Tips On Cleaning Your Hardwood Floors And Maintaining Its Beauty

Tips On Cleaning Your Hardwood Floors And Maintaining Its Beauty                                            Image Source

Hardwood floors are both beautiful and durable. They also need to be properly maintained, and this means knowing the right way to clean them. Everyone has a different method, many of which work well, even if they seem a little unorthodox. If you’re overwhelmed by the cleaning options and aren’t sure which will work best, here are some tips from a tile store Houston TX.

Make Sure To Pick Up All Of The Dirt

The very first thing to do when cleaning a hardwood floor is to sweep up any particles of dirt and debris that are lingering on them. These things can actually scratch the surface of the wood, causing it to dull over time. Ideally, you should run a vacuum over your hardwood floors every few days in order to pick up all of these little particles. Before you turn your vacuum on, ensure that it’s set for “hard surfaces” in order to be effective.

Don’t Let Spills Linger

It’s very easy to wipe spills off of your hardwood floor, so you really don’t have an excuse when it comes to this. Some things, such as mustard, pet urine, and even milk can remove the top coating of polish from your hardwoods. So, you need to be prepared. The second any liquid hits that floor, be ready with a paper towel or a microfiber cloth.

Use A Mop And Know All Of The Right Tricks

The mop is a simple invention that works great on hardwood floors. Make sure that the mop is damp, and not soaking wet, as that can cause some damage. There are also some tricks that you need to know to remove things like scuffs. If your floor has a few shoe scuffs, buff them out with a tennis ball.
Use A Mop And Know All Of The Right Tricks                                              Image Source

Use The Best Cleaning Solutions

There are so many cleaning solutions on the market that it makes people’s heads spin. For wood floors, make sure to pick on that has isopropyl alcohol in it. This makes the solution dry very fast.  Of course, you could always make your own solution from a gallon of warm water and a capful of white vinegar. This will take care of any remaining grime while leaving the overall finish alone.

What Not To Use

Do not, under any circumstances, use a steam cleaner on your hardwood floors. This device can damage the flooring! Also, any cleaning solutions that claim to add some polish or leave behind a shiny finish might be cleaning your floors, but they can actually make the dirt problem worse. The layers that these solutions leave behind can smudge, trap dirt and dust, and make more of a mess. Instead, stick with cleaners sold by the experts, such as tile store Houston TX.

Don’t Be Afraid To Have Your Floors Refinished

At a certain point, your hardwood floors will cease to be shiny, no matter how often they’re cleaned. This means that it’s time to have them refinished. This process involves sanding down the top layer and adding a new sealant. This should be done every ten years, or five if you have kids and pets.

Microfiber Cloths are a Popular Cleaning Aid
The Secret to Clean Hardwood Floors

Important Factors To Consider Before Purchasing a Doorbell

Getting the right doorbell can be quite a hassle. With so many products available in the market, it can be quite confusing to figure out the ideal doorbell for one’s home!

Picture this; homeowners walk into a store looking for a doorbell to replace the last one that got vandalized. The first thing that greets them is the hundreds of styles available, not to mention the dozens of companies advertising that they offer the best wireless doorbell in the market.

If that’s not enough, each doorbell has a unique price promising XYZ features. Wouldn’t the homeowners have a hard time deciding what suits them best?

Knowing the Basic Tech

Perhaps the first place they should start is by knowing the basic meaning of a wireless doorbell. In technical terms, a wireless doorbell is a device that uses RF (Radio Frequency). When the transmitter button is pressed, it sends one or more signals to the receiver, which then plays a given sound or rings. Normally, wireless doorbells have a sound bandwidth of between 300MHz to 500MHz.

Keeping this in mind, here are a few factors one should consider before purchasing a quality wireless doorbell. Plus don’t forget to read the review of a doorbell before purchasing it!


A majority, if not all, manufacturers have a range for each of their devices and normally quote them. For the cheaper doorbells, the range can be as little as 100 feet. However, for the premium high-end models, the range can be between 300 to 600 feet.

Moreover, manufactures will explain to the customer that the range will be accurate when the device is under ideal conditions. What this means is that without any barriers present, then the signal will not be interfered with. That’s because RF signals are propagated in straight lines. Objects such as brick walls might absorb some of these signals.

Volume and chimes

Honestly speaking, nothing irritates more than having a doorbell chime that is annoying and puts one in a bad mood instantly.

Of course, it’s quite difficult to know what sounds you don’t like without hearing them first and then deciding to purchase. Thankfully, most manufacturers of wireless doorbells normally offer at least a dozen chimes for their consumers to checkout; before deciding the most ideal one.

Then there is another important factor; volume; especially if the homeowner happens to have a mild hearing complication.

Fortunately, most wireless doorbells have adjustable volume and also come with decibel ratings mentioned in the packaging.


Lighting is also another vital factor. In fact, illuminated bells are helpful if one happens to be approaching the door while in the dark. There are also some wireless doorbells that happen to have motion sensors, making it possible for one to control an external light. That’s pretty great if the homeowner is approaching the house; as well as seeing who could be outside so late at night.


Cheap wireless doorbells normally have a simple setup. That is, one receiver, as well as a single bell push. High-end wireless doorbells, on the other hand, can come equipped with multiple bell pushes with varying chimes to let one know which door a visitor is coming from.

Hence if one plans to upgrade from their previous doorbell, they should definitely consider the aforementioned factors before making a conscious, well-budgeted, decision.

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What to Do After the Storm

Major storms can cause terrible damage to properties that are in the storm’s destructive path. Homes or businesses on these affected properties can suffer incredible damage that will be costly to repair. Even buildings that suffer minimal damage can end up costing a lot when the repairs are fully completed. The types of property damage commonly seen following a massive storm include wind and water damage, downed trees, extensive flooding, unsafe buildings and more. Tornadoes and hurricanes boast high speed winds that are often accompanied by widespread rainfalls also. To ensure the safety of your storm ravaged property, call in a storm damage professional able to handle the aftermath of significant storms. What to Do After the Storm

How a property is cleaned up following a damaging storm is directly associated with the amount of property loss. Many homeowners try to rapidly scrub down affected furniture, walls and other items. If this is not performed correctly, these attempts at property restoration can often cause further damage. Storm restoration companies have the industrial strength equipment necessary for safe property restoration efforts. If water is a major concern, these experts can bring in powerful water extraction machines capable of extracting water from the area quickly and safely.

It is important to first determine the extent of any property damage before clean up efforts ensue. This includes inspecting the property for any dangers often seen after a storm of significant magnitude. Sometimes live power lines are brought down, and if this situation is not immediately controlled, individuals on the property will be at grave risk for harm. Hiring professional clean up contractors can ensure the safety of anyone on the damaged property. If a home or business owner notices these lines down, they should keep everyone away from the area. Then, the power company should be immediately notified.

Flooding that often occurs due to big storms can be a real threat to nearby property. If the flood waters seep into a basement, attic or lower floor level, extensive water damage could be the result. A team trained in flood damage control can bring in specific water pumps and other equipment to quickly and safely remove the water. If widespread area flooding has caused people to evacuate, the property could develop harmful mold damage in addition to the initial storm damages. Having a reliable storm damage specialist on speed dial can lower overall damage.
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Inspiring Ideas for Running an Efficient Household

….As a homeowner, it is vital that you take your responsibilities seriously. You need to do everything in your power to turn your property into a space that you are truly proud to call your own. Efficiency is key and should be placed at the top of your priorities. This will help you to reduce your stress levels, manage your living space, and enjoy your daily life. If you are the furthest thing from the perfect homeowner, now is the time to make a change for the better. Don’t worry, running an efficient household doesn’t have to be a complicated process. You simply need to assess each individual area of your home and take the journey one step at a time. Below are six suggestions that will help you to do this.

Reorganize your kitchen space

If you are going to stay on top of your kitchen space, it is important that you start with a big clear out. Otherwise, you will find yourself rearranging the same old items. Why not set yourself the challenge of clearing out your kitchen in the next few weeks? You could make meals out of your old ingredients and slowly get rid of the utensils that you simply don’t need. Once you have got back to the basics, you should wipe down all of your cupboards and surfaces. You should also defrost your freezer and clean out your fridge. Then, you can get to work filling your space back up. Instead of working at random, you should assign a purpose to each area. Perhaps you could have one cupboard for dried goods, one shelf for all of your herbs and spices, and two fridge drawers for your fruit and veg. You could even go all out and invest in a label maker or a wide range of storage containers. The more organized you can be the better. It will be so much easier for you to work out when your supplies are running low. You will also be able to avoid stocking up on items that you already own.

Rework your bathrooms

Next, you will need to get to work organizing your bathrooms. This is an especially important step to take if you are in charge of a large household. If there is always a fight to use the family bathroom, you should consider setting up a rota. This will prevent any arguments from breaking out. In addition to this, you should find somewhere in your home for backup supplies. Whilst you can nip to the store if you run out of eggs and milk, it will be a lot harder to cope if you suddenly run out of toilet paper or toothpaste. Therefore, you and your family will benefit from having spares stored around your house. You should also make room in your bathroom for a medicine cupboard. This should be a sterile space that holds all of your family’s essential items. Whether it’s generic items such as bandages and gauze or prescribed medications for specific family members, this is one area of your household that needs to be run efficiently. That is why you should carry out a stock check at the end of every month. You should also make use of Canada pharmacies online shopping, as this is a quick and easy way for you to ensure you always have the necessary supplies. Finally, you should install a lock on your medicine cupboard, to reduce the risk of family members getting their hands on inappropriate medical equipment.

Organize your bathroom for less with these dollar store bathroom organization ideas.
Organize your bathroom for less with these dollar store bathroom organization ideas.

Take control of your home entertainment

Another great tip for running an efficient household is to take control of your home entertainment. Your home should be a space where you and your loved ones can relax and have fun. However, this should never be at the expense of your environment. Having fun at home shouldn’t result in a lot of mess, clutter, or chaos. Instead, you should have set spaces for all of your activities. For instance, you could have a play room where your children or grandchildren can let loose. You could also have an adult sitting room that will provide the older members of your family with somewhere to escape to. In this digital age, it is also likely that you rely heavily on technology for your entertainment. If this is the case, you will need to keep a close eye on your gadgets. Whatever you do, don’t allow wires and cables to take over your house. Why not have your television and DVD player fitted into your wall? You could also have a surround sound system installed, so that you don’t have to lay out speakers or carry a radio player around your property. Lastly, you could save on a lot of space by purchasing a folder for all of your disks. This will allow you to get rid of their cases and streamline your collection into one small binder.

Reevaluate your workspace

If you are the proud owner of a home office, this is yet another space that you need to take control of. Although it might be tempting to fill up all of your shelves, drawers, and cupboards, it is a good idea to adopt a minimalist approach. This will help you to find things when you are in a rush. It will also stop you from becoming overwhelmed by the work that you need to get done. If you are already stressed out, the last thing you want is to be surrounded by piles of paper and stacks of unorganized books. In order to maintain an effectively run study space, you will need to categorize all of your possessions. You will need folders for your household information, folders for your work documents, and folders for your upcoming projects. It is also important that you have a comprehensive stationary cupboard, saved copies of your digital data, and access to the latest technology. If you have the time, you could also rearrange your book shelves so that they are easier to navigate. As soon as you have made these changes, you are likely to see an improvement to the amount of work that you get done each day. You may also notice that your stress levels are reduced, and your outlook has improved significantly. Reevaluate your work space

Update your bedrooms

Once you have finished organizing your communal areas, you will need to move onto your bedrooms. If you are eager to speed up the process, you will have to get all of your loved ones involved. Why not set your family the challenge of clearing out each room in time for a yard sale? You could even promise them a share of the profits in return for their hard work. The next step will be to reintroduce their remaining possessions and pieces of furniture. Whatever you do, don’t just return to old habits. Take the time to reevaluate the layout of each room. You could even use this as an opportunity to update your interior design scheme. After all, it will be much easier for you to decorate the rooms if they are stripped back to a blank canvas. Along with your bedrooms, you should also encourage your loved ones to assess their closets. Reorganizing their wardrobes will help them to maintain a tidy bedroom. It will also prevent them from holding onto garments that could have been thrown away years ago or donated to a charitable cause. Rework Your Bedroom

Make the most of your outside space

In addition to taking control of your inside space, you should also take a close look at your outside area. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to ensure all of your possessions aren’t kept indoors. Why fill up your home with unnecessary clutter, when there might be a way for you to move certain items outside? If you are blessed with a large back yard, you should seriously consider investing in a shed. This will be the perfect place for you to keep all of your gardening equipment, your seasonal decorations, and your outside entertainment. Alternatively, if your home comes with its own garage, you should be on the look out for opportunities to improve your storage. Perhaps you could attach large shelving units to your walls. Or, maybe you could install a loft hatch and send up large boxes of items that need to be put away. You could even start parking one or more of your cars at the front of your property. Then, you could dedicate your entire garage to the storage of your possessions. If you decide to do this, just make sure that you really need all of the storage you are creating. You don’t want to be giving up vital living space if you don’t have to. One of the best ways for you to avoid this is by adopting a one in one out policy. You could also challenge yourself to clear out at least one box of items every month.

3 Ways to Organize Your Home with Wall Units
Ideas For Getting Your Bathroom Organized

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