Lasting Memories 9 Reasons to Send Kids to Sleep Away Summer Camps

9 Reasons to Send Kids to Sleep Away Summer CampsKids deserve a happy childhood filled with fun times.

Summer is a great time to make new friends and enjoy the great outdoors. One great way to ensure your children are getting the most out of their break is by enrolling them in a sleep away camp. More than 14 million children and adults attend summer camps each year.

If you’re looking to help your children make lasting memories, keep reading. Here are 9 reasons to send kids to sleep away Summer camps.

1. Your Kids Will Make New Friends

Sleepaway Summer camps offer your kids the chance to make new friends and improve their social skills. This is a great opportunity for those who struggle to meet people locally.

2. Sleep Away Summer Camps Can Offer a Confidence Boost

Leaving home and trying new things can offer your children the confidence boost they need. Being on their own offers a chance for them to see how capable they are.

3. They Help Youth Conquer Their Fears

The activities planned at camp can range from rock climbing to swimming in lakes. If your children have a fear, one of these programs can likely help them face and conquer it.

4. Your Kids Will Discover New Activities

The activities planned aren’t going to be your kid’s usual choices. This can offer them a chance to discover a new activity and possibly continue doing it after coming home.

5. Children Learn Independence

Discovering the world outside of the comfort of your home and family can help your children learn independence. This real-world skill will come in handy as they age.

6. There’s an Opportunity for Reinvention

Conquering fears and participating in new activities can help your children learn more about who they are and who they want to be. They’ll have the tools and time to grow and reinvent themselves.

7. Develop New Skills

With new activities and independence comes new abilities. Your children will grow more confident as they develop new skills.

8. More Time Outdoors, Less Time on Technology

Children have grown accustomed to having technology all around them. Sleepaway Summer camps will give yours the chance to spend more time to appreciate and enjoy the beauty of the world outside of the screen.

9. Everyone Gets a Much Needed Break

It’s no surprise that families can be close and still need some time away from one another. Sleepaway You can enjoy a break from the constant chaos by choosing a sleep-away camp suited best for your children.

Time to Discover More Parenting Tips

Every year, parents are looking for new ways to help their children grow. Now that you’ve learned the benefits of sleep away summer camps, you can choose the best option for your kids. One day, they’ll thank you for all the fun times they had because of your choice.

Being a parent today can be challenging, but worth it. You can help your children grow by exploring other great parenting tips right here on our website today.
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How To Properly Take Care Of Your Contact Lenses

15 Tips on How To Care Of Contact LensesTaking proper care of your contact lenses is an extremely important aspect for every contact lens wearer. It is vital for your eye health and the best way to avoid eye infections.  Contact lenses that don’t fit well or are old can scratch your eyes and also cause blood vessels to grow in your cornea which is a dangerous condition that can threaten your vision. Similarly not cleaning your contact lenses on a daily basis or replacing the solution regularly can lead to other eye infections, which if left can lead to other serious complications.

Depending on the type of lens you use, the cleaning and care vary. Disposable extended wear soft lenses or daily disposables like Bella contacts lenses need the least amount of care whereas longer wear soft lens require more care.

Here are some tips to take care of your contact lenses:

♦Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling contact lenses. Try using mild soaps which don’t have perfumes or oils which can leave a film on your hands. If this gets on your lenses your vision might become blurry or it can cause irritation in your eyes.

♦Keep your hands dry with a lint-free towel, as sometimes even the lint from towels and get on your contact lenses.

♦Remove your lenses before you get into the shower or into a swimming pool, this water on the eyes causes your lenses to lose moisture and dry out, making the lens sit uncomfortably on the eyes.

♦The best time to wear your contact lenses is soon after a shower. Always put your lenses in before applying any creams or lotions as these will cause your eyes to burn.

♦If you intend to put on eye make-up, this is best done after wearing your lenses

♦Make sure you use your fingertips to handle your lenses have no sharp objects.  Try and keep your nails short so as not to tear your contact lenses.

♦Avoid putting tap water directly on your lenses as even distilled water can contain tiny bugs, which when it gets on your lens can cause infections.

♦To clean your contacts, rub them gently with your index finger in the palm of your other hand. This light rubbing of your contact lens removes surface build-up.

♦Never put your lenses in your mouth to wet them, as saliva is not a sterile solution. Even a saline solution or re-wetting drops are not disinfectants and hence cannot be used on your lens.

♦Always use new solutions every time you clean and disinfect your lens, don’t reuse old solution or top off with old solution. Don’t pour your contact lens solution into another bottle, as it no longer remains sterile.

♦Never wear contact lens that has been stored for a long time without re-disinfecting them. Your contact lens case needs to be kept clean. Your lens case is best replaced every three months.

♦Take out your contact lenses before you sleep, unless you are wearing extended-wear lenses. This is because your eyes do not get much oxygen when your eyelids are closed.

♦Even if you are just wearing coloured contact lenses like Anesthesia colored contacts, do not wear someone else’s lenses if they’ve already been worn. As wearing other people’s lenses can lead to eye infections.

♦It is advisable to wear sunglasses or a wide-brim hat when you are out in the sun as contact lenses can make your eyes more sensitive to the light.

♦Don’t swim with your contact lenses on, unless you are wearing goggles over them. The water from swimming pools or other water bodies can cause an eye infection.

Contact lenses are unlike eyeglasses whereby you can just wear whenever you want and without washing your hands. For contact lenses, you do not have much choice but to always ensure to keep your hands clean at all times whenever you are handling them. Even if you have washed your hands, you should not hold other items such as toiletries that can contaminate your hands if you are still in the process of wearing the lenses.
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5 Surprising Factors That Accelerate Skin Aging

Lifestyle changes and habits can slow down the process.Skin aging is a natural process that happens over the years. You cannot expect to stop the process as it is natural and inevitable. What really matters is how fast your skin ages because there are some lucky ones who seem ageless. On the other hand, there are some who start looking older right in their twenties. People often blame their genes but there may be several things that determine the effect of age on your skin.

So what could be the reasons why people age differently? Are the factors hereditary, environmental or behavioral? Is your skin aging normally or at a faster-than-normal pace? It is important to answer these questions so that you get an idea about what may be responsible in your case. Accordingly, you can avoid the issues and slow down the skin aging process effectively. Let us list some factors that accelerate the aging process.

Poor diet

The diet you eat affects your body in more than one ways. The perils of an unhealthy diet, high in fats and sugar, extend beyond weight gain. It can cause premature aging by triggering inflammation at the cellular level. Glucose from carbs and sugar enter the bloodstream and attaches to collagen and elastin. These are the proteins that keep your skin firm and supple. Once their quality deteriorates, they lose their elasticity which shows as signs of aging on your skin. The best approach would be to eat a skin-friendly diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, and cereals. Limit the intake of sugar and processed foods. Having plenty of water is equally important as it keeps your skin hydrated.

Exposure to sun

Using sunscreen all year round
Using Sunscreen All Year Long

Without any doubt, sunlight is essential for your body because it replenishes the levels of vitamin D. But excessive exposure to the sun can cause your skin to look older before time, with the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots. Spending too much time outdoors also deprives the skin of natural moisture and makes it dry and coarse. You may even suffer from sunburn due to overexposure to the harmful UV rays. Protecting your skin from aging related to sun damage is easy. Avoid staying outdoors during the peak hours and use a high SPF sunscreen every time you step out.

Chronic stress

You may be surprised to hear that you may look older than your years if you stress out too much. Chronic high stress can be a killer, not only for your body but for your skin as well. It causes an elevation in the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone that has an adverse effect on the ability of skin cells to regenerate. Further, stress is the cause of negative expressions which often end up as wrinkles on your skin. If you are looking for a way to reverse aging skin, keeping stress at bay is the best thing to do. Indulge in exercise and stress-relief therapies such as meditation, yoga and breathing exercises.

Smoking and alcohol

Everyone knows the detrimental effects of smoking and alcohol. But you may not be aware of how they can damage your skin and make you look old even at a young age. Smoking deprives your skin of oxygen and affects the hydration levels as well. Prolonged exposure, both as an active and passive smoker, can cause dullness and the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots. Heavy drinkers can suffer from discoloration of the facial skin. These habits increase the levels of toxins in your body, which take a toll on your skin’s health. So it is best to absolutely steer clear of them.

Inadequate sleep

Lack of adequate sleep is another reason why you may experience the signs of premature aging. This is because the skin cells repair and rejuvenate while you sleep. Also, this is the time your body uses to get rid of the toxins that it accumulates throughout the day. While getting a minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep every night is important, you must also maintain a good sleeping posture. People who tend to sleep face down and on one side can get wrinkles on the face. Make it a habit to sleep on your back and alternate the sides to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

These are some common reasons for skin aging that you may not even have considered before. Now that you know them, it becomes easier to avoid them and make some changes in your lifestyle and habits. Even minor modifications can make a big difference in ensuring that your skin looks ageless and radiant over the years.
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