Can Water Damage in Your Home Affect Air Quality?

No one wants to imagine themselves as the victim of water damage, but the presence of unwanted water in your home can be the source of a number of issues. In the aftermath of an appliance breakdown, natural disaster, or flooding event, many people find themselves dealing with the effects of damage, and the cleanup process can be extensive. Finding the right professional help is essential, but it can be tricky to even identify all the problems caused by the water damage. If you’re concerned about your indoor air, read on to learn whether or not water damage in your home can affect air quality.

Can water damage in your home affect air quality?


Poor indoor air quality is frequently a side effect of water damage in your home. Depending on the severity of the damage and contamination, your home may not even be safe to enter until it has been cleaned and sterilized. The smell associated with water damage can also be unpleasant and may require professional assistance to remove.

Water can worsen existing mold growth in addition to activating even dormant mold spores that may be present inside your home. When inhaled, these spores can cause an allergic reaction or may even trigger chronic illness. Water saturation can also release other airborne toxins like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), solvents, and chemical vapors.

Sometimes, water damage at home is caused by appliances that are in disrepair or that break down. It’s a good idea to call for professional help as soon as you suspect there may be a problem. Look for an expert with years of experience like this plumber in Albuquerque, as many plumbing problems can be complex to solve. It’s important to work with a plumbing company that can provide prompt service and deliver quality work.

What can you do to improve air quality in your home?


Anyone concerned about the air quality in their home can take comfort in knowing that there are a lot of steps they can take to improve the quality of the air they breathe indoors. One easy step is to invest in an air purifier with a true HEPA filter. Make sure you choose an air purifier powerful enough for the number of square feet of the room you place it in. High-traffic areas like the kitchen and family room can be the perfect spot for a purifier.

Keeping your house clean is another important part of keeping the air fresh. Good indoor hygiene can significantly reduce the presence of many common household irritants, especially dust and animal dander. Experts recommend that you vacuum your carpet at least once or twice a week, as well as regularly launder items like bedding and drapes. You can also find mite-proof covers for pillows and mattresses.

Your HVAC system is also one of your best tools for maintaining clean air at home. You should make sure it’s inspected at least once annually and that the filter is changed at least once every 90 days. If you experience frequent breakdowns and your system is over 10 years old, it may be time to look for a replacement.

There can be a variety of causes for water damage, but no matter the source, you should address the problem as soon as possible. When dealing with water intrusion, the amount of time it takes to have a professional intervene can make a big difference in the level of damage that your home sustains. Though many homeowners don’t realize it, water damage can also have serious repercussions for the quality of your air. If you do experience water damage in your home, you’ll need to take extra steps to ensure that you keep the indoor air clean so you can keep everyone in your household healthy.
Get Professional Water Damage Restoration Services
The Importance of Your Home’s Air Quality

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