually grow something. But, tomato plants contain solanine which is toxic to dogs and cats.

This is the green part of the plant and not the tomato. The good news is they need to ingest a lot to get ill, but you don’t want to take the chance

Top 5 Reasons to use Pet Trackers

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What Makes a Good Garden?

What-Makes-a-Good-Garden.It’s that time of the year to start planning out how big you want your garden to be and what you are going to plant this year. Most home gardens can produce enough vegetables to help feed your friends and family well into the summer and late fall. Just a few tips on what makes a good garden?

The Soil and Choosing The Location For Your Garden

The right soil and enough space to grow is important. One of the first things to decide is the location of your garden. You will want to ensure there is enough room, and the area gets plenty of sun during the day.  Check Out Container Gardening

Once you have this determined, the next step is to ensure your soil has the right nutrients to support a proper yield during the growing season. In many cases, you may need to add nutrients to the soil like compost or other organic materials.  

The Shed

You are going to want a garden shed to be able to store all of your gardening tools. Sheds a great because the free up valuable room in your garage, and you can keep your specific gardening supplies and tools stored away safely.

Today’s gardening sheds come in various materials, colors, and heights. The most popular sheds are made out of wood, vinyl, and metal. All three are excellent materials, but wood can cause problems if not treated properly. Support your tools and keep things more organized.

Some people will buy a shed and throw all their tools in there. The inside of your shed should be organized, and to maximize the space shelves can be used. At the end of the shelving, you can hang hooks to

Basic Tools For Gardening

To be an efficient gardener, you need the right tools to get the job done. The basics like hoes, rakes, and shovels are essential. But there are plenty of other tools that can turn you into a serious home gardener. A pruning saw can be a great addition and help get your plants and shrubs trimmed, and every garden needs a spade. You will want to ensure that you have a hose long enough to be able to reach every area of your plants and crops.

Bug and Insect Free Good and Bad

One of the major problems with having a garden or a small farm is fending off insects and bugs. 

Insects will eat just about anything from the leaves on your plants to the vegetables themselves. Whether you choose organic or nonorganic pesticides, they must be used properly and stored away correctly.

It is a good idea to check your garden daily to ensure it is bug-free. A colony of insects can ruin a garden within days. 

Nothing can be more frustrating than when you have spent a ton of time on a garden only to have insects ruin it within days.


We are less than a month away from the summer season. In the hot summer months, food can grow faster and healthier. Don’t wait until early summer of later summer to get your garden going. Be proactive and start early by planning and potting soon.

Successful Indoor Gardening Guide for Absolute Beginners
How to Keep the Plants in Your Garden Healthy
Bats in the Garden: Gardener’s Best Buddy

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