How Winter Tests Your Home

Are you ready for the winter that is coming?How-winter-tests-your-home

How Winter Tests Your Home


People tend to associate winter with lots of wear and tear on the body. Your skin is dryer. Your feet are always cold. Depending on how dry the climate is, you may even be prone to nosebleeds and need a humidifier. It’s true that harsh winters take a toll on the body, but it’s also true that harsh winters can really do a number on your home. 

Rain and snow build-up 

There are two types of weather patterns you tend to hear a lot about in winter: La Niña and El Niño. In the former case, the northern part of the U.S. is generally colder and wetter than average, while the southern portion is dryer and warmer. In the latter, the northern parts tend to be warmer and drier while the southern parts are cooler and wetter. That doesn’t mean El Niño is going to bring a blizzard to New Orleans, just that New Orleans will be colder and rainier. The effects of climate change may worsen these weather patterns, but we’re not to the point where we expect January heat waves in Montana or major snow events in South Florida. 

Still, the areas that get more precipitation than usual in winter are also more likely to see structural damage to their homes, office buildings, and even carports. Some roofs just aren’t graded to receive the massive amounts of snow and rain that can fall. If you drive through an area that received a ton of snow, you’ll likely see a lot of warped, twisted carports. Most carports can only take so much before they start to wither under the pressure. 

A lot of rain and snow can also mess up the plumbing. Old pipes that can’t handle the load are more likely to crack both literally and figuratively. It can happen anywhere in the U.S. If you’re in the Southeast during an El Niño year, you  may have to call a South Florida plumber after a particularly heavy rainstorm. If you’re living in Colorado and get a foot of snow during a La Niña year, you may find yourself looking for drain cleaning services in the Greater Denver area. 

It’s easy to forget about the plumbing when you’re busy trying to dig your car out of the snow with nothing more than a shovel and some pluck. But if there’s an issue, you’ll find out sooner rather than later, although hopefully not when the toilet overflows and floods your bathroom. 

Around October or so, you’ll usually hear weather forecasters list the chances of a La Niña or El Niño winter. There are also neutral winters where there’s not really enough evidence to support either pattern developing. The two patterns don’t necessarily alternate years, either, as the winter of 2017-2018 is looking like it will be the second year in a row where the Northern Hemisphere will have to deal with La Niña. It’s all about which way the sea surface temperatures are trending. 

Some people love winter, while others hate it with a passion. However you feel about it, keep an eye on the forecasts and make sure you’re prepared for a range of possible outcomes. 

5 Diet Tips On Weight Loss Women Should Know

Best Weight Loss and Diet Tips That Women Should Know/Red-Green-Orange-Green-Vegetables-will-help-in-weight-loss

Weight loss and dieting go hand in hand. Most ladies find it easier to keep their weight in check through diet rather than taking hardcore workouts at the gym or fitness center three or four times a week. They believe that a well-planned diet is equally better in fulfilling weight loss goals, just like Best Anavar 20 mg from a reliable steroid seller will do. However, it is crucial for ladies to take an interest in some of the best weight loss and diet tips that work. This article wishes to enlighten thousands of women on how to go about it.

Using the orange, red and green rule

This ought to be the first tip, as it is what will completely change the number of calories you consume per meal. If you are keen on carbohydrates, which carry most of the calories, carbs will rarely come in these colors. Therefore, making sure that your plate has plenty of any of these colors will minimize the calories. Vegetables will dominate your plate, making sure that your weight comes down. Examples include green leafy vegetables, carrots, beet roots and other low-calorie vegetables. 

Know what to eat after workouts

After a workout, ladies tend to believe in the fallacy that they have burnt more calories than is actually true. Therefore, they tend to delve in caloric cravings like ice cream, cake, and other high-caloric food. If this happens over time, the efforts to cut one’s weight will be futile. Therefore, ladies need to keep tabs of the calories they burn during their workouts and watch what they eat after the program.

Be strict on your daily calorie schedule

A lady on a weight loss program cannot afford to add even a few more calories than they burn in a day. According to fitness experts, there are different calorie consumption guides based on gender and the activities people do. Such programs are based on the maximum calories you can take without adding weight. Should you decide to follow a predefined schedule, then it is crucial to be strict and disciplined on the same. A modification of the schedule is determined by other calorie burning activities like workouts.

Taking one bite less

As much as you do not want to starve yourself to death, you can create a habit of taking one bite less from every meal. According to research, this habit will reduce almost 100 calories in a day. After serving a normal portion of food, just make sure you take one bite less before the end. The effect may seem insignificant, but the truth is that it will have an effect on your overall weight loss program through diet alone.

Keeping a food journal

As a woman, one of the best habits is to keep a food journal on everything you eat. However, it is also prudent for it to contain other columns with the calories you burn on a daily basis. It is easy to set up a schedule with a food journal as a guide on a what food to eat.

7 Strength Building Strategies That Will Never Fade Out


Strengthening exercises are always beneficial and are often used by body builders. These exercises are considered to be very effective in gaining lean muscle and to lose weight. Professionals suggest that to achieve body goals, strength training is one of the best options. Below are a few strategies that will help you in achieving your body goals:

  1.      Practice the ultimate BIG Four

This strategy consists of four major exercises that are the dead lift, seat press, squats and shoulder press. Apart from these exercises, you can also use column and chin-ups, but it is advisable not to make these extra exercises a central part of your routine. These exercises can help in supplementing the shoulders. The seated press, in particular, keeps the muscles in alignment. You can also take steroids available at to gain lean muscle weight. 

  1.      Using barbells

Professionals also recommend using barbells as they are considered the king of exercise equipment, while the dumbbell is considered the queen. It is advisable to start your exercise routine with barbell activities. It does not matter what kind of routine you are doing; or even if you are following the BIG 4 routine. Heavy lifting is considered as the first step towards strengthening your muscles, and the good thing is that you can adjust weights according to your requirement.

  1.      Keep a simple routine

Coaches often make their clients lift at a specific speed, for example, one second down and so on. However, there is no persuasive evidence showing one should do reps at a certain speed. Thus, it is advisable to concentrate on losing fat and gaining muscle weight.  

  1.      Maintain a log

It is a good idea to maintain a log in which you record your exercises, reps, and sets. This will help you keep a check on your progress and help to plan future exercises in order to achieve your ideal body.

  1.      Increasing weight progressively

Professionals suggest that you should add weight gradually instead of adding a lot of it in one go when weight lifting. By adding weight instantly, you will increase the risk of getting injured, having fatigued muscles or getting sprained ankles. It is advisable to add almost 10 pounds of weight in every session if you think you can do it. Otherwise, stick to the same weight until you think you can handle more.

  1.      Exercise on a steep surface

It is essential to do cardio exercises in order to have a healthy and lean body. Running or cycling for long distances can increase secretion of hormones that strengthen muscle tissues. In order to get stronger, it is suggested to do cardio exercise in short but intense bursts.

  1.      Think five

Most trainers suggest doing different types of exercises in your session, but 5 sets of each exercise is considered ideal for the right muscle size and quality of pickups. Even if you are doing four exercises, your structure should break down after 5 sets. If you do 5 sets of each exercise, you will be able to gain the right amount of weight.

These are 7 strength training/building strategies that have been used for a long time and are not expected to die soon.

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Our Skin Needs Sunscreen All Year Long

Skin protection is a lifelong pursuit requiring daily vigilance. One jar of anti-wrinkle cream will never be enough to keep your skin’s healthy look. Learn skin care practices that keep your skin looking beautiful every day and protect it from potential damage.

Never Skip Sunscreen Using sunscreen all year round

Sunscreen protects you from the UV rays that cause skin cancer. Those UV rays also cause premature wrinkling and age spots. To keep your skin beautiful, apply sunscreen to your face and the exposed areas of your body daily. According to the American Academy of Dermatology you need at least SPF 30, and you need an ounce of it (about the amount that will fit into a shot glass) to cover your exposed skin. Apply the sunscreen 15 minutes before going outside, and 15 minutes before putting on your makeup.

Invest in Organic Makeup6027602283_a2b076d7d7

Image via Flickr by vchili

We wear makeup to highlight our skin’s best features while hiding its worst. Some makeup contains harsh chemicals that contribute to skin irritation and even damage the endocrine system. Phthalates, parabens, BHA, and other ingredients common in makeup are some of the culprits. Read ingredient labels before purchasing makeup. Go organic to ensure your makeup contains only natural ingredients.

Don’t Dry It Out

Using a daily and an evening moisturizer will keep your skin from becoming dry and flaky. If you find you have to apply moisturizer more often than the label recommends you might have a humidity problem in your home. Low humidity causes dry air, which sucks moisture from your skin and can cause dry skin and irritation. When your skin is dry, fine lines and small flaws become more obvious. Give your moisturizer some assistance by getting a whole home humidifier

Drink Lots of Water

Your skin requires both internal and external hydration to stay healthy and look its best. While researchers are still studying the exact benefits water offers your skin, if you drink enough water you’ll start to notice better skin hydration and slightly more plumpness. The key is drinking enough water on a regular basis. Water doesn’t prevent wrinkles, but it does help your skin look its best. Get in the habit of rehydrating so your skin always has an extra hydration boost.

Nix the Cigarettes

Image via Flickr by SmartSignBrooklyn

Along with various types of cancer, throat ailments, and respiratory problems, cigarettes are also rough on your skin. When you pucker your mouth around a cigarette several times a day you create a pattern of fine lines. After years of smoking, those lines become ingrained around your lips in a feathering pattern. The tobacco in cigarettes dries out and discolors your skin. Ask to see the hands of a long-time smoker. You’ll be able to tell where they hold their cigarettes thanks to discoloration.

Caring for your skin is not a one-step process. Engage in the right behaviors morning and evening to keep your skin looking its best. Protecting your skin from UV rays, chemicals, and other damaging elements helps both your skin’s appearance and its health for years to come.

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