5 Awesome WordPress plugins to amplify your SEO

5 Awesome WordPress Plugins To Amplify your SEOThe online SERP tracker remains a highly reliable tool for matters SEO in pursuit of a website getting to the first page of the search engine results. With a lot to keep your mind occupied, sites like WordPress are slowly taking over the internet because of the increasing need for people to share content with their peers, and gradually, a larger audience.

What most WordPress users are unaware about is that it is not enough to create a WordPress account and expect your great content to make you highly visible, at least not without the use of extra help from plugins. Quite in luck, this article sheds light on 5 amazing WordPress plugins you can install to amplify your SEO:


This is arguably the best SEO plugin for WordPress, and the best news is that it is free. This plugin allows a user to gather actionable insights on how to optimize on-page that is covering aspects of the content structure. This tool conveniently pinpoints prime spots where you can use your keywords, i.e.  on the title, headings, and Meta descriptions strategically spread out within your content.

The plugin also ensures that your content is optimized as far as readability is concerned, and that your images are optimized properly capitalizing on the primary keywords for alt texts, descriptions and captions. This plugin occasionally gives you actionable suggestions on how you can improve your SEO score on search engines.

With Yoast, you get a great package that will serve you as matters page analysis and even XML sitemaps functionality.

All in One SEO Pack

This is another yet popular plugin, and as suggested in its name, it caters for all your SEO needs, specifically on-site. Largely, the All in One SEO pack comes with a similar set box as Yoast and has been considered an equal alternative for users, although this plugin is much easier to use, with an interface that allows users to operate on a single page-view.

This plugin is easy to use so that new WordPress users can conveniently get started on their optimization journey, especially for the fact that it allows for automatic optimization of page and content titles for all the work on your site, and automated generation of Meta tags featuring your primary keywords relevant to your content.

Broken link checker

With the understanding that links are what hold the internet together, it is important that your site is completely free from broken links. This plugin simply analyses your site for broken links as suggested in its name.

Nothing is distasteful to search engines like broken links, simply because it greatly impacts the user experience for your website, which is a major point of interest for site engines. If your content has missing images, generates 404-page errors or contains links to content that were brought down, this plugin alerts you so you can fix them.

To give your audience the best user experience, ensure that your links are not broken so that they are not undeservingly frustrated when it can be avoided.

Google XML Sitemaps

Generally, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists all the URLs or rather web pages of your site, one which can easily be submitted to search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. It is however important that you work closely with Google affiliated plugins that will position your website for better indexing on Google search engine.

The Google XML Sitemaps plugin generates sitemaps automatically for your site, making it easy for Google to crawl your site for indexing. The best part about this plugin is that a lot of its services are automatic, so that, once you have customized the automatically generated sitemap to your liking, you can sit tight and let the plugin do the rest of the managerial and monitoring task for your XML Sitemaps.

Google analytics – by MonsterInsights

Like how Google Analytics is useful on its own, the MonsterInsight WordPress plugin is important for the same reasons. This plugin reviews your site analyzing your data from the WordPress dashboard, giving you all the analytical reports you need.

The plugin is especially useful for analyzing traffic sources and their activity on your site, and can also be used to analyze the type of content that is getting more attention on your site than others.

Other than having to use Google Analytics off-site, you can conveniently utilize the services from your WordPress site. Ensure you take advantage of the analytical insights from the plugin to improve your site and target your content to yield nearly as many results as the highly consumed content on your site.

Tip: you can also check how your site is performing on Google in comparison to other WordPress sites, better still, filtering out results to local entries.

Overall, there is so much to be grateful for in the world of SEO, more importantly, for WordPress sites, since it is evidently possible to install plugins that can help you bring the best out of your site.

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How Cloud Hosting Works To Benefit Your Blogging Platform

Many bloggers are making the switch from traditional hosting to cloud hosting packages. They are looking into the latest developments in hosting to find the best performance for their blog. Since the cloud hosting options are relatively new, there is a lot to learn about how they work and what they can offer your website. If you are a blogger that has a website with high traffic levels and connects with other blogs, you should be considering cloud hosting solutions. In this post, we’ll cover how cloud hosting works to benefit your blog.

What Is Cloud Hosting?

Cloud hosting uses remote servers to serve your website over the internet. Unlike traditional hosting servers, cloud environments run on clustered servers. The cluster of servers each have a stored copy of your website. Therefore, your website can be served from a “cloud” of servers. As a result, your website gains access to the entire network of virtual resources distributed between the servers or cloud. Put simply, cloud hosting is an hosting environment with a clustered group of servers rather than a single server. How Cloud Hosting Works To Benefit Your Blogging Platform

Cloud Hosting Works In Various Ways

Bloggers will typically sign up for a public cloud hosting package. However, depending on the cloud hosting solution, there are many ways to set up the servers. Cloud hosting can be private, hybrid or public. In a private cloud, all of the server clusters are dedicated to your website. However, this might be unnecessary for even the highest-traffic blogs. Secondly, a hybrid system stores some information on premise and the remaining in a cloud environment. Thirdly, the public cloud allows you to share cloud resources with other people. This type of cloud hosting works to service many high traffic blogs and websites.

Public Cloud Hosting Is Scalable

When bloggers sign up with a public cloud host, they are gaining instant access to scalable server resources. Since many public cloud environments have an excess of system resources, it is very unlikely that your website will utilize all of it. Even if one server goes down, all the other web servers in the cluster would pick up the capacity. Using this solution, your website can handle major spikes in traffic from your daily blog tasks. Since the blog would be on a cluster, it would not hit any hard server limits. It will make your blog instantly scalable, more so than a dedicated server.

How The Cloud Hosting Prices Work

Moreover, bloggers can save money with cloud hosting. Once you have hit a certain traffic level, you could end up spending several hundreds of dollars for a dedicated server. As an alternative, cloud hosting pricing works based off of the resources used. That means, your cloud hosting price covers huge spikes in traffic without having to overpay for unused capacity. This type of utility pricing model can be cost efficient for high traffic websites. Additionally, low to medium traffic websites could benefit from costs savings as well. Since bloggers only pay for what they use, there is an opportunity to save money compared to traditional hosting packages.

Managing Cloud Hosting Requires Experts

Additionally, bloggers have to partner with providers because of all the technical expertise required to manage a cloud hosting environment. Reliable providers have technical support teams that manage the distribution of resources and storage of information. If you decide to switch to a quality cloud hosting provider, the would provide you with the expertise to keep your server clusters running. For a pay as you go price model, it’s a great way to make your cloud hosting work without having to do too much yourself. This gives you peace of mind that the cloud hosting works so you can focus on growing your blog.

Cloud hosting works make your website perform faster with higher reliability. It leverages the power of clustered servers to serve your website in a scalable way. Compared to a single server, cloud hosting has better uptime because other servers can take on resources if one of them goes offline. Moreover, cloud hosting can be configured as public, private or hybrid. For most bloggers, you would be able to find cost savings in a public cloud that offers an abundance of system resources. Of course, this would benefit your blog as well as your budget. On top of that, you can partner with a company that manages the entire cloud environment for you. This way, your blog gets all the performance without the additional work. Surely, bloggers who are growing their websites should give cloud hosting a strong look now that you know how it all works.

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5 Reasons To Start Your Blog On The WordPress Platform

When it comes to website platforms, WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) on the internet. In fact, over 25% of active websites online are powered by WordPress. Bloggers need a platform that allows them to focus on content, marketing and building relationships. You should be able to do all of this without advanced technical knowledge or expertise. More so, it should be easy to set up and get going. If you are thinking about picking a platform for your blog, considers these reasons to use WordPress for its backend.

An Open Source Platform

Probably the best reason to use WordPress, it’s completely free. WordPress is an open-source platform which means you don’t have to pay any licensing fees to use it. You can customize and tweak it as you see fit without having to get approval. When it comes to running your website, your main website platform is only limited by your imagination. With proprietary software, you might get roped into paying for upgrades, updates or annual royalties. With WordPress, there are no hidden charges or liabilities for licensing agreements. Of course, the free nature of WordPress makes it even easier to get started and run over the long term.

Total Flexibility For Your Blog

Next, WordPress offers a wide range of flexibility. The framework is written so you can customize almost anything you want to serve your niche. Still, beginners always ask about platform limitations. With the number of plugins, themes and applications that integrate with WordPress, you can do nearly everything possible with other CMS platforms. WordPress can be converted into an eCommerce store, membership website or user forum down the road. When starting out a blog, it’s nice to know that you have the complete flexibility to do whatever you desire in the future. This is one of the most versatile platforms available.

WordPress Offers Security Protection

Importantly, WordPress takes your blog’s security seriously. Since millions of websites around the globe use WordPress, the platform is constantly under attack of hackers and spammers. However, since the developers of WordPress are so committed to security, they regularly release updates to keep your website secure. Furthermore, WordPress has many plugins that you can install to further protect your website from cyberattacks and hacking attempts. If you configure the platform correctly, WordPress can have a strong protective front for your blog’s security.

High-Performance Hosting

To improve your visitor experience, WordPress can be optimized at the server level. Many hosting providers like DreamHost.com have included their own WordPress hosting plans to optimize for speed, security and reliability. With server-level caching, there is a noticeable difference in page load times. When you choose WordPress to power your blog and combine it with WordPress specific hosting, the result is top-notch performance. Especially as you grow your website in the future, WordPress is a great option because you can find a hosting package dedicated to the performance of your platform.

WordPress Boosts SEO Visibility

Adding content to your blog, WordPress can help search engines find and index your content. Of course, you would like to attract as many free organic visitors from Google, Bing and other search engines. By default, WordPress includes user-friendly permalinks, categories, and tags. Moreover, you can set your blog to allow search engines to crawl and index the site. Then, using some of the most popular WordPress plugins, it is easy to make your website SEO friendly without having to be an expert. The plugins allow you to set up meta titles and descriptions as well as the critical site map. With some simple configurations and stellar content from your daily blogging activities, your website will be ready to attract thousands of visitors from the popular search engines.

To improve your visitor experience, WordPress can be optimized at the server level. Many hosting providers like DreamHost.com have included their own WordPress hosting plans to optimize for speed, security, and reliability. 

If you are starting a blog, there are several reasons to install WordPress for the backend. It’s hard to compete with a free, open-source platform that is used by small websites and enterprise news outlets. It gives you absolute flexibility to customize the platform to your unique needs now and in the future. Furthermore, WordPress has all of the security tools and updates to keep your site safe from intruders. Its performance can be also be improved by hosting it on a WordPress specific hosting package. With everything set up, you can create a great user experience with fast load times and attract visitors from the search engines too. Undoubtedly, these are some great reasons why others are using WordPress. Of course, you could consider starting a blog on this platform too.

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Improve User Engagement with The Perfect Combination of Web Design and Instagram

Instagram is a social media platform that has over 700 million users, and its numbers are increasing day by day. This means if you wish to reach out to these 700 million registered users with your products, ensure that you incorporate the right website design into Instagram for success. Many entrepreneurs ignore this vital aspect of their business, and this is why they lose out in the long run to their competitors who are wiser and smarter.

Improve-User-Engagement-with-The-Perfect-Combination-of-Web-Design-&-InstagramBring in progress and business success

Web design and Instagram should be blended well for business success and progress. The visitors that come to your Instagram page should not feel lost. The navigation must be simple so that they are able t0 get the products they want at a glance. The resolution and the placement of images should be good. You must ensure the photos and the posts are placed in the right way with attractive captions to grab the attention of the audience. Visitors have no time anymore. They know there are several options available online and this is why it is you that should be prudent so that they keep on coming back to your page, not for browsing but buying! If you need more advice in regards to web design and what can help benefit your website, why not speak with an agency at Web Design Rugby.

Use design elements to the optimal levels

You should check the design elements and ensure they are used to the optimal levels. To attract followers for Instagram, ensure that your website has sufficient space that is vacant. You should avoid clutter and should not have excessive images and content lying about. The impression that you must give out to your targeted audience is that you are designing the page for the sake of design and not just for placing images and graphics in the way you want. If you make your website crowded with images and clutter, you will not have visitors spending time on your website at all. This means to ensure that your web designer does not show off his or her capabilities or else the visitor may not like the website and never return.

Focus on a strategy for Instagram web design success

This means when you are focusing on Instagram and web design, it is essential for you to ensure that your website does not have any distractions for the visitor to leave. User engagement increases only when there is flexibility and appeal on your Instagram page and business website. Those business owners that opt for innovative design get a competitive edge in the market as users are looking for something different and unique. To stay abreast in the market competition, it is crucial for you to keep the website design smooth and fluid. The images and the posts should be relevant to one another. Improve-User-Engagement-with-The-Perfect-Combination-of-Web-Design-Instagram

Devising a good Instagram and website design strategy largely helps you to elevate the success of your business. Hire designers that have experience when it comes to Instagram and website design. These professionals will work on innovative designs so that your Instagram followers will become loyal customers and share your business via word-of-mouth with their friends and relatives!

Author Bio: Glen Paul is a social media manager with experience in website design in the USA. He says that the right web design strategy helps you to increase followers for Instagram and bring in business success!

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