What Are The Signs of Adrenal Fatigue?


The internet is a fantastic place where you can find out virtually any piece of information you need to know.  In fact it is difficult to ascertain the size of the web and the knowledge it contains!

This can actually make it more difficult to access the information you need! You’ll know the issue. You feel a little under the weather so you type your symptoms into the web and suddenly you have every illness known to exist!

This is why it is important to be able to access the specific facts regarding adrenal fatigue; you can tell for certain if this is an issue that affects you. Of course you should visit your medical professional to confirm the diagnosis.

What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

Your adrenal glands are located just above your kidneys and they release adrenal hormones into your body; when the brain tells them to.

The main adrenal hormone is cortisol. This is the stress hormone. It is released every time you are in a stressful situation.

In the past this allowed your body to prepare to fight or run away, a survival technique. Unfortunately, your body is unable to tell the difference between life and death scenarios and a stressful meeting.

This means that your body is often swamped with cortisol which actually blocks other processes from working properly.

Adrenal Fatigue is when your body is no longer able to keep up with the production of adrenal hormones. In effect the adrenal glands have been burnt out.

The Symptoms

When your adrenal glands start to burn out there are a number of symptoms:

  • Struggling To Get Up In The Morning

It doesn’t matter if you have slept really well for a long time; you’ll wake up feeling foggy and tired. This can be because your cortisol level is low, reducing your blood sugar and depriving you of energy.

  • Fatigue Throughout The Day

The depletion of your adrenal glands means that you are low on cortisol and blood sugar throughout the day. This translates as tiredness. You may also experience headaches as you attempt to concentrate.

  • Reliance on Caffeine

The tiredness you feel throughout the day will start to show as a dependence on caffeine or other, similar substances.

  • Craving Salty Food

Your adrenal glands produce a substance called mineralocorticoid which helps to regulate fluid excretion. When your adrenal glands are not working properly then you’ll urinate more often and remove important nutrients from your body; such as potassium and magnesium.

The result is your body will crave salty foods to replenish these minerals.

  • Energy Boost In The Evening

Instead of your body slowly winding down you’ll suddenly feel a boost of energy in the evening. This is because your cortisol levels are fluctuating wildly.

  • Poor Immune System

Cortisol does not just deal with stress. It also helps to prevent inflammation in your body. When your adrenals are depleted you won’t have this safeguard and you are likely to be ill more frequently.

You’ll especially notice an increase in respiratory issues.

  • Unable To Deal With Stress

Once you’ve depleted your adrenal glands you won’t have any cortisol being produced to help you deal with stressful situations.

Without cortisol you are likely to feel unable to deal with the issue and either ignore it, suffer from anxiety or become extremely irritable.

Fortunately you can get help with adrenal fatigue. While there are some natural remedies, it is important to speak to a medical professional.


4 Ways To Reduce The Signs Of Aging

4 Ways To Reduce The Signs Of Aging

We all get older, of course, but that doesn’t mean that we all have to enjoy the process – or what it does to our skin. There are ways, however, to age gracefully, and to keep our youthful appearance for as long as possible, despite the passage of years. Here are some great ways to stay looking young and to reduce the signs of aging.

Take Care In The Sun

It’s crucial that you protect your skin from the sun as much as possible if you want to stay looking youthful. Not only will the sun cause premature aging, but it can also be the cause of skin cancer, so you can see why you should always be careful. Make sure you use sunscreen every time you go outside, even when the sun doesn’t seem so hot – a hazy day can cause just as much damage as one full of bright sunshine.

Ideally, you will want to use a broad spectrum sunscreen that protects you from both UVA and UVB rays from the sun, and look at using SPF 15 or (better still) higher. To add to your protection, remember to wear a hat and sunglasses on hot days.

Get Enough Sleep

When we sleep our bodies have the chance to repair themselves – every cell, including the skin, rejuvenates overnight. ‘Beauty sleep’ actually has a basis in fact because the better quality sleep you get (ideally for seven or eight hours a night), the better your skin will look, so you’ll appear much more youthful.

Always getting a good night’s sleep (or at least as much of the time as possible; we all have late nights from time to time) will also reduce the risk of developing conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, so it’s important for many different reasons.

Quit Smoking

Smoking speeds up the aging process; you can’t help but notice how smokers will often have many more lines on their faces (especially around the lips) than non-smokers do. It’s the nicotine that is the main problem, as this reduces the amount of oxygen that can get to the skin (and other cells). When your skin is starved of oxygen, the collagen breaks down and that reduces the elasticity, leading directly to wrinkles. Lack of oxygen also causes the skin to look dull and unhealthy.

If you’re a smoker, you’ll know it’s hard to give up, but you’ll also know how important it is for your overall health and to keep you from aging before your time. To reduce the effects of wrinkles and fine lines, turn to tobacco E juice as an alternative.

Lower Your Stress Levels

When we’re stressed, our bodies release hormones and chemicals – it’s to put us into fight or flight mode which in some cases is extremely useful. However, chronic stress when we are permanently in that mode and our bodies are flooded with hormones and chemicals can have a detrimental effect on our health, including how our skin looks.

Too much stress compromises the skin cells making them difficult to repair themselves. Again, this leads to wrinkles and unhealthy looking skin.

6 Ways to Repair Aging Skin
Everything You Need to Know About The Latest Anti-Aging Treatments
The Power of Antioxidants for Staying Young

6 Ways to Distress Through Meditation and Exercise

If you feel like stress always has you running around in circles, it’s time to say goodbye to the sources of your stress. Stress shouldn’t control your life. You can make simple changes today that have a large impact on your future.

Most adults face stress on a daily basis, whether it’s related to relationships, fears, workload, or finances. If your life situations keep you awake at night, it’s time to make some changes. The list below contains our six favorite tips for de-stressing fast.



Everyone needs a way to relax. For you, relaxing might involve a walk through the woods, having a cup of tea, or doing yoga. Try to avoid using passive relaxation activities, such as watching TV, as your source of de-stressing. More active relaxation methods, such as meditation, work better. Also, if you use bad habits like smoking to distress, consider switching to vapes and look for cheap ejuice, for a safer and more cost-effective way to unwind.

Lighten Your Workload

The less you have to worry about, the less you’ll worry. If you work too many hours or work more than one job, your workload may cause you stress. Whenever you can, lighten your load. A job that gives you stomach ulcers isn’t worth it. Let go of work stress and cut back on excess hours.

Talk it Out

Whatever your source of stress, you can relieve it when you talk to friends. Bring your worries and woes to an empathetic ear, and offer the same gift to your friend, as well. Talking about your problems helps you feel less stressed since it removes some of those bottled up feelings.

Fix Your Finances

If your money situation stresses you, take serious steps to change it. Invest in your future with an RSI trading strategy, and start saving for retirement. If you’re in debt, cut back on your standard of living, and work hard on paying off your debt. Debt calls for serious life changes; don’t be afraid to make them.


Meditation is a time-honored tradition and a wonderful way to relax. You might not be much for “hippie” solutions, but that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from meditation. Easy ways to meditate include either focusing on your breathing or staring at your closed eyelids. When you concentrate on a single thing, your body calms. Meditation provides health benefits, so it’s worth investigating.

Get Better Rest

A good night’s sleep may stand in the way of your calm. Likewise, your stress stands between you and a good night’s sleep. If you need to banish restless nights for good, become more intentional about your rest. Get better sleep by replacing old, uncomfortable bedding, cutting out blue light, or using any of these de-stressing methods. The less stressed you are, the better you’ll sleep; the better you sleep, the less stressed you’ll be.

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An Aesthetic Practice: The Essentials

If you own a cosmetic surgery practice, then you know that an upfront business model is everything. A single unethical move and your business’ reputation could be ruined for life. It’s important to inspire customer trust every day, and to keep every business practice above-board. Your aesthetic practice should employ only the most confidence-creating tactics, to ensure that you stay trusted and in good standing as long as you’re in business. Without further ado, here are essential practices for your aesthetic clinic. An Aesthetic Practice: The Essentials

Start Simple

If your cosmetic practice is brand new, then you’ll want to focus on the most basic surgeries first. Many cosmetic procedures can be deeply complex, and while you’ll eventually acquire the skills, you should gain popularity and experience with simple procedures first. Don’t be afraid to build up gradually to the practice you want.

Train Fully

Before opening your cosmetic practice, you likely underwent both an education as a cosmetic surgeon, and some time understudying the job. It’s important that any new staff members also undergo the proper training, according to the tasks they’ll be performing. Every member of your staff should be properly trained, and you shouldn’t be the only member of your team equipped to perform surgery.


Your location will both inspire confidence and help recruit a customer base. You should choose a location for your practice that’s easily accessible and located in an affluent part of town. The surrounding buildings and lawns should look beautiful and professional. In your practice, you know that image counts, so make the image of your cosmetic practice a good one.

Test Your Equipment

All of your equipment should be properly insured in case of breakdowns or failures to operate. Before performing a patient procedure with any new equipment, you should perform tests to ensure that your equipment is working properly. If you want to save money on equipment and still provide top quality care, you can purchase used cosmetic lasers. They retail at a much lower rate, and are often just as reliable.

Always Take Photos
Every patient will want to see a before and after photo. It can be hard for them to really see the difference unless their healed face is placed side by side with their previous look. A before and after photo can get a customer excited about the quality of work you performed, and you can even display your best transformations, with customer permission, in the lobby.

Keep Careful Records

Every patient’s history should be recorded. You should be able to pull out a detailed history of the procedures they underwent, and what options were discussed before and after surgery. You can have a patient fill out their personal information at the clinic, or you can offer them the chance to do so online. It’s important to have a patient’s information for every step of their journey.

Cosmetic surgery is a wonderful chance for patients to feel better about themselves. It’s no secret that being attractive can help you get hired, and anyone in the performance industry needs to pay special care to their looks. Making customers feel confident is an important part of what you do.


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