Common Damages That Follow a Car Accident 

Common-Damages-That-Follow-a-Car-AccidentPeople suffer a lot when they’ve been in a car accident. Even if you aren’t seriously injured, you could suffer mental distress, fear, anxiety, and financial losses. Vehicle accidents are terrifying, and many people have difficulty getting back into a vehicle after an accident. These issues weren’t your fault, because someone else caused your accident.

If you are dealing with great losses following a car crash, talk to a car accident lawyer in Baton Rouge about filing a car accident claim. Your claim could get you financial compensation for your damages and justice for your experience. Winning a claim can also bring you closure and could help you move past this accident.

Types of Car Accident Damages You Could Be Dealing With

Everyone’s car accident is unique, and the damages will be different. For instance, you could suffer a head injury in your car accident that requires ongoing medical care while another person could only receive a few cuts and lacerations. You will have more damages the more serious your injury is.

Medical Damages

Some of the most expensive types of damages are medical expenses. Medical treatment costs are out of control, and they could be more than you can afford. You could have hospital bills, outpatient treatment bills, medication costs, and bills for physical therapy. 

All of these medical damages don’t have to be paid by you if you receive a settlement from the at-fault person’s insurance company.

Property Damage

If you are involved in a vehicle collision, your vehicle has likely been damaged. Sometimes, the damage is so severe that you must replace your entire vehicle. Next to your home, a vehicle is one of the largest purchases you will make. Can you afford to replace your vehicle right now? Even if your vehicle is simply damaged and can be repaired, the cost is often in the thousands.

Lost Income

Injuries often need time to heal, and this could mean a lot of missed time from work. That means lost income for you. How will you pay your bills and other life necessities without an income? If you are seriously or permanently injured, you may be unable to work ever again. How will you live?

It’s possible to add lost income and lost earning capacity to an injury claim.

Physical Pain

In addition to monetary losses, physical pain is something that results from car accident injuries. Physical pain is not something you just suck up. Some people can’t deal with a headache, let alone the pain caused by a serious car accident. 

Physical pain can prevent you from enjoying your life, and that’s a huge loss. Maybe the biggest loss of all. You deserve to be compensated when you’ve suffered physically after a car accident.

There are many other losses that a car accident can bring to your life. These are only a few examples. Remember, you have the right to seek compensation through an injury claim when someone else caused you harm.
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Can I Still Be Compensated if My SC Work Comp Claim Is Denied?

Can-I-Still-Be-Compensated-if-My-SC-Work-Comp-Claim-Is-DeniedA work accident can leave you suffering and struggling to both recovers from your injuries and deal with the emotional trauma you’ve been through. However, you may have just gotten some bad news—your South Carolina worker’s comp claim has been denied. 

That can be difficult to deal with, especially if you’re not familiar with your options after a worker’s comp denial. You may be worried about whether you can even be compensated now, and whether your South Carolina workers comp lawyer can help you fight back. Fortunately, you may have an opportunity to get workmen’s comp despite your denial.

Requesting a Formal Hearing

When you’re denied workers comp benefits, your worker’s comp lawyer can help you take action for your claim. When the insurance company refuses to compensate you for your losses, you may still be eligible to disagree and prove to the worker’s compensation board that you should be compensated. 

For example, you may have suffered severe injuries in your accident, but you didn’t have enough proof that your injuries were that severe. Instead of accepting that denial, you may talk to your attorney about gathering more medical proof of your injuries and moving forward with that claim. 

The Appeals Process 

If you’ve been denied workers’ compensation benefits, you may still be able to fight back and get the compensation you need. Workers will be able to file a petition for a formal hearing with the South Carolina Workers Compensation board within a short time after they’re denied benefits. 

You and your lawyer can file for your worker’s comp benefits, then seek all possible evidence that could help your claim. Medical evidence, footage of the accident, and expert witnesses can all give you the evidence you need for your claim. 

Your attorney will represent you in court and present the evidence you’ve gathered for review. Once you and your employer have presented all evidence, the board will make its decision on approval or denial for your claim. 

Your South Carolina Work Comp Claim Denial Can Change

If you’ve been denied workers comp benefits, you may be worried about your options. The truth is, without a steady income or financial help, it can be difficult or even impossible to maintain your quality of life and support your family. 

Unfortunately, that’s a reality for many injured workers. You may have just gotten the news, for example, that your coverage has been canceled. The doctor may have ruled you fit to work, even though you’re still in pain and recovering from your injuries. 

That’s difficult for a lot of people, especially if you’ve just received a worker’s comp denial. Fortunately, you have a chance to get compensated even if you’ve already been denied. Your attorney can help you build a defense for your claim, which can be tough when you’re struggling to recover from severe injuries. 

Luckily, you do have a chance to act now, so reach out for help. You have a chance to get benefits despite your denial, but you’ll need to act fast for the compensation you’re eligible for.
Common Damages That Follow a Car Accident 
How Courts Decide What People Deserve

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Understanding Florida’s Claims Process for a Slip-and-Fall Injury

 Damages-You-Can-Recover-as-a-Slip-and-Fall-VictimWhen you’re out running errands in Lakeland, Florida, you likely aren’t expecting that you’re in any danger. Accidents, however, happen unexpectedly and can occur in the most unlikely places. A slip-and-fall injury may seem minor but can often lead to severe injuries that require extensive recovery periods and large medical expenses. 

If you get injured in a slip-and-fall accident in Lakeland, filing a claim against the property owner where your accident occurred can get you the money you need to treat your injuries and move on with life as normal.

Property owners are liable for any accidents that occur on their land because of premises liability law. This law can be complex to understand, so it’s important to speak with a Lakeland personal injury lawyer if you want the best chance of winning your case in court and obtaining the maximum settlement. 

How Slip-and-Fall Accidents Occur in Florida

Slip-and-fall accidents can occur in Florida because of spilled liquids, loose floorboards, uneven rugs or mats, and unsalted ice if it gets cold in the winter. Usually, a property owner or their staff will put warning signs around a hazard in a walkway and remove the hazard as soon as possible to prevent slip-and-fall injuries from occurring; however, a negligent property owner may not think to do so.

Obligations of a Property Owner

Property owners have an obligation under premises liability law to exercise due care in maintaining their properties and preventing accidents from occurring on their property. Although property owners can’t be expected to prevent all injuries, the law expects them to try. 

For example, if a liquid is spilled and a guest slips on the liquid immediately after the spill, then there’s no way a property owner would have been able to warn the guest of the spill; however, if it’s proven that the spill was on the floor for a reasonable amount of time before the guest slipped, then the property owner could be held responsible. 

Proving Liability in a Premises Liability Claim

To prove liability in a premises liability claim, you must prove that the property owner failed to exercise due care in warning of or preventing the hazard that caused your injury on their property. You can use video footage, photographs, medical records, witness statements, or other evidence to prove your case. 

An experienced attorney can negotiate on your behalf in court and convince the judge and jury that you deserve a settlement for your damages. 

Damages You Can Recover as a Slip-and-Fall Victim

You can claim both economic and non-economic damages in your premises liability claim for the ways the accident financially and non-financially affected your life. Economic damages may include medical expenses, lost wages from missing work, and property damage. Non-economic damages may include emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and pain and suffering. 

You shouldn’t hesitate to fight for the money you deserve after your accident because the law holds property owners liable for the negligence and so should you.
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Things to Know About Being Injured in a Boston Car Accident

Things-to-Know-About-Being-Injured-in-a-Car-AccidentNo one is prepared to be seriously injured in a car accident, but when it happens to you, it can be helpful to know what your next steps should be and how to go about holding the person responsible for causing your injuries to account for their negligence. Continue reading to learn more about securing an insurance settlement and bringing your case to court for a car accident in Boston. 

You’ll File a Claim with Your Own Insurance Company

Massachusetts is a no-fault state for auto accidents. This means that, as an MA driver, you’ll need to carry personal injury protection on your vehicle, which then enables you to file a claim with your own insurance company after an accident, no matter whose at fault. 

But, just because you are dealing with your own insurer doesn’t mean it will be easier to secure the compensation you deserve.

The insurance adjuster is going to search for any possible reason to reduce the amount of your insurance settlement, as this prevents the company from losing more money than it might have otherwise had to. Your lawyer can handle the insurance company for you so your award won’t be at risk. 

Insurance Might Not Cover All Your Losses

Your auto insurance only covers certain losses, as well. If you are able to obtain a settlement from the insurance company, it may not fully cover your financial and non-financial damages. In these cases, your best option will be to head to court and file a personal injury lawsuit against those liable for your injuries. This way, you can seek full compensation for your suffering. 

Shared Fault Laws Could Impact Your Injury Settlement

Contributory negligence laws can have a dramatic influence on your car accident claim. Massachusetts follows modified comparative negligence laws, which refer to how a lawsuit is handled when an accident survivor is partially responsible for causing the accident. 

In MA, if you are partly liable for your injuries, you are still able to file a lawsuit and be awarded compensation for your damages. However, before you can collect a settlement, your award will be reduced by your portion of fault. Here’s an example of how a Massachusetts car accident claim could be impacted by a shared fault:

Susie was struck by a drunk driver. During the investigation, it was discovered that Susie was driving over the speed limit when she was struck. The judge presiding over her case found her to be 10 percent at fault for the accident and ordered that her $200,000 injury settlement be reduced to $180,000.

Meet with a Car Accident Lawyer in Boston

There are many more details that go into obtaining an injury settlement for a car accident. If you are feeling intimidated or overwhelmed at the thought of pursuing compensation for your suffering, consider reaching out to a qualified Boston car accident lawyer for help with your claim.
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