Successful Indoor Outdoor Gardening Guide for Absolute Beginners

Learn how to grow plants indoors with tips and guidelines. Growing one tomato plant outdoors would produce up to 10 pounds fresh tomatoes, but in small pots you can grow herbs for cooking, there is nothing better than fresh. 

 So, your last experience with indoor gardening concluded after trying to grow basil on the windowsill of your kitchen, which ended tragically for your plant? Herbs-that-will-grow-indoors-basil-rosemary-thyme-parsley-oregano Don’t feel frustrated, you can learn how to look after plants at home pretty easily if you follow several important guidelines and with some basic knowledge about indoor gardening.

Why bother starting an indoor garden in the first place?

 Everyone-Can-Be-a-Successful-Indoor-GardenerThere are so many reasons for adding plants to your home décor. First and foremost, home plants will add beauty to your home and are actually pretty easy to grow and look after. They also keep the air indoors fresh, they give off oxygen at night, so this is a plus.

Also, you can grow your own clean and luscious and fresh herbs which you will take pride upon and can add to your meals. Trust, me you will feel great every time you add a few of those green basil leaves to your homemade pasta. This will also help you save money for buying herbs from the store too.

Speaking of which, remember last time you bought tomatoes and the price tag on them? By planting a single tomato plant in your home garden you can grow about 10 pounds of fruit per season. Imagine the savings you will be making if you plant more veggies at home.

What are the basic guidelines to follow in order to successfully start up your own indoor garden?

Here are the basic rules to follow if you want to successfully plant and grow your own herbs and plants indoors.

Choose suitable containers

Remember that the size of the pot or another container you choose will affect the growth and size of your plant later on. Avoid using tiny pots for planting herbs and edible plants. The tight space will constrict the growth of the roots and thus will hinder the development of your plant.

As a rule of the thumb, choose a container which is at least 6 inches wide and 6 inches deep. In case you want to use your windowsill, you can choose a deeper but narrower container which fits the space you have allotted for your plants. Note about plain terracotta pots are porus and plant will need more watering, but a painted pot would be a better choice. You can even plant several different plants in a larger or longer container to add to the variety and save space.

Always make sure that the container of your choice has at least one drainage hole on the bottom. This will allow for the water to flow freely through the soil instead of getting stuck inside the pot, drenching the soil and possibly damaging and even killing the roots, in other words, drowning the roots.

In case you don’t have a good spot in your house you can consider grow tents for your plants.

Rejuvenate soil in your indoor-outdoor containers for plantsReplacing-the-soil-in-flower-pots-before-new-plant

In order to keep your indoor garden blooming and producing food year after year, remember to repot your plant every year. The reason is that most soil mixes are peat-based, and they tend to decompose and compress over time. This can cause problems with the proper drainage of the water, as well as the build-up of salts which can lead to less space for the plant to grow, slowing down of the growth, stress and even death of your home plants.

You can add some perlite to peat based bagged soils in order to improve the aeration necessary for the proper growth of the plants.

Also, remember to flush out the soil at least once a month. You can do that under the faucet or outdoors. By flushing the soil in the pot with water you will wash away any salts which have built up from the tap water deposits and the fertilizers. Note about water: If you live in a hard water area you might consider using a cheap bottle spring water, I’ve found the plants do better for me.

It is a good idea to insert wicks in the drainage holes of your pots which will help wick away any excess water and reduce the risk of the roots rotting. This can be something as simple as yarn.

If you are determined to do your best for your home garden, you may want to mix your own potting soil or rejuvenate old potting soil. You can use perlite, coconut coir, composted bark, pumice, peat, vermiculite or other additives like a time release amendment to improve the soil at home. Rejuvenating soil in pots will almost guarantee good results for your newly potted plants.  All amendments can be found at your garden center, if you need help just ask.

Ensure that your indoor garden gets sufficient light

Light is essential for the growth of plants, and edible plants, in particular, love a lot of light. So, choose a spot where your plants will get at least 12 hours of direct light if you want them to grow strong and healthy.

For places with limited light, you can choose some easy to grow plants which are not so pretentious about the lighting such as basil, mint, scallions or arugula. They will grow in limited lighting conditions pretty well.

If necessary, you can use grow lights to mimic the sun or another type of artificial lighting to ensure the light needed by your plants at home.

Water the indoor garden in moderation 

The most common mistake which novice home gardeners make is over-watering their plants.  More does not mean better when it comes to watering plants. In order to avoid making this rookie mistake get into the habit of checking how dry the soil in the pot is. Insert your finger in it at about an inch and a half and if the soil is soggy and drenched then abstain from watering the plant and if necessary try to drain out the excess water. In case the soil is dry, it is time to water the plants. After watering your garden, the soil should feel nice and damp.

On the other hand, pouring too little water in the pots and containers can also hinder the growth of your garden plants. Make sure you add enough water so that it starts seeping out of the drainage holes. Shallow watering can lead to shallow root development which results in the growth of smaller and weaker plants. If you have a deep sink or pot you can submerse your plant once a week, be sure to drain before placing back in its favorite spot.

There is no strict schedule or rule for watering the plants. Check the soil and also keep the season and weather conditions in mind as well. In the summer, when the sun is bright and hot, your plants will need more water, as it will evaporate much quicker than in the colder days and seasons.

The best time to water the plants in the summer season is before sunrise, or at least before noon when the sun is high. This will help prevent the water from evaporating too quickly and leaving the soil dry.

Choose the right plants for your indoor garden

Chosing-the-right-container-for-new-plantsBest Plants to grow at home
Some of the best edible plants to grow at home are also the healthiest and tastiest ones and less expensive than purchasing those small packages of herbs. You can grow  garlic greens, scallions, microgreens, mushrooms, salad greens, tomatoes, chives, cilantro, ginger, and all kinds of aromatic herbs such as mint, basil or rosemary. 

Not only will you be saving money and producing the healthy and organic food you want to feed your family, but with a home garden you will find a hobby which grows pretty quickly on you, so pretty soon you will be enjoying watching your plants grow and picking the fruits of your labor to use in your cooking.

So, good luck with your indoor gardening, and remember that apart from light, water and nutrients, plants need a lot of love too, so give them your love and they will pay you back with fresh delicious fruits and veggies. And if you have a question I would be glad to help. 

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Low Maintenance Yet Beautiful Gardens
What Makes a Good Garden?

7 Things to Look Out for When Looking at High Schools for Your Children

How-Choosing-The-High-School-For-Entering-The-Next-Phase-of-Their-Careers.We often don’t realize just how important high school is and what a big effect the high school your child goes to has on their life going forward. Many people view college as the start of their children’s future, but the truth is that planning for your child’s future starts earlier than that – it starts in high school.

The type of high school your child goes to may impact what they want to do with their lives, as well as teach them certain methods of learning, which can put them at either an advantage or a disadvantage later in their life, depending on the quality of teaching. So, you can surely see how important choosing the right high school for your child is. However, this can be a tough thing to do with so many options. We’ll be guiding you through a few of the important things to look out for and take into consideration, and hopefully, this will aid your decision.

College preparation

Your child may or may not want to go to college after high school, but it’s a good idea to at least prepare them for college, in case it is a route they want to follow. While you as a parent will do your best to guide them, you may not always know how to do that. Since most students join college directly after leaving high school, they must learn certain things throughout their high school career to help them as they enter the next phase of their lives, and to make the transition smoother. So, if any high schools around you offer college prep, or college counseling, like this Sandy high school, it may be worth your time to have a more in-depth look at it.

The pass-rate

When it comes to a school, the main focus should be on academics. While balance is important, schools exist to teach children the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare them either for higher education or for the “grown-up world”. So, having a glance at a school’s pass-rate should give you an idea of how well they’re doing at that job. If a lot of students fail every year, that school is likely doing something wrong. You can also look at more in-depth statistics, such as how many students each year get accepted into colleges.


Sports have been proven to do wonders for a child’s development, and that doesn’t end once they reach high school. Sport should especially be a priority if your child is very interested in a particular type of sport. Doing sports throughout high school is a great way of keeping your child healthy, while also teaching them important social skills and how to work in a team.

Extra-curricular activities

After having a look at the academic side of things, most parents move onto sports. And while sports can play a very important role in a child’s high school career, it’s not the only thing that matters. If possible, try to pick a high school that offers a wide variety of extra-curricular activities – sports and otherwise. This will give your child many options to try new things until they find something they enjoy, and it will also teach them to balance various aspects of their life. Not to mention the fact that being able to list more than one extra-curricular activity will look great on a college application or CV. Many people make the mistake of thinking that sport is the only after-school activity that benefits children, but the truth is that music provides benefits that sport doesn’t.

Class sizes

In the past few years, there has been a lot of debate about what the ideal class size is. Here’s what we think: it depends on each child. Of course, you don’t want your child to be in a class with too many students – they won’t get enough individual attention. Nor do you want them to be in a class with too few students, as they may not grow socially. But when it comes down to the size of the class or school, you need to consider what’s best for your child. If your child is a social child who thrives off of stimulation, being in a big class may be good for them. On the other hand, certain children may feel overwhelmed if they’re constantly surrounded by people. If you’re unsure, ask your child directly. If they’re going to high school, they should be old enough to have a say in it.


Most schools offer basic subjects, but a few schools may offer subjects that other high schools don’t have. If your child is particularly interested in a certain field – whether that is music or science – it may be worth it to look into schools that offer more in-depth subjects in those fields. Your child will still be getting a well-rounded education, but it may be more tailored to their specific skill set. For example, some children may flourish in a more technical environment, while others need to be in a school that focuses on the arts to reach their full potential. No matter what you choose, make sure that your child still has various options in terms of subjects they can take.

Financial aid

Of course, one of the first things to look at when evaluating possible high schools for your child is the costs. This will help you to eliminate options that may be out of your budget. However, if a school looks promising but you can’t afford it, you don’t necessarily need to give up. If your child is particularly gifted – be that academically, culturally, or in a sports-related field – you may be able to get some help with covering their fees. Many high schools offer scholarships or bursaries for students who have proven themselves to excel in certain things that the school may value. If your child meets the minimum requirements for the bursary or scholarships, you could apply for it. just be sure to have a back-up high school that you can afford if they don’t get it.
Every Parent’s Option For Their Child’s School And Education

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5 Looks for Female Entrepreneurs Who Don’t Want to Wear Heels

 5-Looks-for-Female-Entrepreneurs-Who-Dont-Want-to-Wear-HeelsApart from knowledge and professional expertise, a female entrepreneur is always expected to have an impeccable fashion style as well, which often puts women under a lot of pressure. However, the good news is that the fashion industry is all about comfort these days, which is why top designers and brands mix elegance with sporty vibes in their collections. If that’s exactly what you’re looking for, you’re definitely at the right place!

Here are five amazing looks for female entrepreneurs who don’t want to wear heels, so check them out and enjoy!

Don’t be afraid to reach for your hoodie Dont-be-afraid-to-reach-for-your-hoodie

Yes, we know that it seems a bit silly, but you know what? This year’s fashion trends are all about feeling comfy yet super confident in the clothes you’re wearing, which is why a hoodie found its rightful place on our list! In fact, hoodies are everything you need – they’re warm, comfortable, and stylish at the same time, and the good news is that they aren’t reserved just for the lazy days. All you need to do is to match your favorite black cropped hoodie with a pair of sleek trousers (bonus points if they’re silky), and pointed-toe flats. This is a match made in heaven because the polished look of your trousers will balance out the relaxed vibe of your hoodie. A cool designer bag that matches your flats is the only missing piece, so get it right now and rock your fabulous combo!

Dress up your jeans like a true fashionista Dress-up-your-jeans-like-a-true-fashionista.

No matter what people are talking about, the only truth is that a good pair of jeans will never go out of style – even when it comes to the business environment! In case you didn’t know, having style doesn’t have to mean heels and dresses exclusively – it’s all about matching the unmatchable and making comfort your top priority, which is why preferred styles shifted towards the iconic jeans. For example, a cool pair of boyfriend jeans is a true wardrobe staple, so don’t be afraid to play around and match these with the controversial ugly sneakers everyone’s been raving about these days. These are a massive hit in the industry, and the fact that they’re so comfy makes them even more wanted. An ordinary V-neck T-shirt or a plain black turtleneck will be more than enough to complete this combo. So, if you’re up for a simple yet effective outfit, this is the one you should go for!

Transform your couch sweats into going-out pantsTransform-your-couch-sweats-into-going-out-pants

Speaking of comfort, we mustn’t skip the athleisure trend which is still going strong today. Of course, we aren’t saying that wearing yoga pants in the business environment is desirable. We can all agree that this may be a bit too much, but guess what? Your couch sweats can be easily transformed into going-out pants, but remember that the entire combo depends on the top you’ll choose. So, if you want to create a perfect balance between chic and casual, all you have to do is to pick an elegant loose-fitting button-down and pair it with your fave sweat pants. As simple as that! As for your footwear, a pair of ordinary white sneakers will do the trick and provide an extra dose of comfort, which is what every female entrepreneur needs in her life!

Half-tucked loose-fitting shirt to the rescueHalf-tucked-loose-fitting-shirt-to-the-rescue.

As mentioned above, loose-fitting shirts are an excellent addition to any casual combo, and we can freely say that these can save the day whenever you’re in a rush and have no time to think about your clothing combos. First of all, you can match such a shirt with the aforementioned boyfriend jeans and a pair of leather flats for a simple yet effective everyday outfit. On the other hand, if you’re looking for something even comfier yet much more attention-grabbing, you should probably opt for a colorful pair of silky wide-leg pants (aka pajama pants). Trust us when we say that you’ll absolutely adore this combo, and you know what? It’s quite eye-catching at the same time, so you won’t remain unnoticed wherever you show up!

A simple maxi dress is a real game-changerA-simple-maxi-dress-is-a-real-game-changer.j

Last but certainly not least, a maxi dress is another wardrobe staple every female entrepreneur should have in her wardrobe, and you are no exception. Truth be told, this garment is everything you can ask for in terms of both comfort and coverage, so give it a try if you already haven’t and you’ll see what we were talking about. As for prints, floral ones are always a good idea, but you won’t make a mistake even if you pick a monochromatic one. A cute, thin belt will emphasize your waist and enhance your figure, whereas knee-high leather gladiator sandals will allow you to feel super stylish yet so powerful at the same time. If you ask us, that’s exactly what every business lady should look for!

As you can tell, each of these five looks is beyond perfect for every female entrepreneur who doesn’t want to wear heels on a daily basis. You won’t make a mistake whichever you choose because these are super trendy yet so comfortable, so pick one according to your preferences and wear it today!
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A New Wallet For Your Wardrobe

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Despite the direct purpose of a billfold, the storage of money, everyone agrees that a women’s wallet is also a stylish accessory and an important addition to your image. Usually, wallets serve their owners for many years, but only if they know how to spot a really good option. Here are some nuances you should keep in mind when choosing a women’s wallet.

  1. Material.

Since a wallet is used all the time, you should pay attention to the material it is made from. It’s better to opt for a billfold crafted of genuine leather. Such an item will serve you for many years and will not lose its attractiveness with time. Before buying, be sure to check how buttons, zippers, and clasps work. They should not seize up or be difficult to use. Also, examine the seams carefully. Straight lines without protruding threads or loops guarantee that a product will last a lifetime.

Today, women’s wallets made from exotic animal skins are one of the most popular items. Their popularity is explained by appealing appearance and durability. Here are some reasons to buy a pocketbook crafted from a skin of a reptile, snake or stingray:

    • An exotic skin women’s wallet passes a test of time with flying colors. It is wear and tear resistant as well as waterproof. Real leather is very elastic, soft, and it does not require special care. Thanks to incredible durability, such an accessory, even bought a long time ago, will remain chic and attractive.
    • Beauty and uniqueness. A variety of products and a wide selection of options allow you to buy an exotic leather wallet of any size, shape, and color. With the help of modern technologies, leather is dyed in any color while preserving the quality of the material. Real leather has a natural pattern appealing for everybody. Moreover, each pelt is one of a kind so patterns are never repeated. You can become an owner of a unique product!
  • Prestige and respectability. Wallets made of crocodile, ostrich, python or stingray skin are prestigious accessories that have always been considered a standard of luxury. Such an accessory will not stay unnoticed. It is also capable of making the right impression. If you are a business person who often visits meetings and negotiations, you need to radiate confidence and demonstrate success. In this case, you can’t do without expensive and status accessories.

    Functional wallet for the minimalist
    Source Pinterest
  1. Functionality.

First of all, a wallet should be very functional, roomy, and easy to use. It ought to have a bill compartment, pockets to keep credit cards, driver’s licenses and other necessary items. The selection of a proper model really depends on your need to carry all these things with you. Therefore, you can opt for a compact wallet, a large pocketbook or a clutch bag.

  1. Color.

When picking up a color, it is best to consider your mood and feelings to a particular tone. Also, each color has a specific meaning that you should be aware of.

Black color corresponds to the water element. Water is responsible for wealth and prosperity. Black is traditionally considered the best color choice for a wallet.

White, gray, silver, and gold are the colors of stability and consistency. They will help to improve your finances. Gold is almost always associated with luxury and wealth. It is capable of drawing money into your purse.

The shades of green represent growth and development. A green wallet also aids with finances. Another reason green is often chosen for a billfold is that it is the color of the American dollar.

Yellow or brown colors are associated with the element of the Earth. They will add stability, reliability, and confidence so that your wealth could increase in the future.

Summing up, a good women’s wallet should be made of natural leather, be roomy, quality crafted, and feature a money-drawing color. Now you know how to pick up a great billfold!

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