12 Last Minute Easter Ideas To Fill Your Table And Baskets

Easter Is A Time To Remember
His  Love

God sent His Son to take the punishment
For all the thoughtless, sinful things we do;
Jesus gave his life because He loves us;
His love is boundless, sweet, forever true.

On Easter morn He showed He is our Savior;
His resurrection proves He is our Lord.
That is why we tell you, “Happy Easter!”
He secured our heavenly reward!

12 Last Minute Easter Ideas To Fill Your Table And BasketsWith Easter just a few weeks away I have some great ideas that you can make at home, so cute, and cost little but so much fun!!

Easter treats are a must and there are so many. Here are some cute Rice Crispy Ideas


Kids can have fun making these bunny treats with their hands and decorating
Easter Bunny Treats ™ →

Kellogg’s // Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Kelloggs-Springtime-Treats.These easy treats made with a flower cookies cutter and whipped frosting
Springtime Flower Treats™ →
Kellogg’s // Kellogg’s Springtime Treats
Rice Kripsy Easter GarlandUsing traditional rice-crispy treats , cut into small
bite size pieces and added bits of fruit you can make Garden Party Garland
Kellogg’s// Garden Party Garland

Oreo cookie suckers created by How Does She, made for adding to
Easter Baskets or an addition to a special after meal treat.
How Does She // Easter Oreo Suckers

Cupcakes for Easter, of course and kids would love to decorate these with Jelly Beans and coconut.
Fun colors fun to eat…..
Nina’s Recipes // Easter Cupcakes

Easter Cathedral only requires 3 ingredients Candi Quick,
Bunnymallows, coconut you can find more pictures and the complete directions  
Mom on Timeout  // Easter Cathedral Candy Recipe

Kids can have fun making these cute rabbits with rolls of toilet paper,
no sewing machine needed. you can find the tutorial here →
oopsey Daisy // No-Sew TP Bunnies!

This will keep the kids busy and excited to make these cute pompom rabbits.
Great addition to a tablescape Easter parties
Mom On Timeout // Pom Pom Easter Bunnies!

Easter Marshmallow Bark #easter #marshmallow #candy

Easter Marshmallow Bark so easy to whip up this fun and
tasty treat you can cut with cookies cutters in cute shapes.
Butter With A Side of Bread // Easter Mellow Bark

Easter Bunny Trail Mix looks yumcious!!  Make this and use a mason jar to store,
could also be put in those cute cupcake papers to serve.
The Melrose Family //Easter Candy

There are so many ways you can make cake balls
and I couldn’t resist, these cake balls are made with our shapes in mind,
there called
Skinny Taste // Skinny Easter Egg Cake Balls and are
low in calories and made with Greek yogurt.
She has many more recipes of interest.


If your Easter baskets are looking a little empty this year,
we have just the thing to fill them up with some chocolaty goodness.
These hollow Easter eggs made of drizzled chocolate look so fancy
that no one will believe you made them at home on the cheap.
She Knows // Hollow Chocolate Easter Eggs

Expanding Your Knowledge From the Comfort of Your Own Home

Expanding-Your-Knowledge-From-the-Comfort-of-Your-Own-HomeWhile our compulsory education may come to an end while we are still in our teens, it’s important to bear in mind that we can constantly learn and expand our knowledge on a day to day basis outside of the walls of educational institutes. Our days of shining apples and leaving them on our teachers’ desks may well be over, but there are still so many opportunities for us to improve our general knowledge from the comfort of our own homes. Here are just a few ideas for you to try out!

Language Courses

There are so many benefits that come hand in hand with picking up a new language, and the good news is that you don’t have to move overseas to become conversational or even fluent! Apps such as Duolingo have experienced profound success over the past few years, and full programs such as Rosetta Stone maintain loyal and loving fan bases. Most options are interactive and require your full attention, so dedicate half an hour or so a day to focus on them rather than trying to carry tasks out at the same time as watching the soaps!

Online Courses

No matter what you’re interested in, there’s bound to be an online course out there to suit your needs. From courses supplied by bodies higher education such as an accredited mba online to short courses provided by creative institutes and small businesses such as creative writing short courses or sewing programs. So, search for subjects that move you and sign up for those that meet your tastes and budget accordingly. If you are more of a visual learner, consider tuning in to YouTube tutorials too. These will give you visual examples to follow that you can pause, rewind and watch time and time again for free!


Now, television quiz shows may seem like fun and games. But you can pick up an extraordinary amount of trivia knowledge and general knowledge from watching them. So, play along and try to answer as many questions as possible rather than simply watching the contestants sweat under the spotlight. Pay attention during rounds that don’t particularly interest you too. This is where you can pick up interesting facts that you’d never otherwise be aware of.


With so many distractions at hand on the television and our smartphones, it’s not all too surprising that many of us no longer seem to have time for reading. But there’s so much more to gain from a novel, piece of philosophy, or non-fiction work than you can draw from memes on the Instagram explore page. So buy a new book, download a new E-book, or pick up something from your local library and get into it. You’ll be surprised at how immersive and educational an experience it can be!

As you can see, there are so many options available to you when it comes to increasing your knowledge. What’s more? You don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home to make the most of any of these options!
How To Get Free Books
Going Back to University Later in Life

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