DIY Stovetop Potpourri Recipes For The Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Holiday cheer is in the air and everything is bright and shining. There are bright lights outside and everyone is smiling with cheer. Whether you’re in the snow or just enjoying the season’s greetings, the holiday season is a time to relax and appreciate what we have. To add even more cheer during the season, try making some holiday stovetop simmer pots!

These do-it-yourself projects are a fabulous way to customize your home with the perfect holiday scent you’ve been trying to create with premade candles or wax Simmer pots like this are longlasting and permeate through an entire house — making them cozy and cheerful for many hours at a time. They’re also safer than most candles, which is a great plus. A classy option for house parties, too!

All the recipes below curated by FragranceX can be made with a simple, general recipe.

First, measure out 5 cups of water. After, pour this water into a pan or crockpot. Some materials can stick on the pot you chose, so try to have a potpourri-specific one.

After these materials have been gathered, add your ingredients of choice. I’ve attached an infographic below for holiday recipes that are especially festive for this time of year. Lastly, turn on your oven or pot and let it simmer! You’ll start smelling the magic within minutes.

As for ingredients, get creative! Think of baking Christmas cookies, holiday stocking stuffers or family holiday meals for some inspiration. One of my favorites is the “Red Nose Delight” blend. No, it doesn’t smell like reindeer, but rather a homestead warm hearth. The blend uses cardamom and ginger to create a scent that is both sweet and woody. Dried cranberries are added for a slightly fruity accent.

Another great option is “Nordic Fairytale.” This blend has ingredients straight out of a Norwegian lullaby and is relaxing beyond your wildest dreams. The key material in this blend are elderberries. These berries give off an aromatically sweet yet thick scent. Once your simmer pot gets cooking, it’ll be hard to imagine you’re not in a Narnian land.

Regardless of your aromatic wish, you can find all 10 recipes below. Again, all follow the same instructions to make! Happy holidays!

Christmas Cookies-Christmas Crafts and Linky Parties

Ok so pardon me, I guess the challenge of keeping track of the day of the week gets mixed up sometimes, especially when your 70+ like this week, I got a day ahead of myself, on Wednesday I thought it was Thursday and rushed to set up my Friday Features Linky party while not giving my Wonderful Wednesday a chance to finish, bah! Usually, it is the other way around.

But this does give me the chance to share both parties when one is slowing down and the other just getting started and another opportunity to ask, did you see the post on Insta Pots, so after 2 years I finally found a great deal and got me one. This is not a review, but now I need help finding recipes and have set up a Linkup for Recipes you have tried and love, so here is an opportunity to find your links and share just by Clicking Here   I’m looking forward to what you have to share!Insta-Pot-Recipes-Linky
christmas gifts and favors
Oh-My-Heartsie-Girls-Wonderful-Wednesday-December-FeaturesAnd then another Invitation to check out the Wonderful Wednesday In December emphasizing Christmas of course with 18+ Features with our wonderful Co-Hostesses and where the party is seen on 6 blogs!!

Friday-Features-Linky-Bloghop-Party-12-11-2019And don’t forget to check in on
Friday Features Linky Party Where you will find even more inspiration for Christmas and a fun fashion feature from Shelbee on The Edge!!
I hope you are enjoying the Holiday preparations, its coming to quick for me. Are you ready?

Floral Oil Painting: Tips and Techniques for Beginners

Tips-and-Techniques-of-Floral-Oil-Painting-for-BeginnersThe spring season is on the horizon, and various plants will soon bring out their beautiful flowers. Many artists are waiting for this season to do one of their favorite activities: floral oil painting

If you are an aspiring artist who loves flowers, this is the right time to practice your skills in painting. If you have no idea where to start, this guide will help you in determining what materials to buy and the proper techniques to make your art easier.

List of Oil Painting Materials for Beginners

As a beginner, you may be overwhelmed by the intricacies of painting in oils. However, with some outstanding basic skills and the right materials, you can easily overcome your apprehensions. Here are some of the necessary painting materials you will need in a floral oil painting:

  • Painting brushes – As a beginner, you will need several student-grade bristle brushes in various sizes. Purchase six brushes: two sizes 2, 6, and 12. Every pair must consist of a flat brush and a filbert brush. The former requires to have a squared-off tip, while the latter must have a slightly rounded tip.
  • Oil paint – Because you are still learning, you should buy the cheaper but good quality paint. Some of the popular colors that you can select are cadmium red, ultramarine blue, phthalo blue, titanium white, ivory black, permanent alizarin crimson, cadmium yellow, and cadmium yellow light.
  • Turpentine or mineral spirits as paint thinner – You can only clean oil paints with mineral spirits or turpentine. Purchase them at a home improvement store rather than an art store because they are cheaper there.
  • Palette – You will use it to mix the paint you will need.
  • Charcoal pencil – You need to sketch out the flowers you want to paint, and you can do them using charcoal pencils.
  • Canvas or painting surface – This is where you will paint your flowers. As a beginner, you may use a piece of paper first to practice.
  • Painter’s easel – Buy an easel that can be adjusted to your height and hold your canvas securely.
  • Linseed oil – You will use the oil to facilitate the mixing of paint. This material is optional, as you can still paint without it.
  • Old newspaper – You need to clean your brush when utilizing another color in your painting. Newspaper cuttings are excellent materials for squeezing the paint out of your brush.
  • Palette knife – You will use this material for mixing paints.

Tips on How to Paint the Correct Way

Painting with oil can scare off a lot of beginners. Here are some tips to help you do it the right way:

  • Grip the brush handle to your arm’s length to gain the best degree of control.
  • Practice your brush orientation.
  • Familiarize the use of light, medium, and heavy strokes to attain your preferred results.
  • Maintain the purity of your color to preserve its intensity.
  • Utilize two color mixtures if possible.
  • Do not over-mix your colors to maintain the vividness and interest to your paint.
  • Use your palette knife to create exciting strokes.
  • Try to use of wet-on-wet and dry-brush techniques.

Floral painting arouses the creative mind in you. As a beginner, you may also buy some floral oil paintings done by professional painters for you to better appreciate the beauty of the genre.

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Gas Hedge Trimmer VS Electric Hedge Trimmer

Gas-Hedge-Trimmer-VS-Electric-Hedge-Trimmer-depending-on-hard-to-cut-bushesGardening has always been one of the most productive hobbies one could ever have. Tending through all of these tender beings every day until it is time to harvest can be quite the chore. Most plants take a long time before they are even ready for harvesting. Trees, especially fruit-bearing ones, can sometimes take years before you can even see your yield. Some vegetables grow back after a harsh winter while others die off and you have to plant them again. It can be boring and repetitive, but this is how you develop patience and will continue this journey.

It is a well-known fact that pruning is one of the most important parts of being a gardener. Even if you had training or you are just starting, you can’t escape the cutting down of all the excess leaves. This is not even the heaviest duties that a gardener could ever have, and yet people don’t really like doing this particular chore. It can be because of all the tedious work that you need to grow them and yet you’re still going to cut some of it down. A good chunk of the stems and leaves, in fact, will be gone. Read more about this here:

Why Cut The Leaves

However, one of the main reasons that this is done is because the act of pruning is actually good for them. Once they grow too large, some of the leaves are getting crushed and cannot receive enough sunlight. Additionally, the whole plant has to do a lot more work to make sure the entire being survives. If it has a lot of leaves, it will stretch out its resources which can result to a slow death of the plant. That or they will adapt, but they would need a lot more resources but still yielding the same thing. On that note, have you ever considered getting a hedge trimmer?

The reason why people don’t like doing it must be because of the tool that is being used. In the past, you would see these big scissors that look extremely dangerous to hold and use. However, it can also be quite tiring as it really feels like an entire workout while cutting the leaves. Also, those big scissors or trimers are really hard to control. There are times when you just wanted to cut down one stem, you’re already too late to realize that the whole plant was already cut down.Have-you-ever-considered-getting-a-hedge-trimmer

This is the reason why an automatic hedge trimmer is quite popular. You don’t need to do a lot of work since the machine would do it for you. All you need to do is guide it carefully and it would be a fine addition to any gardening or home cleaning sets. You can now deal with those excess leaves and even grass more easily. You can save time and effort doing the chore as well. And you know what that means, more energy to expend in much more important things and places. However, there are two main kinds of hedge trimmers, and both of them have merits on their own.

Gas Powered

As the name suggests, you need to have gasoline before you can even use these trimmers. They can cover a lot of areas and can deal with more plants than the glass ones. Gas-powered hedge trimmers can cut down even the hardy and sturdiest shrubs, herbs and even small trees. They are also quite bigger than your average hedge trimmer. However, there is one problem with these ones: they can be really loud depending on the product. The size also makes it harder to control where you want it to be. It doesn’t have to be charged though as you just need to repair some of

Electric Powered

On the other hand, this one can be plugged into a power source and then need it fully before using it. This takes up a lot of time to charge and these are quite smaller compared to the gas-powered ones. Electric powered hedge trimmers are usually sold as mini versions of the gas ones and can be used for other means as well. However, these are only for those plants that are easier to cut. You don’t have to worry about any kind of incident though, as long as you know what you are doing.
Gardening Tips
Practical Principles of Gardening You Should Learn
What Makes a Good Garden?

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