3 Easy Ways to Stay Fit and Healthy During the Holidays

3-Easy-Ways-to-Stay-Fit-and-Healthy-During-the-HolidaysMany people spend Christmastime attending social gatherings, but did you know that this time of the year also comes with increased risk for cardiac failure? A 16-year study done in Sweden found that heart attacks are most common on Christmas Day, with peak hours at 10 PM. This spike can’t be blamed on the cold alone; researchers from the University of Melbourne found that there’s a 4% increase in cardiac events in New Zealand during the Christmas holidays.

Christmas season in Australia is an occasion filled with gifts, good food, and quality time with family and friends. However, it’s also a good time to enquire about the health of your loved ones and practice habits that keep you in tiptop shape. A healthy holiday doesn’t need to be boring; there are plenty of ways you can incorporate staying fit with traditional celebrations and hearty family dinners. Below, we share 3 ways:

Join a first aid class.

Learning first aid or refreshing your skills by joining first aid express training courses is one way of safeguarding your family this Christmas season. A short course on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and basic first aid can make you more aware of the signs and symptoms of cardiac events and other illnesses and medical emergencies. It empowers you to make the right decisions and act during critical moments, which can give the patient a better chance of a swift recovery. Your family members will also feel safer knowing that they have someone who knows first aid in their midst.

At the same time, you can give the gift of learning to your loved ones by letting them learn first aid. Aside from making sure they’re ready for emergencies, a first aid course and certification can also improve their career prospects.

Engage in physical activity.

It may be the holidays, but that doesn’t mean you should spend it on the couch or around the dining table. Take the opportunity to engage your friends or members of your family in physical activities. You can play beach volleyball or go swimming if there’s a good beach near you. Run during the cooler hours of the day, take a brisk walk if you don’t want to exert too much effort, or ride a bike around the neighborhood you are staying in. You can also organize relay and group games and make it a tradition to keep the rest of your family active. However, since it’s the middle of summer, make sure you hydrate properly and stay under the shade to avoid heatstroke.

Eat-in moderation.

Food is an integral part of any Christmas celebration, and many people find it difficult to keep to their diet during this time of the year. There’s nothing wrong with eating well on holidays, but make sure that you are not overindulging in food and drinks that are not good for you. Go easy on the alcoholic drinks, avoid overstuffing yourself, and try to distance yourself from the buffet table. You can also opt to bring healthy food options to the party and snack on these instead of greasy, sweet, or salty dishes. In addition, keep yourself well hydrated at all times.

The holiday season takes place at the height of summer, so heat-related illnesses are also more likely to occur. If there are people in your vicinity that are at a higher risk for diseases associated with the season, keep an eye out for them, make sure they are aware of the symptoms, and instruct them to ask for help at the first sign of trouble. Make it a habit to look out for each other and express approval when someone in your group is being active or eating well. This not only makes the other person feel good, but it also encourages the whole group to celebrate Christmas in a healthier manner.

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5 Types of Dairy Products to Include as Part of a Healthy Diet

4-Tips-of-Dairy-Products-to-Include-as-a-Part-of-A-Healthy-DietFruits, vegetables, fatty fish, whole grains, and lean meat are not the only things you should eat as part of a healthy diet. For an even more holistic approach to nutrition, you should also consider including dairy products in your everyday meals. Dairy products are a great source of nutrients like vitamin D, calcium, and protein, all of which are essential to building strong bones and muscles. Furthermore, most dairy products also contain potassium, which helps in maintaining good heart health and optimal blood pressure.

As such, if you want to have a healthier body, then you should make sure to buy dairy products from your favorite supermarket or even an internet-based grocery store. With the latter, you can shop fresh products online in the comfort of your own home! To help you decide on what types of dairy products to include in your meals, we present you with a few suggestions.

Yogurt for healthy bones and gut

Among the healthiest dairy products out there is yogurt. It is high in protein and calcium that are good for your teeth and bone health. What’s more, yogurt is known for its live culture of probiotics, which are beneficial microorganisms that help prevent digestive problems. However, some yogurts are not exactly very healthy, particularly those with way too much sugar and additives such as flavoring and food coloring. When buying any yogurt product, make sure to read its nutritional label first. Consider only buying those with less than 15 grams of sugar per serving.

Cheese for stronger teeth

Cheese is one of the most flavourful and versatile of all dairy products. You can use cheese to add pep to sandwiches, sauces, pasta dishes, and other food items. But aside from being one of the tastiest ingredients available out there, cheese can also help improve your dental health. Not only is cheese a good source of calcium, but it also helps neutralize dental plaque, minimizing your risk of developing dental cavities. Just take note that when shopping for cheese, it is best to buy low-fat cheese since regular cheese can be very high in sodium and saturated fat.

Milk for osteoporosis prevention

Milk is another dairy product that’s rich in calcium, protein, and vitamin D. Drinking milk helps you fight osteoporosis, which is a type of bone disease. If you’re afflicted with this condition, your bones become more porous, brittle, and fragile, increasing your risk of fractures. Drinking milk on a regular basis can help prevent this from happening. According to many studies, regular consumption of milk and other dairy products lowers a person’s risk of developing osteoporosis, especially among older individuals.

Butter as a source of healthy fatty acids

It has been long debated whether butter is healthy or not since it contains a significant amount of saturated fat. However, dieticians agree that when used in moderation, butter may also be good for you. Some studies have even suggested that butter can help prevent tumor growth since it contains large amounts of good fatty acids such as oleic and Myristic Acid. What’s more, butter can be a lot healthier if it is organically produced from the milk of purely grass-fed cows.

Ice cream for more energy

We all know that ice cream isn’t exactly health food. However, the US Department of Agriculture says that ice cream provides more energy than whole milk. It typically contains about 137 calories, which actually makes it a great food for people who are trying to gain weight. Since ice cream’s main ingredients are milk and cream, it is also considered a good source of calcium and phosphorus.

While dairy products can provide for your body’s calcium and protein needs, nutritionists recommend that you get your vital nutrients from different food sources such as fruits, vegetables, grains, fish, and lean meat. Eating a well-balanced diet is certainly much healthier than relying on a single food group.

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What Nuts Can You Eat on a Keto Diet?

What-Nuts-Can-You-Eat-on-a-Keto-Diet-Choose-your-nuts-wisely-and-you-will-enjoy-your-keto-journeyA ketogenic diet is low carb, and getting started is not easy. But, with the inclusion of snacks such as nuts, the whole journey becomes simpler. You can feel better when hungry between meals and craving for foods such as pasta, bread, rice, and potatoes. Besides, the diet eliminates all sugary foods, and therefore even desserts are out of reach. Here are some of the nuts allowed on in a keto diet.

Macadamia nuts

Macadamia nuts are some of the satiating nuts you eat while on a keto diet. They have about two grams of carbs and 21 grams of fat per ounce. The fat content of the nuts is 75% and they help lower cholesterol levels and insulin resistance in the body while keeping off belly fat and cardiovascular diseases.

Since the nuts are rich in selenium, magnesium, and potassium, they help quicken weight loss and help manage hypertension, which lowers the risk of stroke. You can find these nuts in peanut butter or as eat them as snacks.


Pecans are rich in oleic acid, and their fat content is 70%. A single serving of pecans has a gram of starch, protein is 3 grams and fat is 20 grams. The presence of oleic acid helps lower cardiovascular disease risk and also diabetes type 2. What’s more, the nuts enhance immunity in the body while lowering inflammation.

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are beneficial to the body, with only a single gram of carbs per serving. They are rich in fats at 18 grams and proteins at 4 grams in every serving. They help to lower triglycerides and cholesterol. They are large and in a keto diet, you eat about eight of them in every ounce serving. The selenium in the nuts is great for cognitive function, especially in older people as it overcomes oxidative stress.


Walnuts have polyunsaturated fat weighing 18.3 grams, proteins 4.3 grams and carbs 1.9 grams. The healthy fat in these nuts is similar to what you get in avocado and sunflower seeds and they help prevent cardiovascular diseases and improve testosterone levels in men. Besides, those following a ketogenic diet lower weight, lower cancer risks and prevent damage of the cell by eating these nuts.


Hazelnuts make a healthy snack and keep you full between meals in keto. Studies revealed that these nuts could lower bad cholesterol in the body and do not interfere with the levels of good cholesterol in the body.

Nuts to Eat in Moderating During Keto

The above five nuts have very low carbs. But these ones should be eaten in moderation because they have more carbs and can throw you out of ketosis if you overindulge.

Pine Nuts

Pine nuts are tasty and may look harmless. But their carb content is 3 grams, protein is 4 grams, and starch is 19 grams. If you overeat of these nuts, you could end up with over 30% carbs in your meals throughout the day.


Almonds’ fat content is 14 grams; carbs content is 6 grams, and protein 5 grams. Baking flour used for keto diet is made from almond. It is a staple that you should not overeat as it can increase your carbs per day and affect your ketosis. However, almonds have many health benefits, including enhanced metabolism and lower cholesterol in the body.


Cashews are ideal when consumed as nut butter. They have 12 grams of fat, which is not much compared to most keto nuts. They also have a high content of carbs, 8 grams, making it extremely important to be careful with the nuts. They can make an ideal day time snack to keep you full and minimize the risks of eating non-keto foods.


Pistachios have more proteins than any other keto nut. The protein content in the nuts is 6 grams, 4.6 grams of carbs, and 13 grams of fat per serving. According to studies, these nuts can help lower bad cholesterol and enhance the cardiovascular system’s health. One interesting thing about pistachios is that they come in shells, which can easily discourage you eat a lot of them and it helps in portion control.

A ketogenic diet is low carb, and getting started is not easy. But, with the inclusion of snacks such as nuts, the whole journey becomes simpler. You can feel better when hungry between meals and craving for foods such as pasta, bread, rice, and potatoes. Besides, the diet eliminates all sugary foods, and therefore even desserts are out of reach. Here are some of the nuts allowed on in a keto diet 

How to Eat Keto Nuts

Nuts can be eaten as a snack or an ingredient in your recipe. Here are rules to help you enjoy eating nuts while getting maximum benefits.

Avoid Any Nuts with Suspect Ingredients

When buying nuts, always read the package and stay away from nuts with added flavors, sugars, and some oils, including canola, sunflower, soybean, veggie and peanut oils. The ingredient lists are always clear and make the nuts rich in carbs. The best nut butter should be made of nuts, olive oil and salt, and nut flour should not have extra ingredients apart from the nuts.

Watch Your Portions All the Time

Nuts are tasty, and it is easy to eat large portions in one sitting. You need to measure the amount you eat all the time. A measuring cup comes in handy. You can take too many carbs thinking you are safe because the nuts carb content is below 5 grams, but they can quickly elevate your ideal carb allotment in a day.

Have a Variety

Apart from having several types of nuts to snack on, you should have other foods, including fruits, meats, and vegetables in variety. This not only ensures you get enough nutrients but always helps you avoid overeating nuts. Topping smoothies or salads with nuts make your food interesting. Nuts are a great way to spice your boring low-carb diet, but always remember moderation is essential.

Check for sensitivities

Nuts contain some ingredients which can affect your digestive system. One of the ingredients to avoid in nuts is phytic acids. It is found naturally in most nuts and if you get bloated after any nuts, you should avoid them all. What’s more, phytic acid can also affect the absorption of zinc, iron, and magnesium in the body.

The Bottom Line

Choose your nuts wisely, and you will enjoy your keto journey. Check out our keto fruit list to help you supplement these nuts effectively. They are delicious and can brighten your day and help curb your cravings for carb-rich foods.
Keto Articles of interest:
Can I Eat Salsa On Keto?
Restricting Intake Of Calories Using a Keto Diet
What Nuts Can You Eat on a Keto Diet?
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Tips For Keeping Yourself Active And Healthy When Moving

Let’s admit it – moving to a new home can disrupt your daily life. With relocation, you may be spending your days and nights preparing, organizing, and packing. And once you arrive in your new place, it’ll take a few weeks before you can fully unpack your belongings. Because of these things, chances are you may probably forget about eating healthy and keeping yourself active at all times.If-you’re-healthy-during-a-house-move-it’ll-make-the-whole-process-go-smoothly

Here are a few essential tips for staying active and healthy while moving to a new place.

  1. Eat HealthilyTips-For-Keeping-Yourself-Active-And-Healthy-When-Moving-Eating-Healthy-Foods

Keeping a healthy diet throughout the moving preparation can help you maintain a high energy level to handle physically demanding tasks, including the process of packing. In this case, eating healthy is extremely important. While you may not have sufficient time to cook healthy foods, be sure to stock up on foods like lean meats, hard-boiled eggs, dairy products, whole grain bread, and fruits and vegetables. Moreover, make a real effort not to skip meals. If possible, create a healthy meal plan to ensure you eat healthier and have the physical strength to survive the entire moving process.

  1. Drink Plenty Of Water Regularly

Aside from eating healthy, keeping your body hydrated is also a great way to stay active during a move. If you’re relocating in warmer months, your exposure to the excessive heat in the air can dehydrate you quickly. As a result, you may experience dizziness, headaches, increased thirst, and many more. To ensure a smooth house relocation, drink enough water to quench your thirst. Also, avoid excessive intake of carbonated drinks as they may only make you thirstier and later on, result in sugar crashes.

  1. De-Stress

It’s important to note that moving is a stressful process. With all the things that need to be done, the entire process will definitely stress you out. That said, you need to take care of yourself during the move. You can take advantage of some de-stressing techniques to keep yourself active and healthy. Find time to exercise, whether it’s playing a sport, yoga, or running. In addition, you can try deep breathing to lower your stress level.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

Again, moving home comes with a lot of stress, anxiety, and work. Hence, the most healthy way to survive all of these challenges is to sleep well. Waking up well-rested every morning can help you stay fit and active in the process. Even if the tasks are time-consuming, it’s best not to sacrifice your sleep just to make up for the work. Make sure you shouldn’t compromise your habitual sleeping pattern by organizing your time properly with the assistance of a moving checklist. Also, start your planning and preparation as early as possible and don’t hesitate to ask for help from friends or experts like moving companies NYC.

  1. Keep Safe Throughout The Move

Being healthy during a move also means taking good care of your safety. When relocating, there may be several situations which seem dangerous and risky. These may even lead to accidents and injuries if safety precautions aren’t observed. Below are the things you need to do to keep yourself safe throughout the transition:

  • Wear a comfortable pair of shoes – Prevent potential accidents by using shoes with adequate ankle protection and anti-slip soles. Under these circumstances, sports shoes can be a great option.
  • Use quality gloves – Moving heavy items will be safe if you wear gloves. They protect your hands from injuries while carrying bulky objects. So, choose the right work gloves that work best for you. These should be well-padded, sweat-resistant, and stretchable.
  • Follow proper lifting techniques – A miscalculated effort when moving items such as appliances and furniture can cause you some injuries. That’s why you should do everything to avoid getting yourself harmed when relocating to a new house.
  • Clear pathways from all sorts of debris – Don’t let yourself be in danger with all the obstacles around the area. Be sure nothing is scattered along your way to keep yourself active and healthy.
  1. Hire Movers To Help

If you can afford to hire movers, do it. Most long-distance moving companies offer services that can help you relocate without hassle. By having professionals on your side, you can make the process less stressful and tedious.  So, do yourself a big favor and give the burden to experts who happen to know everything about how you can ensure a safe and healthy move.


Follow the essential tips mentioned above so you can stay active and healthy while moving. If you’re healthy during a house move, it’ll make the whole process go smoothly. With renewed mental stamina and physical energy, you’ll be fully ready to overcome every challenge you have to go through.
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