String Trimmers Explained

String Trimmers Or Weed-Whackers, They All Take Care Of The Same Job

Whether you call them string trimmers or weed eaters or weed whackers, they are all the same machines – edging and lawn trimmers. And, like anything else, buying them requires more than running into the store and plunking down the magic card. Best Brush Cutter and String Trimmers to Keep Your Yard Clean

Weed-Eater Buying Moments

String trimmer buying moments have a definite purpose. The purpose is the make sure you get the right one for the proper use.

What might the uses be? Of course, the applications are necessary yard cleanup and maintenance. However, there is also the occasional time when you have to go in and clean up massive clutter and wood. You do need a weed-eater for this.

If you only have a small patch of grass in your yard that requires cleanup, then other string trimmers will suit your purposes. And though it seems unlikely, there are more options for smaller yards than there are for big woody lots.

String Trimmers Explained

When you walk into the local garden center or home goods store, the first thing you are bound to notice is the variety of strimmers available. Let’s face it; there are so many sitting there that it can be very confusing. There are electric strimmers, gas-powered string trimmers, and string trimmer that combine other features such as a cutting blade.

Strimmers fall into three categories, based on price. They are:

  • $50 – This is the price range which features basic weed whackers. This is price range includes small, battery-powered and corded units. There might also be some gasoline-powered units available. However, you are more likely to find them in the next category. These string trimmers are for small lots and yards. Typically, these are places that also don’t require heavy-duty weed-eating capabilities. In their usage range, they are very effective.
  • $100-200 – This is the price range in which you will find your most extensive variety of strimmers.
    This range includes standard-sized units. You will see that not only are the string trimmers upgraded this range but so also are the power sources. You will notice that battery-powered versions use LI-on (Lithium-ion) batteries for the best.
  • $200 – This is the price range in which you will find heavy-duty string trimmers.
    By and large, you will see that these weed-whackers are gasoline-powered. Uses for these string trimmers include heavily overgrown and tree-covered lots. Since they are primarily gasoline-powered, you will find two- and four-stroke versions available.
  • Other – On the higher-end of the price range you will find specialized weed-whackers. They include the tricycle-style, heavy-duty brush cutter that are best suited for heavy brush and woody lots.

Pricing Is One, But There Are Other Considerations

Now that you have the styles of weed-eater and their pricing, there are other things to consider. For instance, let’s say you try to keep your costs down by purchasing the latest battery-powered lightweight. Is this the right matchup? The answer is probably not because you’ll find that it is too light for the job and in the relatively short-term you will probably find it ready for retirement. This is frustrating because if you had read our list of price points and tips, you would not have been replacing the string trimmer that soon.

Instead, our list shows that you should have bought a weed-eater in the second level because this is the one that will handle it.

Will it handle it in comfort? You do have to check this feature while you are still at the retailer because once you own it, well, you do own it. You should find that it is well balanced and that using it feels normal. Granted, you cannot start it up in the store, but, take it to a safe area and swing it the way you would in your yard. If it feels natural, like an extension of your arms, then it is right for you. Be sure, by the way; there’s a harness available that you can snap on that takes much of the weight off your arms. It’s an excellent addition.

Also, you should be sure that the weed-eater has an adjustable handle. You would be surprised how such a small convenience as an adjustable handle. Typically, the handles on higher-end string trimmers are adjustable. They slide up and down the shaft after being released. When you

have found a good fit for your left or right hand, you merely turn the close and latch the handle into place, and you are ready to begin working.

Some Feature Suggestions

While you are checking the trimmer, make sure that it has an adjustable head. If the head is adjustable from horizontal to vertical, then you have a double-edged tool, a strimmer and an edger all in one. One caution with flexible whip heads is that they must be secure – which they usually are – but it never hurts to check.

Here are some other buying tips:

  • Battery-powered trimmers should have lithium-ion power. These batteries last the longest and charge more quickly. Generally, you will find that they have about an hour’s worth of trimming time in them. This short-term power makes this type of trimmer ideal for small lots.
  • Gas-powered strimmers should have a start-assist feature. This feature is a spring-controlled. It takes the place of the rope that you need to start or restart the gas-trimmer. Another feature to think of is a choke-assist. This is usually a small bulb of gasoline that shoots the right load of fuel into the carburetor when you are starting.
  • One other nice feature on a gas-powered stream trimmer is an auto-stop button that shuts down the trimmer as soon as you hit it. It is a great safety feature.


Here’s where we suggest what you should buy, and we do have our recommendation. If you have a small lot, electric is the best way to go. A motor-driven unit doesn’t have the stamina of a functional battery unit. As to your purchase for a bigger yard, lot covered with trees and branches, the best buy is a gas-powered weed-eater.

Except for convenience, the type of power – two-stroke or four-stroke – is your preference (it’s the gas-oil mixing point). Be sure the head is adjustable, so you have an edger and weed-whacker. And, lastly, be sure the string feed is convenient. There is one type of trimmer that feeds out the trim string with a bounce on the ground; another has an automatic feed. Watch out for a trimmer that requires manual trim string replacement. Because it wears so quickly, you will find that you have to stop frequently to replace it.

Author Bio:

Hi! I’m Eric Parker, Author of Tools Freak, a craft handyman with the passion for DIY projects. I share the DIY experience I have and the best tools you need. I am tools freak and enjoy hand and power tool hacks.

Cleaning Up Your Garden And Getting Ready For Fall
Low Maintenance Yet Beautiful Gardens
Planting and Caring for Flower Bulbs

Rest and Relaxation are Waiting for You at Beavers Bend

Are you ready for a vacation? Do you have a particular favorite place to go? Chances are good that you have been there quite a few times in the past. Are you ready for a change? If so, there’s a place that you can go that you would never in a million years know about if you didn’t happen upon this article. That place is the Big Bend State Park and it’s located right here in your own back yard. Rest and Relaxation are Waiting for You at Beavers Bend

The woods of Oklahoma are home to a series of natural havens for camping, fishing, kayaking, hiking, and other healthy outdoor activities. Did you know that these special beavers bend getaways can be arranged for a price that won’t put a dent in your budget? If you have been longing for a chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of a busy career in the city, this is the perfect place for you to come.

Nowhere else in the region can you spend such a quiet, restful night in the woods. The noise of the city is far away, even though the cabin you are staying in is very close to civilization. But once the highway is out of sight, it truly will be out of mind. These new Beavers Bend cabins have all of the comforts you need to spend a magic night out in the woods without a care in the world.

A night in the woods can have a calming effect on even the most frayed nerves. And in the morning, you can treat yourself to a hearty meal and then look forward to a day of healthy activity. Whatever you want to do, you can do it here.

If you are ready to experience the magic of the Oklahoma woods, get in touch with us today. We can help you arrange a restful visit to the Big Bend area. If you’re in the mood to be one with nature for a while, we can help you realize your dream. Call us today to get started.

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Home Improvements Before Winter

It is so easy for all of us to get lazy as soon as the winter arrives. The changing weather is overwhelming, and some homeowners meanwhile forget that they need to get themselves and their homes ready for the coming winter season. It is very important to take care of your home especially before the winter arrives, and you need to get all the necessary home improvements done in time to save your worthy accommodation in an up-to-date shape.Home Improvements Before Winter

To keep yourself free from the stress of the maintenance and repair issues, there are some home improvements which are really helpful to keep your home comfortable, functional and beautiful throughout the winter season, no matter where you live.

  • Roofing

Keeping the interior cozy is probably the most difficult and important task during the winter season. As the roof is the most exposed area of your home to the harsh weather conditions, it is the most important part and is at the top of the list of the things you must get done before winters. Start with roof inspection, look for the bold spots and shingles that are damages, any gaps along flashes, gaps between siding and vent joints. Look for Mold, damp sports, broken mortar around the chimney area. If there is no problem in the roof, then the water will flow through the gutters and your foundation and other home parts will be safe from any damages. In case you find a problem, you can always contact roofing contractors Birmingham Michigan to get the roofing fixed.

  • Heating System

If you find it difficult to take care of your heating system, you can always call a furnace technician to do that job for you. Canton MA Furnace Repair company, Sinclair Home Services, reminds homeowners to schedule regular maintenance for their HVAC system. A well-maintained system gives way to freer airflow and changing or cleaning filters can help effectively eliminate allergens like dust, pollen, or even pet dander. Get the furnace inspected, cleaned and if there is any maintenance required, get it done as well as the manufacturer recommends. Get an automatic thermostat that you can program as per your requirements. It’ll save you big time.

  • Fireplace

Normally homeowners don’t remember about the chimney sweep chimney sweep and often forget the keep it among the home improvements. It is very important the get the buildup removed periodically so that the chimney fires can be avoided. Get a screen or cap fixed on the top of the chimney to keep out the birds and other animals who can climb up there.

  • Lawn

Get your lawns ready for the winter season so the damage may not harm you after wards. Get the decks cleaned and resealed. Get your porch water-proof so that constant snow or heavy showers cannot damage it. Get the fence fixed as well. Get the dead branches cut and clear the leaves to avoid any snow molds. It is suggested to get the lawn fertilized with nitrogen. Do not forget to get the cracks alongside driveway and pavements filled.

Remember, it may cost you a bit to get these improvements done before the winter season arrives, but it’ll always come in handy in the long run as it’ll save you from the big damages that can be done during the winter season and from the big bucks that you’ll be spending to get those damages fixed.

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Cleaning Up Your Garden And Getting Ready For Fall

Cleaning Up Your Garden And Getting Ready For Fall

 Fall-Garden-CleanupIt’s harvest season in your garden. The tomatoes are ripe and practically falling off the vine, the summer squash is fat and heavy, the peppers are colorful, and your onions are turning yellow just in time for fall. The early part of autumn is a busy time for any gardener and there’s still plenty of harvesting to do, but if you live in a colder climate, the first snowfall isn’t far away. Once you’ve finished harvesting all the delicious fresh vegetables you’ve been tending to all summer long, it’s going to be time to get your garden ready to survive the winter so that you can do it all over again in the spring. 

Use this checklist when it’s time to get your garden and backyard ready for the winter.

  1. Finish the Harvest

Depending on where you live, harvest season can go quite long. Some of the last herbs and vegetables that are ready to be harvested will include chives, mint, cilantro, parsley, and rosemary for herbs, and vegetables like celery, carrots, cabbage, winter squash, parsnips, and kale. Once these are on your kitchen table, it’s time to begin.

  1. Weeding

It’s not the most fun part of gardening, but it’s essential to a healthy, fruitful garden. It’s also important to get rid of any diseased or infected plants so that they don’t spread. Get rid of anything that could be a source of bugs or that didn’t grow well. Odd coloring is another sign that it might be infected. Fall makes it easier to get rid of bad plants and weeds as it’s easier to find the strongest roots and pull the plant out whole.

  1. Protect New Garden Beds

Establishing new perennials is a difficult task and they are especially vulnerable in the winter. Covering new garden beds that you added this year will help them survive. Drape a garden cloche over the garden you want to protect. However, vegetable gardens don’t need to be protected from the winter weather as much. A simple cold frame can help you keep growing winter vegetables.

  1. Cutting and Pruning

There are some plants you will want to let die naturally and come back in the spring, but many flowering trees, vines, and shrubs benefit from a prune before the winter. You will also want to remove spent stalks and other debris. This can be a natural home for pests you don’t want.

  1. Winterize Your Gazebo

A gazebo is a lovely addition to a large garden that lets you spend time relaxing out of the sun. If you have recently set up a gazebo in your garden, you should learn about how to winterize it properly. Put away all the gazebo furniture and give it a good cleaning. Sweep away debris and follow it up by washing it thoroughly to get gunk out of the crevices. You may even want to scrub parts.

Getting your garden ready for winter means it will be healthier and more productive come spring time.

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