The Best Ingredients In Anti-Aging Creams

The Best Ingredients In Anti-Aging Creams Everyone loves younger, smoother, glowing skin. For women over thirty, it’s a race against the clock for wrinkle-free skin. And so we go in search of a face-lift in a bottle. But do you know what you’re looking for? What distinguishes a good anti-aging cream from a bad one? The ingredients!

Here’s a list of ingredients that must feature in a good anti-aging cream.

  1. Retinol: Retinol is a derivative of Vitamin A. It boosts collagen which helps reduce wrinkles, promotes skin renewal and evens out skin tone thus reversing sun damage. It’s a hero ingredient that dermatologists swear by. Retinol products are also commonly used to treat cystic acne. Most skin creams containing retinol, when used over time dramatically smooth out and renew mature skin.
  2. Vitamin C: There’s a reason why citrus fruits are part of so many masks and packs, recommended by makeup experts. It’s the Vitamin C. Its antioxidant properties result in firmer skin. Studies have proven that Vitamin C is highly efficient as a rejuvenation therapy as it induces collagen synthesis among all age groups without any side effects. Look for this ingredient in your anti-wrinkle cream as ascorbic acid or L-ascorbic acid.
  3. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA): Alpha hydroxy acid acts as an exfoliant which removes the superficial, dull and dead skin to reveal smooth and wrinkle-free skin beneath. They are responsible for giving your skin a healthy glow and reducing skin pores. Today, day creams, moisturizers, cleansers, gels, lightening treatments, all contain AHA’s that result in fresh, dewy skin.
  4. Coenzyme Q10: Coenzyme Q10 is a natural antioxidant made in our bodies, abundantly present in our skin. It serves to protect the deeper layers of our skin from ultraviolet light and is responsible for the skin’s elasticity. However, after 30, its production gradually diminishes and so must be supplemented either orally or topically to keep the skin supple. It has been proven that women who took 60 mg a day of Coenzyme Q supplementation reduced wrinkle area by 33%.
  5. Tea Extracts: There’s a ton of benefits to tea. Green, black, Darjeeling or Oolong, irrespective of the tea, its extracts are known to erase sun damage. This is due to the polyphenols in them which fight free radicals. Polyphenols slow signs of aging and tighten sagging skin.
  6. Peptides: Peptides are basically amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. The National Institute of Health-backed research which showed that certain peptides had the ability to stimulate collagen growth within two weeks. Peptides significantly reduce fine lines and have a similar action to Botox, resulting in less muscle movement.
  7. Niacinamide: This form of Vitamin B3 takes the center stage in many heavy-hitting antiaging creams. Naturally available in eggs, poultry, tuna, and vegetables, it is converted into niacinamide within the body. Niacinamide also reduces inflammation and silences the “aging gene” thus slowing down the aging curve of the human body as a whole.
  8. Grape Seed Extract: Like tea, the grape seed contains polyphenols, including one of the most powerful antioxidants, proanthocyanidin. This compound helps protect the skin from ultraviolet light, promotes wound healing and reduces skin pigmentation.

As you begin your search for that perfect anti-wrinkle cream, spare a glance at the ingredients. Does it have one or more of the above? Do they have other dangerous compounds like hydroquinone? Try and read the labels before you pick up an antiaging cream. Most anti-aging products can be quite expensive. You might want to do your homework before you make a final choice.

In addition to this, you may also want to consider your own skin routine and take measures to reduce the incidence of fine lines and wrinkles. No, you don’t have to take Victoria Beckham’s lead in never smiling or crinkling her eyes. But you can take certain additional steps to prevent them. This includes protecting your skin from UV rays, using a moisturizer, stop smoking, applying sunscreen and limiting junk food.

Lastly, don’t expect to see results overnight. Even if you have the perfect elixir for turning back old age, it’s going to take time. It takes four weeks for skin cell turnover, longer in older people, so give your skin time before you dismiss a product. You may also check out for proactive reviews to look for solutions as well.

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Benefits of Castor Oil – How this Miraculous Oil Can Help you?

Our grandparents used remedies and that coming full circle “castor oil”

Castor oil is something we know thanks to our grandparents. Our grandparents used castor oil as the go-to remedy for a lot of problems. A vegetable oil obtained by pressing the seeds of the castor oil plant, the oil has now earned a reputation as one of the staple natural and home remedies.

You can use castor oil for your skin, your hair, and to improve your overall health. Most of the benefits of castor oil derived from the fact the oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Benefits of Castor Oil – How this Miraculous Oil Can Help you?

Castor oil benefits for skin

  • Apply castor oil to your inflamed skin using a cotton ball. The inflammation on the skin will be gone, no matter if it is caused by acne, dry skin, or sunburns
  • Helps slow down the aging process. When applied to the skin, the oil penetrates deeply and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, two key compounds to young and fresh looking skin
  • If you have acne-prone skin, use castor oil to unclog pores, and make your face free of acne. Wash your face first to open up pores, and then massage castor oil in a circular motion on your face. Keep it overnight, and rinse in the morning
  • Castor oil has moisturizing properties, which are great for keeping your skin hydrated at all times. Just massage castor oil on your face after cleaning your face
  • Help with blemishes, and the results will be visible just after a while. Thanks to the fatty acids, castor oil will penetrate deeply into your skin, and encourage the growth of healthy tissue around, which will make the blemishes fade away
  • No matter the reason, you can treat stretch marks with castor oil. No matter if they are caused by pregnancy or something else, massage the area with castor oil. Pregnant ladies should use this treatment in the last two months of their pregnancy
  • The oil can help you reduce pigmentation of your skin and clear your skin of spots and marks. Even dermatologists recommend castor oil for uneven skin tone

Castor oil benefits for hair

  • Promote hair growth. All you need is to massage your scalp with castor oil, which will boost blood circulation to the follicles. The result is faster hair growth, but also thicker and longer hair
  • If you suffer from any scalp infection like dandruff, itchy scalp, or bald patches, massage the area with castor oil. Thanks to the antifungal and antibacterial properties, castor oil will fight microorganisms causing the infection
  • Use castor oil to prevent premature graying. We said castor oil can help with aging skin, but it can also help with aging hair. The oil will help your hair retain its pigment, and delay the graying for a couple of years
  • Some people like to use castor oil as a conditioner, which is helpful in treating damaged and dry hair. All you need is one teaspoon of castor oil. Add it to your regular conditioner, and use it after shampooing your hair

Castor oil benefits for overall health

  • Thanks to antibacterial properties, the oil can treat ringworms. Mix 2 teaspoons of castor oil and 4 teaspoons of coconut oil, and then apply to the affected area, no matter if it that is your feet, groin, scalp, or body
  • Use castor oil to disinfect wounds as a way of a first aid kit. You can treat any minor cuts and scratches to relieve the pain and speed up the healing process
  • One of the oldest uses of castor oil is as a laxative. It is still widely used due to this particular benefit. Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, which induces laxation. Consuming the oil will help you if you suffer from constipation
  • Take a piece of fabric and soak it in castor oil. Place on your joint, to reduce joint pain. You can also use this remedy for treating and reducing pain caused by arthritis
  • Boost your overall immunity by consuming castor oil
  • Treat back pain by applying it topically on the pain points of your back. Cover with a clean and soft cloth, and then place a hot water back on the back for an hour. This will help the oil penetrate to the inflamed tissues and relieve the pain. You can repeat the process for three consecutive days
  • Consume one glass of cold milk with a teaspoon of castor oil to promote stomach cleansing

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The Environmental Benefits of Growing and Using Hemp

When most people think of hemp, the first thing that comes to mind isn’t a practical, easy-to-grow, affordable industrial fiber. The Cannabis sativa plant remains closely tied in the public imagination to hippies and patchouli, drug-fueled festivals, and, more recently, a widespread battle for legalized medicinal and recreational ingestion. However, the history of the plant is far greater than that of marijuana.

Hemp, like marijuana, is a species of Cannabis sativa. Unlike marijuana, however, it contains very low concentrations of the chemical THC – tetrahydrocannabinol – which is responsible for the “high” users experience when smoked or ingested. Hemp is also a thicker and more deeply-rooted plant that, as you can see here, offers an incredible variety of industrial uses.

The benefits to growing and using industrial hemp are vast, but, until recently, its cultivation has remained illegal in the United States. In this article, we’ll explore some of the history of hemp cultivation, as well as its environmental benefits. The Environmental Benefits of Growing & Using Hemp

Hemp Cultivation: A Brief History

Hemp has a global cultivation history that dates back thousands of years. The strong, durable fibers were used for rope, paper, and fabrics throughout history and landed in the United States in the early days of the colonies. In Jamestown, Virginia, farmers were actually required to grow the crop, which was used to make sails, clothing, and, later, even the plastics in cars.

However, as recreational use of its cousin, marijuana, rose, so did the fear. Although hemp is not psychoactive, its close association with marijuana was enough for lawmakers to ban its cultivation in the United States in the 1970’s under the Controlled Substances Act. Since then, farmers, ecologists, and legislators have pushed to decriminalize its production once again.

Currently, several states in the U.S. and many other countries allow production of industrial hemp. These products are used for everything from food to fuel and from clothing to construction materials. Although it remains illegal to grow in many places, its use as a raw material is gaining increasing momentum.

The Environmental Benefits of Industrial Hemp

Hemp is a practical crop that grows quickly, withstands tough environmental conditions, and has many uses. Its chemical isolates, like CBD, are also gaining public attention and popularity and even major companies like Coca Cola are considering its benefits as an ingredient. In addition to its usefulness as a resource, the cultivation of hemp offers many benefits to the environment as well.


One of the oldest applications of hemp is papers. The pulp offers an excellent alternative to wood-pulp paper that can vary just as much in thickness and quality. Hemp-pulp paper can be used for computer and copy paper, finer print papers, and cardboards without the toxic bleaching process. Hemp paper can be recycled over and over again – more than wood-pulp paper.

What’s more, hemp is a fast-growing and renewable resource compared to the evergreen trees usually used in paper making. Using the pulp from hemp for paper making can help significantly reduce deforestation globally.


A more recent application of hemp is in biofuels. The hemp species of Cannabis has shown promising use as an alternative fuel with limited emissions and excellent power for its mass. While the economic and criminal concerns surrounding hemp make it an unrealistic large-scale option for fuel now, hemp is an even better biodiesel than canola or soy oil – two of the most popular biofuels in use today.

Fabrics and Textiles

Like paper, fabrics are one of the oldest known uses of the hemp plant. The fibers, isolated from the tall, woody stalk, can be sewn into thin, breathable fabrics or tough, hearty canvases. These textiles have a range of purposes – sails and industrial canvas as well as clothing. Hemp-made fabrics are one of the most durable varieties in existence and they’ve been used by humankind for thousands of years.

The soft-fiber fabric produced by hemp is likewise environmentally friendly. Hemp takes up less space to grow than cotton and requires almost no pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides. Cotton, on the other hand, requires constant pesticide use. Additionally, synthetic fibers often leave harmful by-products during production and linger in the environment after use – hemp fabrics do not have toxic production by-products.

Building Materials and Plastics

Another of the more recently-developed uses for the hemp plant is in building materials and plastics. Although not as effective in wet conditions as traditional concretes, hemp-based mortars have been found to be sturdy, lightweight, and cost-effective building blocks for many homes. The material leaves a small environmental footprint.

Similarly, hemp-based plastics offer an alternative to synthetic plastics that can have a much more disastrous environmental impact. Hemp cellulose can be used to create a biodegradable material that retains the sturdiness of traditional plastics – without the level of pollution.

Building Materials and Plastics


Finally, industrial cultivation hemp offers an excellent source of food for both people and animals. Like soy, hemp seed contains a complete protein that makes it an ideal ingredient in animal feed. The lack of pesticides required to grow it on a large scale help keep the environmental cost low – and keep harmful chemicals out of the larger agricultural food chain.

As a source of human sustenance, hemp seed and oil also offer a relatively cheap-to-produce food with a high level of nutrition per weight. Unlike corn and wheat, which have incredibly versatile uses but relatively low nutritional value, hemp is packed with vitamins, essential omega fatty acids, and protein. Widespread cultivation of this crop can help impact the nutritional needs of the larger population while taking up relatively little space.

The Potential of Industrial Hemp

The industrial cultivation of hemp certainly has the potential to change the environment. By limiting the use of pesticides, offering affordable, durable materials, and encouraging alternatives to environmentally damaging products, the use of hemp may very well hold part of the key to changing the global condition. As the global agricultural community continues to push for its use and dispel the negative myths that surround it, we can expect to see the Cannabis plant make its way into more and more products – each with a little less environmental impact.
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Should I Be Taking a Supplement?

With so many supplements out there and just as much misinformation, it can be hard to know if you’ll actually benefit from a supplement or not. If you’re feeling full of energy with all aspects of your body functioning optimally, there is a chance you’re deficient in at least one key vitamin or mineral.

You can never out supplement a bad diet, which is why before you take a supplement you should address the food you eat. If you think you’re not functioning optimally, clean up your diet first. If you believe your diet is on point and you’re still not feeling right, look to get blood tests done or seek the professional advice of an expert who can interpret your symptoms in order to find where your deficiencies are. With real data to go off, you can then address your issues directly in a sensible, more cost effective way. If you could eat a variety of fruits and vegetables you wouldnt need supplements

Supplements can come with side effects so should only be used to help optimise levels in your body without pushing unnatural limits by over supplementation. More is not necessarily better, and usually, your body will tell you this. One downside of supplements is all the other ingredients you get with them. Most supplements are not 100% one ingredient and often contain harmful ingredients to help stick a tablet together, encapsulate a capsule or flavour a powder. Make sure you always check the ingredients and find out exactly what you’re getting.

There are a few supplements that the majority of the western population can benefit from due to the typical stressful lifestyle and lack of quality food. Essentially mineral deficiencies are a large problem as our body uses them for nearly every function it performs. Minerals like magnesium, calcium, zinc, selenium, iron, chromium and potassium are used up by our body every day and require constant replenishing.

While you can get all these minerals from the food you eat, some people might struggle to get adequate amounts due to the limited variety of food they eat, the food quality, and the rate at which their unhealthy lifestyle is burning through minerals. Our body uses minerals as an alkaline buffer to help protect our body from acidity which it has to keep on doing when we eat a typical western acidic diet.

Most people could use a magnesium supplement in particular or a general multi-mineral supplement, while some people might be fine just fixing up their diet and adding in more variety of quality good. Magnesium is regarded as one of the most important nutrients that most of us are deficient in. With over 300 bodily processes relying on magnesium it is easy to understand why a deficiency could be a problem.

If you do decide to supplement, make sure you look for quality forms of the ingredients you’re getting like those in Seriphos by InterPlexus.

Try and work out to the best of your ability where your issue is and do your research. Remember, everything depends on the food we eat, the lifestyle we live and just because it’s a supplement, does not mean its good for you.

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