Do I Need a Will? 7 Reasons Why You Should Create a Will Now


More than 64% of GenX Americans and a whopping 78% of Millenials don’t have any estate planning, will or living trust on record.

If you are among those without one and wondering to yourself “Why do I need a will?” then keep reading!

We have 9 reasons why you do need a will no matter what age or circumstance you’re in.

1. It’s Easier for Loved Ones to Know Your Wishes

A dozen people can all grow up in the same environment and come out with a completely different perspective. Even the most well-meaning family members can end up in turmoil and creating tension trying to make decisions they think you wanted.

You may have expressed your wishes clearly in conversations but when dealing with a family crisis like a death all of that can be lost. Having written confirmation of your wishes will stop any guesswork and allow your family to know exactly what you wanted.

There may be possessions that you have saved for specific family members or a legacy you want to leave that could be hard for all your loved ones to get on board with if they don’t have it in your own words.

2. Ensures Your Wishes Are Respected

If you don’t have a will and there are disagreements about things or there are no instructions left for your estate, the choice of what happens could be taken out of your loved ones’ hands altogether.

The government could end up taking over when it comes to major decisions and leave your family helpless when it comes to respecting your wishes and being in control of the necessary arrangements or choices to be made.

A will is a legally binding document and therefore will help ensure the decisions you want are adhered to. You don’t need an expensive attorney to draft a will, you can go to this website that will lead you through the process at a fraction of the cost.

3. Protects Your Children

Writing a will helps to protect your children at every stage of life. Whether you have small children that will need to be cared for if something were to happen to you or adult children who will be responsible for your care if you should become incapacitated or incapable of communicating your wishes.

You don’t want strangers in the government deciding where your children will live and who will raise them if the worst should happen.

You don’t want your loved ones fighting over what should take place if you don’t write a will expressing your wishes.

4. Death and Taxes

The only two things that are guaranteed in life is taxes and death. Unfortunately, death doesn’t stop the taxes. But you can lower the amount the government gets from your estate by declaring in your will what parts of it are to go to charity or be given as gifts.

There will be fewer estate taxes and your family may be able to keep more of what you leave to them if you have a properly written will.

You can designate an executor so that there is no squabbling or resentment between family members wanting to decide where the money goes and how much is donated, gifted, or what estate bills need to be paid.

5. Avoid Lengthy Delays

You don’t want your family to have to wait for years to settle your estate but that can happen if you don’t have a will and proper estate planning in place.

A proper will can stop years of probate delays and red tape for your family after your death. You don’t want the financial and emotional stress of your estate taking years to settle weighing on your family.

Long delays and frustration with an estate can prolong and complicate the grieving process and contribute to depression, anxiety, stress, and other issues. When you start pre-planning your will and other arrangements, you save your family possibly years of delays and despair.

6. Business and Your Legacy

If you own a business then you have even more reason to ensure you have a will that details what should happen within your estate and your business.

You’ll want to leave instructions and contingencies for the business in the event of your incapacitation or death. You don’t want your business to die with you. Having a detailed will can ensure that your legacy and company can continue on.

Employees, families, customers, vendors, and your heirs are all relying on your business for their livelihood so it’s critical they can continue to survive even if you don’t.

7. Will Be Easier and Cheaper Than Not Having One

If the reason you don’t have a will or other pre-planning arrangements made is that you think it’s too expensive, it’s actually a bargain compared to the alternative of waiting until you do pass away.

It is much harder to make informed and wise decisions when under the stress and crisis of a family member dying. Life doesn’t stop for loved ones which means they still have bills and responsibilities while grieving. Not having a will adds to the financial and emotional stresses they already face.

Making arrangements is much easier and more economical when you can take your time and shop around too. If everything is already arranged and specified in your will then your family won’t have to pay out of pocket for services and fees that are marked up because they’re needed immediately.

Not having a will could end up leaving more than one family member with the need to get their own legal representation. Some families end up fighting in court for years only to owe more to lawyers than the estate was even worth. The family is shattered completely and everyone is in debt because there was no will to help resolve the issues.

Do I Need a Will?

The answer to the question “Do I need a will?” is always YES!

It’s important to start pre-planning now, no matter what your circumstances are. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune to take steps in being more prepared.

There are on-line legal will kits you can use to ensure your wishes are clearly expressed and known if the worst should happen.

Create a plan, even if it’s just saving your change from the day to put towards your estate planning. A little effort now will give a lot of peace later.

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Why Should I Hire Security For My Wedding?

When it comes to hiring security services for special events, weddings might not be the first thing that comes to your mind. Hiring-Security-for-a-Wedding-Can-Help-With-Safety-Issues

But think about it? It’s the biggest day of a young couple’s life, with all of their friends and family there to witness the event. Hiring a little extra security can, at the very last, provide peace of mind for all involved in the special day.

Just knowing there’s a dedicated team of security professionals on-site who can deal with possibly rowdy guests, wedding crashers or even medical emergencies can really ease a couple’s anxiety on their wedding day.

Let’s talk about a few of the reasons why you might want to security hire in Melbourne for your wedding.Let’s talk about a few of the reasons why you might want to hire a security team for your wedding.

Can Help With Safety Issues
Particularly if your wedding and/or wedding reception is hosted in areas where guests need to park off-site and shuttle to the festivities, having security officers nearby will add a certain level of safety at the end of the evening.

They can walk guests to their vehicles, if needed, and just generally keep an eye on things during the course of the day and night.

Acting As Peacekeepers
Especially if alcohol is a part of the event, things can get out of hand on a moment’s notice. And the last thing you want is for the bride and groom’s big day to be remembered for something negative that could have been easily prevented.

If guests know there are security professionals at the event, they’ll probably be extra cautious anyway. But if the alcohol and/or tempers do take over, having a dedicated team devoted to safety on-site can be a huge advantage. “Believe it or not, emotions can seriously run wild at a wedding, I’d say one out of ten weddings have some sort of physical altercation,” says Abraham Gonzalez, chief of a Security Services Austin TX firm.

Monitoring Wedding Crashers
Particularly when it comes to more upscale events, wedding crashers may just make an appearance and act like they belong. I mean, think about it? Did you know every single person who attended your wedding?

Wedding crashers generally like to show up unannounced so they can listen to the band, eat some free food or maybe even hit on eligible singles at the party.

Security guards are trained to notice people who may not belong, particularly if they have a guest list provided to them ahead of time. Woman’s Day magazine shared the top ten wedding guest etiquette fails

Can Act As Emergency Responders
Now this isn’t something that every security firm can do, but do your homework ahead of time and ask plenty of questions.
Some security guards are in fact trained in CPR and first aid and can handle many medical situations while waiting for an ambulance to arrive. This is definitely a plus and adds another level of security to your big event.

At the very least, you’ll have the comfort of knowing that there’s a designated person on-site who can quickly recognize certain types of emergencies and call an ambulance or paramedic team immediately.

It’s unlikely you’ll need this type of service at your wedding, but again it’s just another level of service that can provide peace of mind to the guests on your special day.
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4 Ways to Hold a Baptism Ceremony on a Budget

We all know that God doesn’t care much for materialism, so if you decide to hold a baptism ceremony without spending a lot of money, you are not going to be judged for it! Having a child itself brings quite a number of financial responsibilities with it. So, keeping the welfare of the child and the family in mind, here are a few tips to reduce the expenses of a baptism ceremony.

4 Ways to Hold a Baptism Ceremony on a Budget Royalty free photo

Keep It Small and Homely

The baptism ceremony is meant to be attended by people close to you, so only invite relatives and close friends to the event.

The actual ceremony will most likely be completed at your local church, but you can hold the celebrations later at home. This will keep the costs down and the environment homely.

Use Free Baptism Invitation Templates

It’s a digital age that we all live in, and technology can actually come in useful for the most devoted Christian baptism ceremonies as well.

Choose one of the many free baptism invitation templates available and customize it till the invitation card is perfect for you. The next step is to send them out to your guest list via email, which is also free. Now, you’ve managed to save money by skipping the physical invitations cards and commuting to and from every address.

You may need to get a few physical printouts as well for those who are less tech-savvy, but even then, it’s a negligible fraction of what it would have cost you to take the traditional route.

Getting the Church Community Involved

Galatians 6:2-3 Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”

If you live in a tightly knit Christian community, there is no way to keep baptizing ceremonies small. Therefore, take the word of the Holy Book by heart and involve your community in the whole process. When everyone starts to chip in with small contributions, the expenses of the ceremonial celebration will come down automatically.

Wait a Few Years If You Need to

There isn’t exactly a set age for baptism in general, and some are even of the opinion that a child should be baptized only when they are at least matured enough to make that transition with some understanding.

Even churches today agree that there is no rush to get your infant baptized, but it should be done before they are eight. There are contrasting views on this, and depending on the beliefs of your community, this may differ. But, the general idea is that it’s okay to hold off the baptism ceremony for at least a year or two until you are financially able to do it in the way that you want to or your faith dictates that you should.

Throughout the years, Christianity has been divided and subdivided into many interpretations and, consequently, different rituals. Therefore, you too have the right to interpret the laws of baptism from the Bible in the way that feels right to you and your beliefs.
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What Science Says: Is the Pregnancy Glow Real?

What Science Says Is The Pregnancy Glow Real

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At some point in your pregnancy, you probably got comments about your skin’s glow or radiant appearance. Prior to having a baby, you’ve been so religious with skincare routines, but you still get a pimple here and there. Who knew growing a bump will be the fix, right? But is the pregnancy glow truly real? Or are people just too kind towards the pregnant lady? And you’ve gotten carried away by people’s praises that you start to believe it, too?

The Real Deal about Pregnancy Glow

The short answer is that pregnancy glow is real. But contrary to what your aunt says, it has nothing to do with your baby’s gender. It’s also not your own happiness creating this. There are many factors as to why you’re radiant. For one, it’s the changes in the hormone levels. When you get pregnant, estrogen, progesterone, and human chorionic gonadotropin increase. Inside your body, these body chemicals help prepare the uterus and nurture the baby into further development. On the outside, they give off that flushed-look on the skin.

Another reason for the glow is the fact that your body pumps more blood to support the growing baby. As noted by a doctor of obstetrics in Provo, this increased blood volume causes blood vessels to dilate, again leaving a nice, warm blush in your appearance. Both the hormone changes and stronger blood flow cause the body to produce more oils, making for the blooming look. There’s no specific time as to when women get the glow. It’s simply when the peak of the pregnancy changes happen. For most people though, it’s during the second trimester.

Absence of the Glow Absence of the Glow

Not all pregnant women will get the glow though. If you don’t experience it, that shouldn’t be a cause of concern. It just means your skin responds differently to what’s happening inside your body. As mentioned earlier also, given that sebum production increases, there’s also the possibility of developing acne. If you had pimples in the past or experience breakouts at the start of your menstrual cycle, you’re most likely to develop this while pregnant. Resist the urge of self-medications. Some acne treatments may be harmful to the baby, so make sure to consult your doctor first before applying or taking any treatments.

Aside from acne, other pregnant women may also notice brown spots on the skin. The stark contrast of pregnancy glow, this is called the ‘pregnancy mask.’ This happens due to hyperpigmentation as the body releases more melanin, again, as a result of hormone changes. These should go away after giving birth. But do note that too much sun exposure can exacerbate them. So apply sunscreen every day. Choose products whose active ingredient is zinc oxide and/or titanium oxide, because they’re hypoallergenic. Those that offer SPF 30 and up will do. Re-apply it every three hours.

Is pregnancy glow real? Yes, it is. It’s one of the natural changes you can expect while expecting. But at the same time, you can also expect the pregnancy mask, the not-so-pretty aspect of having a baby. All the same, for a healthy nine-month journey, welcome and embrace the changes, whatever they are. Good and bad.
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